看板 Federer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
神扯 XDDD http://www.gq.com/story/most-stylish-man-of-2016-showdown-finals Roger Federer has a new bullet point to add to his impressive list of accomplishments: Most Stylish Man. The 35-year-old married father of four beat out Thor actor Tom Hiddleston to be called 2016's Most Stylish Man by GQ. As many Federer matches have gone throughout his 18-year career, the final contest was a blowout. Federer won more than 60 per cent of the fan vote against Hiddleston. Before the final, the Swiss star had cruised through the 64-person draw by beating (in order) former One Direction member Zayn Malik, actor Ryan Gosling, actor Steven Yeun, rapper Kanye West and actor Jared Leto. Federer will make his return to tennis next month. 打敗眾好萊塢男星 公關公司真給力,應該付了不少錢 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1482281312.A.D14.html
henin2003: 怎麼可能過的了Ryan gosling... 12/21 09:37
henin2003: 好不可思議 12/21 09:38
allyp7985: 粉絲每天都投票投出來的....不要質疑你費迷的死忠程度 12/21 10:08
allyp7985: 本來第一輪還沒什麼人在意,GQ小編在第二輪對上Gosling 12/21 10:12
allyp7985: 領先的時候就發推說請網路上的人修正這不公不義的情況 12/21 10:12
allyp7985: ,自第三輪費迷就開始卯起來投了,對上Kanye West那輪 12/21 10:12
allyp7985: 是辛苦的。中國印度美國各地的費迷是沒在休息一票一票 12/21 10:12
allyp7985: 無限制的投的XD 連續十四屆最受歡迎獎這個fan base真 12/21 10:12
allyp7985: 不是叫假的 12/21 10:12
allyp7985: 雖然是一個不怎麼重要的獎,不過大家是真的太想他了, 12/21 10:13
allyp7985: 把思念都寄託在投票上了XDD 12/21 10:13
allyp7985: BTW,寫介紹文的小編真的每一輪都寫的超級無奈,當初可 12/21 10:19
allyp7985: 能就是把Roger放進籤表玩而已,沒想到RFan那麼熱情,他 12/21 10:19
allyp7985: 應該後悔死了 12/21 10:19
yuechen: 讚讚 費爸品味氣質本來就不輸好萊塢男星 12/21 10:27
nipai: 感受的到費迷下半年的壓抑XDDDD 12/21 10:28
allyp7985: 還有溫網澳網美網辛辛那提馬德里ATP的官方推特外加超 12/21 10:32
allyp7985: 級迷弟Isner都一起出來呼籲投票,那時候我是真的笑了XD 12/21 10:32
allyp7985: 足以看出Roger歷久不衰的人氣... 12/21 10:32
allyp7985: http://i.imgur.com/SQ8qkqx.jpg 12/21 10:34
chia0908: Isner 真愛欸XDD 恭喜Roger實至名歸啊:p 12/21 10:48
kakashi71: 全球主場很可怕的XDDD 12/21 11:16
sixsix666: 費迷滿天下啊XD 12/21 11:36
DflowerT: 對大爺的愛無法壓抑XDDD 12/21 12:44
s90523: 我以為第二輪對Ryan Gosling就會輸了 天啊費迷太強了XD 12/21 13:37
lane34: 半年沒打比賽把大家悶壞了 XDDDD 12/21 15:36
vincentgotu: Inser 是費友友 12/21 15:47
yun0215: 費迷滿天下 一票票投出來的 XD 12/21 18:15
reincarnate: 太猛了XDDDDD 12/21 18:47
acsre: fb各種粉專都在幫忙宣傳XDD 12/21 19:26
acsre: 對上Jared Leto時超級拉鋸 落後好幾次 12/21 19:28
k13223344: 好狂~~~~~~~ 12/22 00:39
dwdt: 推啊XDD 12/22 02:03
kshtainan: <3 12/22 02:35
jsw26: 我看到一次投一次,費爸實至名歸! 12/22 04:32
tnpaul: 不公不義啊XDDD 12/22 09:12
megar: 球迷滿滿的愛! 12/22 15:44
anjohn: http://i.imgur.com/hPVLqEq.jpg 送上一張帥費爸 12/25 14:34