看板 G-REX 關於我們 聯絡資訊
G-Rex is led by Season 2 World Champion Toyz. The team debuted in Spring 2018 and made it all the way to 2nd Place in the LMS. However, due to the meta changes in summer, GRX stumbled in the beginning. They even lost to J Team and failed to qualify to Playoffs. But these beasts waited for an opportunity to ambush their opponents. They seized the moment during the LMS Regional Qualifiers, defeating Hong Kong Attitude and J Team for revenge. GRX now heads to Worlds ready to sink their claws into international opponents. G-Rex由S2冠軍Toyz領軍,於LMS 2018春季賽首度亮相,並奪得第二名的佳績。 但由於夏季meta的轉變,G-Rex在賽季初期跌跌撞撞,最後輸給J Team而無緣季後賽。 但野獸們等著一個機會伏擊他們的對手,掌握LMS區域資格賽的機會,擊敗HKA, 並完成了對JT的復仇。現在G-Rex已經準備好將爪子刺進世界賽的對手們。 TOP PK JG EMPT2Y MID CANDY BOT STITCH SUP KOALA https://i.imgur.com/q2050Fj.png
COACH WEI https://i.imgur.com/ibg7oYc.jpg
SUB BAYBAY https://i.imgur.com/H4lejrZ.jpg
更多隊伍介紹請見 https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/worlds-2018-meet-the-teams -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-REX/M.1538037754.A.DDF.html