看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hi 最近板上氣氛緊張,來個輕鬆一點的 勇士長年隨隊記者Marcus Thompson(Curry傳記Golden的作者)在r/warrriors的AMA 時間在西決之前 順帶一提Golden的中文版最近要上市了,有興趣的人可以注意一下 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010752530 來源: https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/6avmse/ 翻譯參考虎噗:https://bbs.hupu.com/19216953.html 如果翻譯有錯請大家多多指教 ---- [–]mthomaswang 24 points 3 days ago What is Shaun/SDot's relationship with Draymond, Klay, Andre, Steph and KD? Don't know much about his personality and sense of humor. Sdot跟追夢 Klay 小AI Steph還有KD的關係如何?不是很了解他的個性和幽默感 [–]thompsonscribe[S] 62 points 3 days ago the Warriors caught Shaun as an OG. He is very quiet and chill. He is one of those types who are cool with everybody but not really tight. He will hang out every now and again. But he mostly keeps it real low key. He's got a serious girlfriend and a new baby, so he's really into getting his grown man on. Sdot是勇士對內的大佬,他很安靜,是跟每個人都相處不錯可是沒有特別要好的類型。 他偶爾也會一起外出,不過一般都很低調。他有認真交往的女朋友跟新生的寶寶所以更 成熟了。 [–]dhavalpatel93 23 points 3 days ago Hey Marcus, What's the relationship between Steph and Klay off the court? Steph跟Klay場下的關係如何? [–]thompsonscribe[S] 85 points 3 days ago Relatively non-existent. They are just two completely different dudes. They are cool. But the stuff Klay is into, Curry is not. And joining Klay might not be a good idea for Curry's marriage lol 私交較不活絡,他們是兩路人,都很棒,關係不錯不過愛好並不合拍。而且Curry畢竟有 家室了。 [–]Breatheher 37 points 3 days ago Hot insta girls and weed? Ayesha would ground him 比方說正妹跟哈草?Ayesha會禁足他的。 [–]thompsonscribe[S] 83 points 3 days ago Ground him? Steph would be living in Riley's playhouse all offseason 禁足?Steph恐怕休賽季都要住在Riley的遊戲間了。 [–]Jcanicosa 23 points 3 days ago How did different Warriors players react to the Cavs' infamous Halloween party? 勇士們怎麼看待騎士的萬聖節派對 [–]thompsonscribe[S] 63 points 3 days ago Everybody I talked to snickered like "they better laugh now" 我問到的每個人都竊笑得像是說"他們也就是現在笑笑" [–]iWesTCoastiN 18 points 3 days ago I know you're not a full-time scout but my question is; Why do you think teams were so down on Steph going into the 2009 draft class? The first ever NBA unanimous MVP fell 6 spots in the draft, including one team passing on him twice... That's like a sports legend in itself. 我知道你不是專門的球探但我想問:你覺得09年選秀為什麼球隊都低估Curry? NBA史上第一個全票MVP在前六順位都沒被選中,其中某一隊還錯過他兩次... [–]thompsonscribe[S] 38 points 3 days ago Athleticism. Size. Athleticism. Size. Especially at that time, Derrick Rose was the Rookie of the Year and the hot new toy in the NBA. John Wall was a HS phenom who had next. The super athletic point guard was en vogue. Steph was kind of the opposite 運動能力、身材,尤其在當時的時空背景,Derrick Rose獲得ROY是聯盟新星, John Wall被看好是下一個大物。當時流行的是運動能力超群的控衛,Steph則是相反的 類型。 [–]iWesTCoastiN 18 points 3 days ago I've actually asked this question to every insider ive ever talked to and ive gotten a lot of the same answers. Size and athleticism are the two main obvious answers that i get but to counter that point, Rubio and Flynn werent the most athletic guys ever and plus Tyreke Evans was much more of a need pick for the Kings as opposed to the best pick. 對這個問題我問到的內部人員都給了類似的回答,運動能力跟身材是最主要的兩點。
