看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇有點長~~ 翻譯若有錯,請不吝指正 來源: The Mercury News 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yby5j3nl NBA free agency: How will Warriors bolster championship roster? 勇士如何藉由FA補強他們的球員名單 OAKLAND – The Warriors could finally relax. They did not need to worry about pacing themselves through an 82-game regular season or playing at their best through the playoffs. They did not need to worry about how their star-studded roster and championship equity would match up against teams determined to beat them. 勇士終於可以休息一下了。他們終於可以不用擔心,要如何按照自己的步調打完82場正規 賽或是使盡全力衝過季後賽。他們也不用擔心他們滿天星的輪值要如何打敗那些目的就是 要打敗勇士的其他隊伍。 The Warriors already proved they had just enough, winning their third NBA championship in four years. So the Warriors spent their championship parade consuming alcohol, roaming the barricaded streets and interacting with fans. 勇士已經證明他們的能力,四年三冠。所以,他們可以在冠軍遊行時暢飲,在街道上漫 步,跟球迷互動。 Warriors general manager Bob Myers was not one of those people. After riding on one of the Warriors’ buses through the parade route, he returned to the team’s practice facility to oversee a pre-draft workout for Cincinnati junior forward Jacob Evans III. The Warriors have since drafted Evans with the No. 28 pick, but Myers’ itinerary will only become busier. 但是,總管Myers不是那種人。在跟其他人在巴士上遊行完之後,他就回到球隊訓練場館去 看選秀前試訓,要看他們可能的第28順位選秀目標Jacob Evans。雖然最後也以28順位選上 了Evans,Myers的行程只是越來越滿。 “You’d like to stop for one second,” Myers said. “But here we go.” 「或許會想停下來一秒休息一下,」Myers說。「但是走吧!」 Here we go indeed. The Warriors are four days away from when free agency begins at 9:01 pm PT on Saturday. And the Warriors have more questions than answers on how that will play out. 所以繼續前行。距離於星期六晚上開始的FA只有4天,而勇士制服組對於要如何在FA市場找 球員,有問題的比有答案的還要多的多。 The Warriors know that Kevin Durant will re-sign with the team after repeatedly stating multiple times he would before and after winning his second NBA championship and Finals MVP award in consecutive seasons. When it comes to whether Durant will re-sign on a one-year deal or multi-year deal? That is not as certain. Same thing as to whether Durant will seek a max contract or take a discount as he voluntarily did last summer. 勇士知道KD會再簽,他在拿下冠軍之前跟之後都說過很多次。現在要知道的是KD會簽一年 還是多年約?這還不確定,另外一個要知道的會是KD想要頂薪還是會跟去年一樣佛心降 價? “I think we’ll figure that out this week or early next week,” Myers said. “But again, I’m not too focused on it. Whatever works for him and us, I’m sure it’ll be easy.” 「我認為這禮拜或是下禮拜初大概就會知道了,」Myers說。「但是要重申,我不會花太多 心力在這上,不管是對他或是勇士球團,我確定應該會很簡單的。」 The Warriors anticipate the same thing with coach Steve Kerr. Both parties plan to agree to an extension on a contract that currently expires following the 2018-19 season. Nothing has progressed for the past two weeks, but Myers stressed that means absolutely nothing. 跟總教練Kerr的狀況應該也會類似。雙方都計畫會延長這份會在2018-19後會到期的合約, 雖然上兩個禮拜都沒進展,但是Myers強調這不代表任何意思。 “I don’t have any fear. I don’t have any trepidation. We’ll get that done, ” Myers said. “Steve’s been a great partner. I know he wants to be here. We want him here. That should be one of the lower stress negotiations we have to do.” 「我沒有任何疑問或恐慌,我們會把這件事辦好的,」Myers說。「Kerr是個好夥伴,我知 道他想待在這裡,我們也想他留下來,這大概會是沒壓力的協商中的其中一件。」 Some of the higher stress negotiations: how do the Warriors upgrade their bench? 