看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
翻譯若有錯,請不吝指正 來源: The Mercury News 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ya84ltdu Steve Kerr jokes he wants to have enough championship rings for his toes Kerr愛說笑: 我想要更多的戒指放在腳趾頭 OAKLAND - At the Warriors’ championship parade on Tuesday, Steve Kerr, who has won eight titles, was asked if he’s going to have to start putting rings on his pinkies. 勇士星期二的時候舉行封王遊行,教練Steve Kerr,生涯拿了8個戒指,被問到他是否得要 把戒指放到小指頭上了。 “Toes,” said Kerr, who won five as a player, three as a coach. “I think I’ m going to go with the toes instead.” 「腳趾頭,」以球員身分拿下五個戒指,三個以教練身分拿下的Kerr說。「我想我會先放 到腳趾頭上。」 Kerr and his coaching staff, along with general manager Bob Myers and the players, sat on a stage before parading down the streets of Oakland in front of their adoring fans for a quick Q&A with Bob Fitzgerald, the team’s play-by-play announcer. Kerr跟教練團,GM Bob Myers,以及勇士球員在遊行開始前在舞台上接受球團播報員Bob Fitzgerald的提問。 Everyone was in a loose and open mood following the Warriors’ third championship in four years, so much so that Myers and Kerr had a few laughs at Kevin Durant’s expense. 贏下4年來的第三冠,每個人的心情都很輕鬆,輕鬆到Myers跟Kerr對將來要給KD的薪水 開起玩笑來。 Myers joked that when he said Durant could have any contract he wants Monday, he was putting on a show. Myers開玩笑說星期一的時候他說KD可以想要任何的合約,那都是一場表演而已。 “That was just for the media. He can’t have anything,” Myers said. 「那只是給媒體看而已啦~~不是都是他說了算,」Myers說。 Added Kerr: “Mid-level.” Kerr也加入:「中產等級~~」 Durant, who was seated behind them, shook his head. 坐在他們後面的KD則是搖搖頭。 When Klay Thompson was asked what he will remember most from this championship run, he pointed to the tough times. KT被問到這整年下來,最後奪冠,他印象最深的是什麼。KT認為是低潮的時候。 “Just the journey,” said Thompson, who held a cigar as he spoke. “I’ll remember the downs more, honestly, because they made the victory that much sweeter. The ankle, the knee, the thumb, whatever; it’s like a badge of honor because you win that championship, it’s all worth it.” 「整個旅程,」KT手上拿著支雪茄,邊說著,「坦白說,我會比較記得低潮的時候,因為 那會讓勝利更顯甜美。不管是腳踝,膝蓋,大拇指,那都是在贏得冠軍之後的勳章,一切 都值得。」 Stephen Curry agreed, reiterating that the Warriors were in an incredibly tough position in the Western Conference Finals against Houston when they faced elimination in Games 6 and 7. Curry也同意,也說到勇士在西決G6跟G7的時候陷入了困境,因為輸了就要被淘汰。 “When the lights are bright, we show up,” Curry said. “It all kind of came together at the right time down the stretch of the playoffs.” 「當燈光打開時,就是表現的時候,」Curry說。「整個季後賽就是在對的時候大家就一起 做到好。」 Durant said the relationships he built with his teammates is what stands out most to him. KD則是說他跟隊友建立起的關係是對他來說最重要的。 “I see these guys more than I see my family,” Durant said. “I feel like we ’ve built a nice bond the last few of years ; and it’s only gotten stronger and stronger. It shows on the basketball court. The flights, shootarounds, breakfast meetings and all of that stuff, that’s the best time of the year. And getting here caps it all off.” 「看到我的隊友比看到我的家人還要多次,」KD說。「我感覺到過去幾年我們之間建立了 很好的關係,而且越來越緊密。這在籃球場上看的到,在飛機上,在練投的時候,早上大 家一起吃早餐開會的時候,還有其他許許多多,那是這一整年以來最好的時光,然後走到 這裡更是令人開心。」 When Draymond Green was asked about his defense, he credited his teammates, saying that he had a lot of personal breakdowns and it was a complete team effort. He also credited his teammates for stepping up leadership-wise when things got hard in Games 6 and 7 against Houston; shouting out one teammate in particular. 