看板 Federer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
* 新聞來源:http://alturl.com/hyauz Federer and Serena's Previous Wimbledon Wins (Provide Some Amazing Pictures) By Mark Patterson, UK Staff Writer Jul 10, 2015 http://alturl.com/8o86x Roger Federer and Serena Williams both go for historic Wimbledon triumphs this weekend, and there is an omen in their favour. The duo, both 33, have won the tournament in the same year on three occasions and produced some brilliant pictures together. In fact, the two have left an indelible mark on the sport, captured in images. In 2003, Federer won the first of seven Wimbledons to date, while Serena defended her title. A photograph of the two winners is recorded above. Six years later, the duo won together again at SW19. http://alturl.com/cqeyz And in 2012, the pair won once more. http://alturl.com/hgdy9 if Federer wins this year, he'll achieve a record eight Wimbledon title, while Serena can cap a "Serena Slam" - holding all four of the sport's biggest tournaments simultaneously - if she beats Garbine Muguruza in the final. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wimbledon, 2003 : Roger Federer and Serena Williams win. Wimbledon, 2009 : Again Wimbledon, 2012 : Again Wimbledon, 2015 : ???????? Will they do it again? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 剛好看到這篇報導,分享給大家。 真是謝謝Rogi美妙的球技給球迷們帶來了超多的感動, 有種好酒越沉越香的感覺, 相信Rogi肯定可以捧起溫布頓第8座金盃, 生涯第18座大滿貫獎盃的!! Go!!Rogi!!Go!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1436561408.A.17A.html
zkow: 推 07/11 04:57
kendan88: 小威越老約漂亮耶 真是神奇 07/11 09:24
deehsu: 小威越年長越會打扮吧~XDD 07/11 09:39
allen18880: 照片裡怎麼那麼瘦 07/11 09:40
akicrave: 她有修啦XD和以前長得不一樣了 07/11 09:42
deehsu: 賺的獎金多多有些微整應該也容易吧~~XDDDDD 07/11 10:21
Camera8025: 18座拜託Orz 07/11 11:22
GzuegeLiang: 18冠一定要來哟 >"< 07/11 12:25
acsre: Again! 07/11 13:52
fantasy90941: Again! 07/11 19:51
casper955033: 小威贏了 !!!!! 07/11 22:36
CYBERPUNK: 希望明天可以舉起18th!! 07/11 22:51
huamin: 話說,費爸的大滿貫決賽比小威還多噎。不過勝率差滿多的XD 07/11 23:06
kenwufederer: 小威的實力…應該很孤單吧 07/11 23:32
CYBERPUNK: 這種孤單蠻好的 07/11 23:38
andy710215: Again 07/12 00:07
kendan88: 獨孤求敗的概念 07/12 09:58
yun0215: Again!!!!!! 07/12 14:01