看板 Federer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
* 新聞來源: https://tinyurl.com/y9z85lou Roger Federer withdraws from Rogers Cup with longevity in mind July 23, 2018 SPORTING NEWS World No. 2 Roger Federer has withdrawn from the Rogers Cup in a bid to ease his schedule. Federer has twice won the tournament and reached the final last year in Montreal, but he will not participate in its latest edition in August in Toronto. A quarterfinalist at Wimbledon, Federer, who turns 37 on Aug. 8, said in a release the decision was made with his longevity at the top of the game in mind. "I had a fantastic time in Montreal last year and always enjoy playing in front of the Canadian fans," Federer said. "But unfortunately, with scheduling being the key to my longevity moving forward, I have regrettably decided to withdraw from Toronto this year." Federer, who has played in just seven events in 2018, will look to end a 10-year wait for a sixth U.S. Open title in September ------------------- * 新聞來源: https://tinyurl.com/yb8pw2fm (SN) Roger Federer withdraws from Rogers Cup, citing scheduling issues July 23, 2018 Sportsnet Staff @ Sportsnet Roger Federer has withdrawn from the Rogers Cup in Toronto. Citing scheduling issues and wanting to keep his own playing career going for as long as possible because of them, the 20-time Grand Slam winner and current No. 2-ranked player expressed regret for missing the annual Canadian tennis tournament this year. “I’m so disappointed not to play at the Rogers Cup this summer,” said Federer in a statement. “I had a fantastic time in Montreal last year and always enjoy playing in front of the Canadian fans, but unfortunately with scheduling being the key to my longevity moving forward, I have regrettably decided to withdraw from Toronto this year. I wish the tournament every success and am sorry to miss it.” Though Federer won’t be in attendance, other luminaries of the sport will still be in participation — such as Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Alexander Zverev, and Canadians Milos Raonic and Denis Shapovalov. The Rogers Cup runs from Aug. 4 to 12 in Toronto for the men, while the women ’s tournament will play out in Montreal from Aug. 3 to 12. https://imgur.com/EyZw7mL ------------------- * 真的現在每場 Rogi 的比賽都要珍惜啊~~~~~~ 會不會明年就直接空降美網了呢?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1532402838.A.AD9.html
wentasu: 不會啦~應該是他希望米爾卡同行。 07/24 12:06