當Green被問到他的防守時,他歸功給他的隊友們,說他有很多次都崩潰了,那是整個隊伍 的努力才辦得到。他指出在西決G6跟G7的時候,他的隊友們站出來領導整個球隊,他特別 點名了一位。 “Those games, you definitely heard everyone’s voice,” Green said. “It wasn ’t just one guy. The one who stood out most was Klay. He doesn’t talk much at all. In those two games, he probably talked more than anyone. That’s just the type of competitor that he is. That’s why he was able to play on a high ankle sprain or whatever it was he was playing on during The Finals.” 「那幾場比賽,可以聽到每個人的聲音,」Green說。「那不是只有一個人,但是其中最明 顯的就是KT。他平常不太多話,但是在那兩場比賽,他說的話比誰都多,那代表他就是那 種競爭型球員,那也是他在受高位腳踝傷或是其他傷但是他可以在總決賽奮鬥的原因。」 Myers was a bit reflective, acknowledging that he was dubious when Warriors’ majority owner Joe Lacob said on television years ago that the Warriors were going to add to their lonely banner. GM Myers則是思考了一下,想到幾年前勇士老闆在電視上說要拿下冠軍的時候其實有點懷 疑。 Said Myers: “I thought, no we’re not. But we’ve added three, which is hard to believe.” Myers說,「我想,我們應該拿不到。不過我們居然拿下三個,真的很難相信。」 Myers, who has a three-week-old baby, also revealed that his wife timed the birth of their child to when the Warriors were winning in the Conference Finals. Myers,剛有個三個禮拜大的寶寶,說他老婆算生產的時間大概會是在拿下分區冠軍的時 候。 “Halftime of Game 3,” Myers said. “That’s actually when I got the text. We were up against Houston. My wife said, "You think you’re going to win?’ She said, "All right, let’s just have the baby now.'“ 「在Game 3中場的時候,」Myers說。「那時候我收到簡訊,我們準備要打火箭,我老婆 說,『你認為你會贏嗎?』她說,『嗯好吧,那我們現在就來去生小孩吧。』」 Kerr said it was a long season; but everything came together when it needed to. He praised the Warriors’ competitive fight, likening them to a racehorse that pushes during the home stretch. Kerr說今年球季很漫長;但是最終所有的努力達成最後的結果,他讚美球員們的競爭性, 他把他們譬喻成賽馬,在最後的關頭衝刺成功。 “It was difficult because we’ve been doing it for a few years now and it just gets tougher as you go along,” Kerr said. “The journey was a long one and these guys were amazing. They turned it up during the playoffs, just the competitive fight they have is incredible. Last couple of months made it all worth it.” 「因為過去幾年的經驗,反而顯得越來越困難,」Kerr說。「這一路是漫長的,但是他們 真的很棒。他們在季後脫胎換骨,這幾場高競爭的比賽真的很不可思議,過去幾個月的日 子都值得了。」 As for next year, Curry, who carried the Larry O’Brien trophy onto the stage, said he wants to be in the same position again in 12 months. 說到明年,拿著冠軍金盃上台的Curry說,他想要12個月後在同一地點再做同一件事。 “We’re going to try to get greedy and go get some more,” Curry said. 「我們會試著更貪心點,拿更多個,」Curry說。 Added Thompson: “What Steph said.” KT在旁邊加了句,「就如Curry說的。」 -- 總板有一篇(#1R87tArx (NBA))講的Myers好像反反覆覆,所以想把這篇翻出來。 一個輕鬆的場合,就只是開玩笑而已,腦補成反悔,會不會想太多。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1528873916.A.70F.html
currylovekuo: 任何再荒唐的謊言都有三分真實性 06/13 15:14
onetooneya: 綠:KT在西決G6-7時一直出怪聲! 06/13 15:21
walithey: Kerr 最少10枚應該沒問題 06/13 15:28
hank7218: 就跟LBJ的動向一樣,總板都是用等著看好戲的心態在寫文 06/13 15:29
hank7218: 章,不需要太認真 06/13 15:29
digimongo: 拿個21枚 20枚套手腳 1枚套__ 06/13 15:37
freshbox7: 樓上套哪,講清楚喔XD 06/13 17:16
leo921080931: 還是有人繼續腦補XD 06/13 18:33
vanassa: 總版大概不能開玩笑吧 特別是勇士隊 06/13 18:35
cto3000: He can’t have anything不是什麼都得不到,而是說不能 06/13 19:10
cto3000: 他說了算 06/13 19:10
謝謝c大建議,已修 ※ 編輯: IamGandalf (, 06/14/2018 10:28:58
stja: XD 06/17 15:15