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【沃草】美國會議員公開信「服貿對台美皆有重大不利衝擊」 http://tinyurl.com/qy7onay 美國會議員Alan Grayson於美國時間14日發表致國務卿John Kerry的公開信,信中指出 ,「兩岸服務貿易協定可能是中國和臺灣這兩個政治實體之間,更進一步的政治和經濟整 合」,並指出「這可能對臺灣和美國都不利」。該信除了提到兩國間的經濟整合會讓中國 對台發揮更大政治影響力,也明確指出這種漸進的影響與最終的吞併正是中國對台灣的政 治目的。文末並提到,基於美國與台灣在經濟、軍事與政治上的深度聯結,該協議也會增 加美國與中國直接衝突的風險。Alan Grayson並請國務卿John Kerry分析,中國對臺灣影 響力的增加將如何衝擊美國的利益。 以下為該公開信全文翻譯逐字稿: The Honorable John Kerry Secretary U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Dear Secretary Kerry, 親愛的Kerry 國務卿, 我寫這封信是由於關切臺灣政府最近擬與中國大陸簽訂貿易協定。臺灣的公民團體激烈的 抗議政府的做法,因此這個貿易協議在臺灣引起爭議。它也可能是中國和臺灣這兩個政治 實體之間更進一步的政治和經濟整合,而這種方式可能對臺灣和美國都不利。 I write with concerns over the Taiwanese government's recently proposed trade deal with mainland China. Taiwanese civil groups are vehemently protesting the government's actions, so this trade deal is controversial domestically in Taiwan. It is also a possible step towards political and economic integration between the two political entities, in a manner that may be disadvantageous both to Taiwan and to the United States. 您已了解,臺灣地位很特殊。自從中國共產黨在1949年推翻國民黨,國民黨走避臺灣,中 國和臺灣自此各自宣稱對方為己方的一部份。中國則不時的威脅將以武力統一臺灣。 As you know, the status of Taiwan is unusual. Since the Communists overthrew the Nationalists in China in 1949, and the Nationalists fled to Taiwan, China and Taiwan have maintained that each is a part of the other. From time to time, China has threatened to use military force to incorporate Taiwan. 這兩個政治實體的大小相差極大,對這項貿易協議有其意涵。中國和臺灣之間的經濟整合 必然可以讓中國對臺灣發揮更大政治影響力,無論直接的或是透過中國國營企業對臺灣經 濟發揮影響力。這種漸進的影響以及最終的吞併,很明顯是中國政府的目標和公開陳述的 國家政策。 The two political entities are vastly disproportionate in size, which has implications for this trade deal. Economic integration between China and Taiwan will necessarily bring more political influence in Taiwan for the Chinese government, both directly and through the increasing power of Chinese state-owned enterprises in the Taiwanese economy. It is clear that increasing influence and, ultimately, annexation are the aims and stated policy of the Chinese government. 鑑於美國與臺灣擁有深度經濟、政治和軍事聯繫,此項貿易協定將增加美國和中國之間直 接衝突的風險。即使表面上看這也是明智的做法,就是能考慮這些風險並能向臺灣政府表 明她應在全面維持和防衛其主權上承擔完全的責任, 也包括經濟事務。鑑於國務院在此 一領域有其責任,如果您能分享此一貿易協定的分析,說明中國對臺灣影響力的增加將如 何衝擊美國的利益,我將十分感激。 Given that the United States has deep economic, political, and military links with Taiwan, this trade deal increases the risks of a direct conflict between China and the United States. On the face of it, it seems prudent to consider these risks, and make it clear to the Taiwanese government that it bears full responsibility for maintaining and defending its sovereignty in all respects, including economic ones. Given the State Department's responsibility in this area, I would appreciate it if you would share analysis of this trade deal, and how the increased influence of China in Taiwan that it entails may impact American interests. 沃草(Watchout)希望做一個農夫,提供公民更好的參與時政的平台和工具,在這公民社 會的土壤施肥灌溉,讓這個理想的種子在每個人心中萌芽滋長,建立真正的公民社會。 *沃草粉絲頁面:http://fb.com/WatchOutTW -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FuMouDiscuss/M.1397631885.A.C17.html
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