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標題 Marko: Mercedes F1 push for FIA help on porpoising has "backfired" Red Bull motorsport advisor Helmut Marko believes Mercedes’ lobbying of the FIA to help cure porpoising in Formula 1 has "backfired". 作者: Jonathan Noble Co-author: Ronald Vording In the wake of a push from a number of drivers, including Mercedes duo George Russell and Lewis Hamilton, asking the FIA to help address the extreme bouncing on safety grounds, the governing body moved into action ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix. It issued a technical directive revealing plans to impose a vertical oscillating metric that would force teams to limit the bouncing of their cars, or risk having to raise ride height. Furthermore, teams were supposed to be allowed to take extra measures to strengthen their floors – which included the addition of a second floor stay. FIA目前對於豚跳的限制包括限制彈跳高度、提高底板高度以及允許車隊用其他方法強化 底板 But while the FIA’s response caused angst because it did not strictly follow the right procedures, in terms of making actual rule changes, the planned bouncing limit for later in the year could be something that hurts Mercedes. 然而FIA這個突如其來的動作引發不少反彈,因為FIA並沒有遵循正確嚴謹的程序 而這項彈跳限制可能會傷害賓士在賽季後段的表現 For with it becoming clear that the W13 needs to run very low to the ground to deliver its maximum performance potential, that makes it most prone to needing intervention from the FIA if it keeps hitting the ground. 因為賓士的W13在行駛中需要極度貼地才能把性能發揮到極限,這個特質導致W13的底板持 續的撞擊地面 這個狀況只會讓FIA更傾向去介入豚跳的安全規定 That is why Marko, whose Red Bull team do not see the need for the FIA to get involved in the matter, think that Mercedes could ultimately be hurt by what has happened. Speaking to Motorsport.com about the situation, Marko said the FIA threat in forcing teams suffering the worst to lift their cars was exactly what could hurt Mercedes the most. And that is why he suggested that Mercedes’ efforts to get the FIA involved has had the opposite outcome to what the German car manufacturer wanted. Marko: "FIA會要求豚跳效應最嚴重的車隊必須提高車身, 而這項要求會帶給賓士最嚴重的 傷害" 這就是為何Marko認為賓士努力的想要FIA介入,最終只會帶來反效果給自己而已 “Exactly,” he said. “In German we say: 'der Schuss ging nach hinten los'. So it basically backfired for Mercedes.” Marko believes that the FIA should stay out of the whole porpoising debate, as the phenomenon is not something that every team is suffering from. “I fully agree with Max [Verstappen], it is not correct to