看板 FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-announce/2019-July/001891.html Some of the highlights: * The clang, llvm, lld, lldb, and compiler-rt utilities as well as libc++ have been updated to upstream version 8.0.0. * The ELF Tool Chain has been updated to version r3614. * OpenSSL has been updated to version 1.0.2s. * The ZFS filesystem has been updated to implement parallel mounting. * The loader(8) has been updated to extend geli(8) support to all architectures. * The pkg(8) utility has been updated to version 1.10.5. * The KDE desktop environment has been updated to version 5.15.3. * The GNOME desktop environment has been updated to version 3.28. * The kernel will now log the jail(8) ID when logging a process exit. * Several feature additions and updates to userland applications. * Several network driver firmware updates. * Warnings for features deprecated in future releases will now be printed on all FreeBSD versions. * Warnings have been added for IPSec algorithms deprecated in RFC 8221. * Deprecation warnings have been added for weaker algorithms when creating geli(8) providers. * And more... -- ▄▅◣ ◢▆▄ ┼─── ◢████◣ ◢▄▅▄◣ ◢████◣ 敲敲hh,呼叫小天使 ◢█" █◣ ◢██" █◣ ∕/ █◤ ◥▄▅▄◤ ◥█ \﹨ ██◣雖然不是無時無刻都在, ◢█/ ██◤ ψ阿鬼 ◥██\ █◣ ◤ ◥ 但祂會盡力地服務您。─┼ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FreeBSD/M.1562700121.A.95A.html
holishing: 也就是還在 11.x 觀望的使用者或許可以試試這版? 07/10 03:22
lantw44: 每次都在這種公告裡寫 GNOME 和 KDE,可是 ports 裡的東 07/10 12:40
lantw44: 西的版本大多和 base 的版本沒多少關聯吧 07/10 12:41
soem: 嗯...Gnome還沒推到3.32 Taipei呢 07/12 04:29
holishing: https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-gnome 裡面 07/13 03:26
holishing: 有 gnome-3.32 的分支可以測試,應該可以用 poudriere 07/13 03:26
holishing: 建起來吧,有沒有 binary package 就不確定了 07/13 03:27
holishing: ^現成 07/13 03:27
然後才發現 COSCUP 有這個議程orz https://coscup.org/2019/programs/fc96bbd4-520c-4a0c-85f1-810fd997f26a
asdfghjklasd: 我現在有 10 11 12 的不同版本在用.... 07/16 03:07
asdfghjklasd: 然後慢慢的,都移上 12 07/16 03:08
※ 編輯: holishing ( 臺灣), 07/16/2019 19:12:16