看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文網址:https://goo.gl/MCJNUc On Thursday night, the Warriors saw an opportunity and they struck. Golden State paid the Bulls $3.5 million (the max amount allowed) for the rights to Jordan Bell. 勇士花了350萬(最大允許金額)跟公牛買了選中Jordan Bell的籤 After making the selection, Tim Kawakami of the Bay Area News Group asked Lacob: "This is the fourth time you’ve bought a pick, the first two didn’t work out so great. How easy is it for you to just keep doing this?" 做出此決定之後,灣區的新聞團隊問Lacob:「這是你第四次買籤,雖然前兩次成果並不出色, 持續地做這樣的決定對你來說有多簡單?」 "Easy," Lacob answered. "We want to always be incredibly aggressive and get better. We only have a few players under contract, as Bob (Myers) pointed out. 「很簡單」Lacob回答,「我們想要一直保有令人難以想像的侵略性並且變得更出色。 我們也只有少數球員是有約在身的,如同Bob (Myers)所指出的。」 "We tried really hard. It was really hard this year. Harder than it sounds." 「我們很努力地去嘗試,今年實在是很困難,比聽起來的還要困難。」 Last year, the Warriors entered the second round without a pick but paid the Bucks $2.4 million for the rights to Pat McCaw -- the 38th pick. This year, the Warriors entered the draft without a pick but acquired Bell -- the 38th pick. 去年勇士花240萬買了第38順位的McCaw,今年沒有籤的勇士仍然得到了第38順位的Bell "It’s amazing that we were able to do it, second year in a row," Lacob said. "Thirty-eight’s a lucky number, I guess." 「我們連續兩年能夠做到真的很神奇」Lacob說,「38大概是我們的幸運數字。」 After the Warriors took a 2-0 lead in the Finals, ESPN's Darren Rovell reported that sweeping the Cavs (and not at least getting a third home game in the series) would cost the Warriors over $12 million. Golden State did not sweep Cleveland, and did get a Game 5 at Oracle Arena. In fact, a fan reportedly paid $133,000 for two floor seats. Making the extra money did not impact the Warriors' decision to buy a draft pick. 勇士在冠軍戰2:0領先時,有報導指出橫掃騎士會令勇士損失超過1200萬元 勇士沒橫掃,賺了第五場的錢,多賺的這些錢並沒有影響到勇士買籤的決定 "We would do it regardless," Lacob told Kawakami. "We just think that it’s money well spent if you just do the math. "If you are good at picking players, it’s just a lot cheaper way to get a player than otherwise. How else are you going to do it?" 「我們不論如何都會去做,你做做算術就會發現把錢花在那上面挺適合的。當你很會選 人的時候,這樣的作法比起任何辦法都還要便宜。不然你還能怎辦呢?」 公牛經理:「做做算術...」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1498317172.A.D0B.html
hyperfrog: 要買二輪的時候就猜公牛會賣了XD他們目前為止的操作真 06/24 23:14
hyperfrog: 的... 06/24 23:14
tailsean: 最會選人+最會養人的球隊,舒服 06/24 23:18
ClutchShot: 體系已經確定的球隊就是這樣 馬刺也是 然後很多角色球 06/24 23:43
ClutchShot: 員離隊通常不會打太好 06/24 23:43
asd831129: 比起豪華稅簽人省錢 06/24 23:53
onetooneya: 我記得老闆還有說比自由市場買人還划算 06/25 00:05
rayallen1987: XD 06/25 01:07
chathin: 舒適 06/25 04:32
dameontree: 神團隊 06/25 09:04
Ginger249: https://goo.gl/auZc3w 制服組操作認證 06/25 13:00
JL46: 希望今年制服組可以繼續努力,打好我勇王朝連霸的扎實基礎~ 06/25 23:40