BYANG: Rubio跟Flynn也不是運動能力最好的球員,
BYANG: 意指,Rubio跟Flynn的運動能力也沒比Steph好到哪裡去。
BYANG: 國王隊選Tyreke Evans,比較是因為球隊需求,
BYANG: 而不是挑選當時天份最佳的球員。(幫國王找理由? XD )
This is my personal opinion obviously backed by no hard facts at all but i think teams doubted Curry's determination honestly. Curry vastly improved upon every facet of his game since college and that was because nothing but sheer determination. His size and athleticism were obvious downsides but did teams correctly predict Curry would become the best ball handler in the league next to only perhaps Kyrie Irving? Absolutely not, but he did. Did teams correctly predict Curry would become the best shooter in the league and perhaps the greatest shooter ever? Hell no, and even though there were signs of his elite level shooting in college it was his determination and hard work that got him to GOAT status. 雖然沒有明確事實佐證,我個人的意見是球隊質疑Curry的決心。 (對不起讓我偷懶一下) In my opinion Curry's jump from small-town college standout to the NBA's first ever unanimous MVP is the single greatest jump of skill in this generation and perhaps ever in the entire history of the NBA. It was Stephs determination that made him one of the GOAT's, and 5 other teams doubted that determination. [–]thompsonscribe[S] 23 points 3 days agov I think that is true. I would add skill to determination. They overlooked his skill and how it could compensate for his lacks. And his determination is what made that happen 我覺得你說的對,我會加上技巧跟決心。他們低估了Curry技巧彌補了他的不足, 而他的決心使一切成真。 [–]Breatheher 19 points 3 days ago Hey Marcus, got your book through in the post the other day finally, hyped to read it I need to know are the guys aware of all the toaster memes? And is Klay aware of how literally everything he does turns into a meme? 我好奇他們知道土司機梗嗎?Klay知道他幾乎做什麼都能變成梗嗎? [–]thompsonscribe[S] 54 points 3 days ago I don't think Klay is aware of much. If someone doesn't bring it to his attention, it's like a tree falling in the forest ... 我不覺得Klay知道多少。如果沒人引起他的注意就像石沉大海... 推廣一下 https://www.reddit.com/r/JustKlayThings/ 各種Klay meme的subreddit XD [–]prolific21 32 points 3 days ago Can you break down the cliques or groups that are on the team ? Who hangs out together ? 你可以分析隊伍裡面的小團體嗎?誰會一起出去? [–]thompsonscribe[S] 22 points 3 days ago This is a great question. The cliques thing is actually weird on the Warriors 好問題。勇士的小團體其實很奇特。 [–]thompsonscribe[S] 62 points 3 days ago Steph and Klay, for the most part, have cliques of people not in the team. They hang with the larger group, team gatherings and team bonding, and will hang with anybody on occasion. But they don't have people on the team they are always with. Steph跟Klay大部分的小團體都不是球隊的成員。他們會跟一大票人一起出去像是球隊 聚餐或者球隊聯誼,偶爾跟什麼人一起出去不過沒有固定是誰。 KD/Draymond/Ian/Iguodala have an obvious bond ... and part of it is because they are lined up together in the locker room. KD/追夢/Ian/小AI關係比較好,部份原因是他們更衣室位置在一起。 But for the most part, the Warriors have a bunch of veterans and stars who have their own thing going on off the court. They have wives and families and businesses that consume their off court time 隊伍裡有很多老將跟明星,在賽後有自己的私生活,都有家庭跟生意需要照顧。 