看板 Foreign_Inv 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我今天也收到這封信了,剛剛致電TDA客服詢問, 他說台灣蠻多人來電詢問... 其實還蠻簡單處理的,只是個制式的表格回填。 客服要我們把"Foreign Tax ID Number"表格列印出來, 把表格內的基本資料如account number,姓名資料填寫後, 最重要的就是以下欄位: 1. TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 這個欄位不用填,因為我們沒有 2. REASONABLE EXPLANATION: 勾選第一個項目:I am not legally required to obtain a TIN in my jurisiction of tax residence. 填寫好此份文件後,拍照或掃描以mail回寄給TDA就可以了! ※ 引述《yvonne10126 (透)》之銘言: : 今天收到一份TD 的e-mail : A new regulation requires TD Ameritrade to collect your foreign tax : identifying number before January 1, 2018. Our records as of September 6, : 2017, indicate that we don't have this number on file for your account. To : avoid backup withholding and comply with U.S. tax regulations, please send us : a completed and signed Foreign Tax ID Number Form from each account owner. : We encourage you to send us this form as early as possible. To allow time for : processing, we'll need to receive it by December 8, 2017. : If you have a foreign tax identifying number, you may provide this in the Tax : Identification Number section of the form. If you are not legally required to : obtain a tax identification number in your jurisdiction of tax residence, you : may complete the Reasonable Explanation section. However, if your country has : an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the United States and requires a : foreign tax identifying number, TD Ameritrade cannot accept the Reasonable : Explanation Form in lieu of that number. : How to Send Us Your Form(s) : You may send your form(s) to us electronically, fax it, or mail it to us. : To submit the completed and signed form(s) electronically through our secure : Message Center, scan it, along with any other material you're sending, then : attach the scanned document(s) when you reply to this message. : If you'd prefer, you can fax us your form(s) at 866-468-6268. : Or you can mail it to us, at: : TD Ameritrade : 200 South 108th Avenue : Omaha, NE 68154-2631 : United States of America (if you're mailing this material from outside the : United States) : 請問是甚麼意思呢?我該怎麼做呢? : 麻煩版大們解惑,謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Foreign_Inv/M.1505314895.A.CBE.html
fost: 簽名也要對吧? 09/13 23:04
MonkeyW: 謝謝大大解惑~! 09/13 23:09
factest: 感謝提供資訊~~ 09/13 23:11
luaniu: 感謝提供資訊 簽中文名字嗎?? 09/13 23:12
badfood: 其實這樣寫是不對的 不過TD願意接受的話就可以了 09/13 23:17
ckliao0214: 是否要填ITIN碼? 09/13 23:18
nicejerry: 簽名和當時申請帳號時的中文名相同 09/13 23:19
inspace: 所以不需要身份証字號對嗎?謝謝喔 09/13 23:24
lovex: 有ITIN應該是要填第一欄吧? 09/13 23:26
nicejerry: 不用填身分證字號,我沒ITIN號碼,所以按上述方式填寫 09/13 23:34
cs01580: 看起來是填或不填身分證字號都可以? 09/13 23:41
bigwate: 感謝 09/14 00:21
schooldance: 推 09/14 01:52
raichu312: 推! 09/14 06:55
malinconico: 請問寄過去的email跟申請帳號時是同一個嗎?謝謝 09/14 08:27
tomato0715: 請問要寄到哪個email信箱? 09/14 10:00
AYLiu: 這篇跟下面一篇 不太一樣耶 所以哪一個才對呢 09/14 10:13
badfood: 下面那篇對 不過TD不介意的話 照這篇做也可以 09/14 10:19
peter9s3b: 所以應該是在1 non-US TIN那欄填入身分證字號嗎? 09/14 10:32
Parasite0922: 想請問若有ITIN是要怎麼填呢? 09/14 10:53
lisa108920: 我是直接reply 回復,按compose寫信也可以吧,簽完名 09/14 11:35
lisa108920: 再掃描傳檔案 09/14 11:35
nicejerry: 我是直接在TDA網站內的個人message center 09/14 12:44
nicejerry: 裡面點reply回傳夾帶檔案就可以了 09/14 12:44
scottprint10: Firstrade還沒通知 09/15 07:57
Robben: 照這篇填了 等TD回覆 09/19 12:00