change something like this during the season,” he said. Marko相信FIA不應該介入整個關於豚跳的爭議,因為豚跳現象根本就不是所有車隊都會有 的 Marko:"我完全同意MAX,在賽季中去做這些改變是不正確的" “It can’t be the FIA who is making our set-ups. Changing the ride height means changing the set-up and the FIA can’t do that. My next point is that all of this is the result of one team having problems. “That team should just sort out their own problems and not affect the other teams.” "決定我們車身設定的人不該是FIA。改變底盤高度代表改變整個車身的設定,而FIA不該這 麼做。 我的下一個觀點是:這一切都只是因為一個車隊有豚跳的問題而產生的結果" "而那個車隊該自己解決自己車隊的問題,不是去影響其他車隊" While the first TD was not something that impacted Red Bull, there is the possibility of a fresh course being laid down by the FIA with it due to meet technical directors this week. 雖然第一個TD並沒有影響紅牛,但卻有一種可能性是FIA在這個禮拜跟技術總監討論後將 會制定新的規定 Marko said a lot more details were required from the governing body to work out just how much it planned to get involved in car set-ups. “I think there are too many parameters which are not clear yet,” he added. “So I think the FIA has to come up with another clarification.” MARKO表示FIA需要更多的細節資訊,至於需要到多少取決於FIA預計介入到車身設定的程度 有多深入 "有太多尚未明朗的因素"他補充道 "所以我認為FIA需要作出更多的說明" 來源: https://reurl.cc/2ZkL74 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1655900288.A.A48.html
jior: 如果FIA真的要介入,最好笑的是FIA本身 06/22 20:30
jeff0010053: Fia哪天不好笑了 能賺錢就好 06/22 20:31
ken720331: 沒有程序正義XD 06/22 20:32
Ned1107: 在商言商 FIA只看錢$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$謝謝 06/22 20:47
Inar: Zzzzz 06/22 21:41
Vincent8026: 規則的修改來早了我們可是不接受的 06/22 22:02
david119327: 難得深感同意馬口的言論 06/22 22:25
likeyouuu: 所以賓士會提高車身嗎?? 06/22 22:45
airphone: "FIA並沒有遵循正確嚴謹的程序" 真是諷刺XD 06/22 22:52
Vincent8026: 迴力鏢啊 06/22 22:55
zainu: 我倒覺得對目前的賓士是蠻正向的,至少可以讓中游集團一起 06/22 22:57
zainu: 變慢,坐穩第三車隊的位置,多點時間去找出問題放眼明年, 06/22 22:57
zainu: 也不去傷害車手健康 06/22 22:57
pol87063: 整天靠北 閉嘴 得利的時後也只會叫 06/22 23:01
ylrafale: 有些人的時間線已經被暫停了嗎? 06/22 23:04
victor0lynn: 到底關賓士屁事 06/22 23:28
victor0lynn: 馬扣不扯賓士會死的樣子 06/22 23:29
david119327: 紅牛強了不到半季,結果賓士強了8年才被制裁 06/22 23:38
david119327: 講難聽點的吧 要是今天賓士成績依舊能看FIA有沒有動 06/22 23:39
david119327: 作難說囉~ 06/22 23:39
JKjohnwick: 紅牛強半季就被酸到爆欸 06/22 23:48
likeyouuu: 有人氣噗噗 笑死 06/22 23:49
shargo: 當然乾賓士的事 因為有人上上場賽後拼命在該背很痛要顧慮 06/22 23:52
shargo: 車手安全 真的怕背痛顧慮車手安全 自己不會先把底盤調高 06/22 23:52
shargo: 喔 06/22 23:52
james182128: 那當初幹嘛禁DAS 06/22 23:52
shargo: 然後一哭就有糖吃 立刻改規則 06/22 23:52
victor0lynn: 大家都不跳了 馬扣適得其反在哪? 06/23 00:03
kbsidd: Marko 還是只會講幹話跟廢話,始終如一 06/23 01:01
gavph007: 漢粉群體氣噗噗 06/23 01:56
CR77: FIA送MAX一個冠軍 不錯了啦 06/23 03:09