I expected KD and Klay to be tight, but they don't seem to be thick as thieves. Steph and McAdoo are an obvious match for faith/marriage reasons, but McAdoo and HB were tight so now McAdoo is a relative loner ... it's just weird how it has all played out 我本來以為KD跟Klay關係會很好但是他們看上去並不那麼親密。Curry跟McAdoo因為信仰 跟婚姻關係明顯很合拍,McAdoo之前跟HB很好所以現在McAdoo相對有點孤獨。 [–]Robotsaur 25 points 3 days ago Thanks for this, very interesting. I kinda expected Steph & Klay to not have anyone specific that they love to hang out with, they seem like chill people who could be friends with anyone. 謝謝,很有趣。我似乎料到Steph跟Klay不會有特定的朋友,他們看起來像是跟誰都能 做朋友的老好人。 [–]thompsonscribe[S] 24 points 3 days ago Correct 正確 [–]parisborabora 14 points 3 days ago Why did you expect KD and Klay to be tight? Why hasn't it happened? Dray taking all of KD's time LOL. 為什麼你會預期KD跟Klay關係比較好?為什麼沒實現?Dray總是在KD身邊lol [–]thompsonscribe[S] 53 points 3 days ago They are both single, don't have kids, enjoy the night life. I think it hasn't happened because Klay is more of a frat culture type and KD/Dray is more hood culture type. That's just my amateur analysis 他們都是單身,沒有小孩,可以享受夜生活。我覺得之所以沒發生是因為Klay看起來 像公子哥而KD/Dray比較像是平民出身。這只是我粗淺的分析。 備註 感謝B大補充 → BYANG: Frat 就是 fraternity,大學的兄弟會, 05/19 07:48 → BYANG: 所以 Klay 比較像是兄弟會那種尊貴出身, 05/19 07:49 → BYANG: KD/Draymond比較像是平民出身的那種類型。 05/19 07:50 -- 先翻到這邊,先說不保證有下集XD 可以直接點虎撲的翻譯啦 -- 想像未必是真相 真相往往難以想像 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1495128484.A.051.html ※ 編輯: alicelee1218 (, 05/19/2017 01:32:30
Hiram: 辛苦啦,翻譯好多 05/19 01:50
hauwie: 只注意Klay合約跑完會跟湖任簽約T_T 05/19 01:56
onetooneya: 啥?和湖人? 05/19 02:08
Hiram: 樓上什麼意思?哪裡有寫 05/19 02:09
Hiram: 抱歉,應該是樓樓上 05/19 02:09
andyroro2: 哪段有講到? 05/19 02:22
hauwie: 虎撲連結後面有提到 但是是作者自己的想法啦 05/19 02:23
andyroro2: 還以為是klay自己的想法 05/19 02:32
kbty245: 會這樣猜也不是沒可能啦…KT老爸以前是湖人球星,他自己 05/19 02:35
kbty245: 也是Kobe的鐵粉 05/19 02:35
cto3000: 有些地方有誤會,說SC跟KT的關係 Relatively Non-Existe 05/19 03:02
cto3000: nt 指的是私交較不活絡 05/19 03:02
cto3000: 但這只是我的職業病,你的翻法不算錯 05/19 03:04
alicelee1218: 這樣翻比較好,我等一下改 05/19 07:24
BYANG: Rubio跟Flynn也不是運動能力最好的球員, 05/19 07:41
BYANG: 意指,Rubio跟Flynn的運動能力也沒比Steph好到哪裡去。 05/19 07:41
BYANG: 國王隊選Tyreke Evans,比較是因為球隊需求, 05/19 07:43
BYANG: 而不是挑選當時天份最佳的球員。(幫國王找理由? XD ) 05/19 07:44
BYANG: Frat 就是 fraternity,大學的兄弟會, 05/19 07:48
BYANG: 所以 Klay 比較像是兄弟會那種尊貴出身, 05/19 07:49
BYANG: KD/Draymond比較像是平民出身的那種類型。 05/19 07:50
※ 編輯: alicelee1218 (, 05/19/2017 08:21:20
aapcao: 推 ~ 生活小趣事 ~ 05/19 08:19
CW4: HB和McAdoo不只北卡大學長學弟 而且同隊過一年 05/19 08:31
Kawhi: joining Klay might not be a good idea for Curry's marri 05/19 08:34
Kawhi: 這句笑死 XD 05/19 08:34
alicelee1218: 會被Ayesha浸水桶XD 05/19 08:36
Kawhi: 希望湖人加把勁趕快養或是買個明星SG 不要讓KT再作夢了 XD 05/19 08:39
befly10015: 很喜歡這種文 05/19 08:46
katerina: 推推!! 05/19 09:23
alpafr: 推翻譯 05/19 10:48
dalinman: 有趣推 05/19 10:58
babycarlos: 感謝分享! 05/19 11:10
kirutaku: 感謝分享 超有趣的 05/19 12:49
xiahself: 蛤KT拜託不要走QQ 05/19 13:09
ssisters: Green現在也有寶寶了耶 05/19 14:24
hyperfrog: 想到Green生寶寶之前還被總版酸...連小幼兒也不放過 05/19 15:07
dameontree: 推 05/19 17:30
versace: 對欸,McAdoo跟Steph Curry都是虔誠基督徒 05/19 18:48
JoeDeltaArt: 感謝翻譯 05/20 02:42