wentasu: 今年參賽計畫都變成抓小放大,得不償失。 07/24 12:07
Ncode: 也好 這樣福地Cincy可以滿血來打 美網前也不會太累 07/24 12:11
lunarblue: 這樣OK啊,只打一個熱身賽,又是打辛辛那提,應該沒有 07/24 12:13
lunarblue: 其他更好且不累的選擇了 07/24 12:13
shanyanyu: 打辛辛那提讚再來一次二連冠吧!!! 07/24 12:51
wentasu: 二月鹿特丹還算離印地安泉夠遠,但司徒加特離哈雷太近。 07/24 13:12
wentasu: 小冠軍積分補不了大賽亞軍積分落差 07/24 13:12
wentasu: 今年溫網或許是費開始累了所以無法打出更刁的球來應付KA 07/24 13:13
grafan: 這參賽計畫才是正常,北美夏季兩個大師賽都打 07/24 14:23
grafan: 已經不是這年紀該有或是可以負擔的賽程了 07/24 14:23
grafan: 會打斯圖加特應該是怕哈雷萬一提早出局沒熱身到 07/24 14:24
grafan: 但又不可能只打斯圖加特不打哈雷 07/24 14:25
lovecab: 去年這邊場地實在有夠慢 ... 07/24 20:20
wentasu: 去年是蒙特婁,比多倫多慢。 07/24 20:36
wentasu: 只打哈雷就算提早出局其實沒差,費是草地拿手者 07/24 20:37
wentasu: 保持體力比較重要 07/24 20:37
lunarblue: 要這種保持體力的說法,那直接空降就好了,100%保持 07/25 00:15
lunarblue: 明明哈雷結束後,離溫網開賽還有一週可以休息 07/25 00:16
lunarblue: 要是疲累到一週空檔都無法補回的話,我是不相信隔一天 07/25 00:16
lunarblue: 休息就要打五盤的溫網能走到哪 07/25 00:17
Wall62: 休息室為了走更長遠的路 07/25 00:18
evian00: 年紀大了 狀況本來每天會有落差 這也不是休息多久能控 07/25 00:25
evian00: 制的 07/25 00:25
pennykidd: 感覺費爸現在只能連打兩項比賽了 連打三項比賽太操 07/25 09:58
pennykidd: 明年應該不會打鹿特丹了 就是澳網後休息 打陽光雙賽 07/25 09:59
pennykidd: 其實溫網也沒有打不好 是對手超爆氣才輸 也不用太悲觀 07/25 10:00
bkk: 又在那邊吵了 你以為連打兩週之後休息一週就可以再打兩週逆 07/25 11:03
bkk: 絕多數人就是反對打斯圖 現在大滿貫前就只能參加一個熱身賽 07/25 11:04
bkk: 什麼哈雷一輪遊沒熱身到怎麼辦 9冠會一輪?阿真的一輪就空降阿 07/25 11:06
bkk: 辛辛等著人家連打兩週累了,然後自己滿血打 15年就是這樣贏冏 07/25 11:08
wentasu: 37歲了,其他同期早就退了,要服老。今年哈雷晉級路上很 07/25 12:37
wentasu: 多場都是掙扎。沒刷到冠軍數更可惜。 07/25 12:37
wentasu: 打鹿特丹可以理解,賽程也算鬆。斯徒還是留給年輕人吧! 07/25 12:40
d1g4t: 今天就滿37,很多事不是人定勝天,今年草地是真的打太多了 07/25 21:18
d1g4t: 雖然不是說少打一點就能拿大滿貫,但擺明2017年拿溫網也是拜 07/25 21:19
d1g4t: 斯圖加特一輪遊,接著打哈雷順利調整接溫網 07/25 21:20
DflowerT: 還好吧,溫網前四場都OK呀,明顯在前兩站之後有找到問題 07/25 22:06
DflowerT: 去調整,甚至八強那場其實也都表現不差,後段被KA爆氣頂 07/25 22:08
DflowerT: 住也只能認了,而且八強等於打了六盤耶,以現在的年紀本 07/25 22:09
DflowerT: 來就到了體力極限,就算少打斯圖加特也撐不下去好嗎 07/25 22:10
DflowerT: 不用一輸球就怪東怪西,費爸就說過他想用比賽來代替訓練 07/25 22:13
DflowerT: 了,在長時間休息之後他認為缺的是比賽的感覺,根本不須 07/25 22:14
DflowerT: 要再去糾結斯圖加特了 07/25 22:15
DflowerT: 還有,辛辛贏囧從來不是靠體能,費爸在辛辛打囧本來就有 07/25 22:20
DflowerT: 一套了 07/25 22:20
Ncode: 辛辛贏囧每次狀況都不同 15年是靠Edberg教的神風特攻 07/26 00:14
Ncode: 12年對抽狀態超神直接請囧吃蛋 07/26 00:15
lunarblue: 講的一副只打辛辛,美網狀況就會好,賽程體力精算師? 07/27 05:37
lunarblue: 所有賽事都是看當下狀況,真的不用一輸球就開始找理由 07/27 05:37
lunarblue: 別再糾結斯圖加特 07/27 05:38
lunarblue: 要比血條的話,連辛辛都不用參加了,直接空降,滿血條 07/27 05:40
beastlcc12: 鄉民有比他的教練更了解他的體能? 在那邊屁話 07/27 20:06
費爸板的板友們多半都是好好討論抬槓的, 我們可不可以不要隨便說出"屁話"二字呀?XDDD   如果覺得天氣太炎熱來去吃吃冰消暑一下~ 7-11是孩子們的最愛~XDDDD ※ 編輯: deehsu (, 07/28/2018 00:50:34
RogerKao: 樓上B大,火氣別這麼大啦~大家不就是討論討論嗎~ 07/28 01:11