ken720331: 去年的賽事總監自己搞不清楚狀況 06/23 06:16
Ned1107: 廢話 這版牛黑超多啊 強不到半年開始追殺 去年賓賓沒拿冠 06/23 08:02
Ned1107: 到現在還沒出廁所 有夠崩潰可悲XDDD 06/23 08:02
s955120: to james:FIA當初沒禁DAS,說要禁DAS的抗議被FIA否決了 06/23 08:26
REI3173: #1UK3ELyN (FORMULA1) DAS應該是可以用一年,之後還是被 06/23 09:03
REI3173: 禁XD 06/23 09:03
Kyler: 又不要放棄速度 又不要車抖 研發失敗怪誰? 06/23 09:04
Kyler: LEC也說了 其他車隊花了不少功夫解決 一句話我解決不了 06/23 09:06
Kyler: 幫我改規則 這樣完全不合理 別人的努力被丟到垃圾桶 06/23 09:06
s955120: 具體來說是2019年時FIA就宣布了2021年規章,裡面關於轉向 06/23 09:10
s955120: 的規定就已經和DAS相衝。2020年出來DAS自然就是一年限定 06/23 09:11
ken720331: 樂樂說的很沒錯XDS 06/23 09:18
lai162: 都2022了還在講DAS 可憐那 是有多輸不起? 06/23 09:21
zsyian: Marko內心os:但對我們影響更大 06/23 09:32
kobe760903: 真的齁 都2022了 都別再拿以前的事情來嘴了 06/23 09:33
taxlaw1991: Marko這次很中肯啊 反正牛黑先噴就對了 06/23 10:12
TheoEpstein: 希望大家都能健健康康 06/23 10:16
SlayerLIS: 看報導那場會議Toto是大發雷霆罵得很兇 說對手不顧安全 06/23 10:16
SlayerLIS: 虛偽可悲只搞政治 希望能大改規則 06/23 10:18
SlayerLIS: Binotto認為只透過技術指令季中改規則不合理 06/23 10:20
SlayerLIS: Alpine跟法拉利相同 認為直接引入技術指令不合理 06/23 10:22
SlayerLIS: 另外他們對於多出來的那根支撐也很有意見 06/23 10:24
SlayerLIS: 應該要經過一定的流程和技術探討才能施行 06/23 10:25
SlayerLIS: Horner的意見就是偏向車隊要自行解決 而不是透過改規 06/23 10:27
SlayerLIS: 對其他努力改善的車隊不公平 06/23 10:27
SlayerLIS: 不過Horner酸Toto一如繼往的機車 他說會議很戲劇化 06/23 10:28
ken720331: 所以賓士被其他九隊反對...good 06/23 10:29
SlayerLIS: Ham的新電影開拍應該給Toto參演 06/23 10:29
SlayerLIS: AM領隊接受採訪時也說"有人在會議上有點情緒化" 06/23 10:30
alexlu70233: 就是賓士先出來該的阿,怎麼不關賓士的事? 06/23 10:49
LADKUO56: 安全性不是賓賓自己設定的問題嗎 XD 06/23 10:57
iverson0968: 這就是F1好看的地方啊,有些人到底在崩潰什麼 06/23 11:17
joiedevivre: 哈哈按照你Toto的要求改了 怎麼樣啊~ 06/23 11:32
joiedevivre: 賓士應該會後悔當初直接鬧大到要改規則吧 06/23 11:33
jojoRush: 笑死 領隊會議1:9 然後不管賓士的事? 那你Toto發飆個 06/23 11:45
jojoRush: 屁,Toto很氣但車迷幫賓士撇清關係XD 06/23 11:45
jojoRush: DAS當初爽爽讓你用一年,且2021規章早就定好,整天拿來 06/23 11:46
jojoRush: 說嘴。 06/23 11:46
neoarfie: 賓士就是在自找苦吃,讚啦 06/23 11:47
ken720331: 墊高底盤賓士應該會變更慢 06/23 12:11
ken720331: 看樣子是很想用主動懸吊導入,要也明年.. 06/23 12:11
cumore: 賓士就是賭一把吵了有糖吃這樣,反正吵根本不用成 06/23 12:30
cumore: 本呵呵,得利就 06/23 12:30
cumore: 賺了 06/23 12:30
ken720331: 然後被9隊反對..面子沒了 06/23 13:44
BigHurt: 推這篇 哈哈哈 06/23 14:13
shargo: 擔心健康問題 就叫你們工程師把底盤調高阿~ 06/23 15:43
victor0lynn: 跳也吵 不跳也吵 06/23 15:47
ponguy: 賓賓為了速度讓老漢背痛要改規則 結果還能酸紅牛www 06/24 00:45
coconew: 我覺得Ham黑比牛黑多很多欸 06/24 00:46
dsa35197: 被害妄想症 你懂得 06/24 01:48
CGary: 在這圈子面子不是太重要的事情, 每年都有車隊針對一些議題 06/24 13:41
CGary: 吵著要糖吃 我看到新聞第一瞬間就知道FIA不會鳥賓士...不過 06/24 13:42
CGary: 去吵是應該的...(作為領隊) 06/24 13:42
oliver81405: 笑死 賓士仔崩潰幹嘛 06/26 09:02
likeastar: 每次都有笑死當起手式的推文 然後就知道是哪個族群 很 06/26 09:49
likeastar: 準 06/26 09:49