比較有壓力的協商的其中之一: 勇士要怎麼升級他們的板凳? “We still need depth. We still would like to add maybe a young player or maybe one more veteran. But a lot of it will depend on what’s available to us,” Myers said. “I don’t know we’ll be engaging in deals at the jump. I think we’ll have to be a little bit more patient. But that’s okay.” 「我們仍要有板凳深度。或許加個年輕的球員,再加個老將,但是這都要看還有哪些我們 可以找得到的,」Myers說。「我不知道我們會不會一口氣完成一堆合約,但是我認為我們 必須要多點耐心,那是OK的。」 Granted, the Warriors do not exactly need to chase marquee free agents. They already have Durant, Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green. But the Warriors want to strengthen their championship armor with a stronger bench. Only problem, they do not have many spending tools to do so. 當然,勇士不需要去追一堆的FA。他們已經有KD,Curry,KT跟Green。但是勇士想要更強 的板凳來補強冠軍陣容。唯一的問題是,他們沒有太多的銀子可以動。 They have a mid-level exception ($5.3 million) and veteran’s minimum contracts. The Warriors would like to retain restricted free agent forward Patrick McCaw and unrestricted free agent forward Kevon Looney, but that partly hinges on if they receive any lucrative offers elsewhere. While the Warriors can only offer Looney up to $2.3 million per season, they have three days to match any offer McCaw receives. Though Warriors majority owner Joe Lacob has stated and shown he will absorb luxury tax penalties, he will not write a blank check. 勇士有一個中產例外(530萬鎂)跟老將底薪可用。勇士應該會留下受限FA前鋒McCaw跟非受 限FA Looney,但那要看他們會不會接到其他隊給的更高價的合約。勇士只能給Looney 230萬鎂,他們只有三天可以出可以比拼McCaw收到其他隊的報價。雖然勇士老闆Lacob說他 不介意付豪華稅,這不代表他開了一張可以隨意填數字的支票。 “Joe has always shown a high level of aggressiveness. So if it makes sense for us and helps us win, he’s always said yes,” Myers said. “But that’ll be the markers that have to be met. ‘Is this guy going to play for us?’ Obviously being in the tax, there’s an exponential cost for using tax payer mid-level for us. We have to be smart and prudent with whatever we spend, even if it’s a minimum. Our roster spots are somewhat limited as well. There ’s a little bit of juggling that has to go on. Hopefully when the dust settles, we have a team that is as competitive as last year’s team.” 「Lacob一直展現了高度的積極性,所以為了幫助球隊贏,他都會說沒問題,」Myers說。 「但是那是在有些條件要達到,『這個球員會想幫我們打球嗎?』很明顯的,我們要付豪 華稅,那會是會以指數等級上升。所以我們必須要聰明點,小心的花,即使是付最少的豪 華稅。我們名單上空位也有限,可能還要喬一下,希望等一切塵埃落定,我們組出來的隊 伍會跟去年一樣的有競爭力。」 That partly hinges on how many of their pending free agents the Warriors keep. 那會看到底勇士想留下幾名FA。 Warriors veteran forward David West has not informed the team yet if he plans to retire following his 15th NBA season. If the 37-year-old West would like to return, the Warriors are open toward resigning him on a veteran’s minimum deal. West would not be expected to log significant minutes, but the Warriors would likely value him for his locker-room presence. 老將大衛西還沒通知球隊他會不會在NBA第15年球季後退休。所以若是37歲老將回歸,勇士 會用老將底薪簽他。雖然大衛西不會上場太長時數,但是勇士認為有他在球員休息室的作 用是很重要的。 “We’ll respect that,” Myers said about West’s decision. “We’ll have dialogue with him and his agent and see what might happen.” 「我們尊重他,」Myers說到大衛西。「我們都有在跟大衛西以及他的經紀人對話,看看到 時候會怎樣囉。」 The Warriors are not expected to re-sign veteran center Zaza Pachulia after experiencing a fluctuating role throughout the 2017-18 season. Though Kerr altered his center rotation for matchup purposes, Pachulia played in only mop-up duty in seven out of a possible 21 playoff games because his plodding 6-foot-11, 270-pound frame did not match up well against small-ball oriented teams that played at a fast pace. 依據2017-18球季起伏的表現,勇士被認為不會再跟老將Zaza續約。雖然教練Kerr根據對手 隊伍改變了中鋒輪值,但是因為6呎11吋,270磅的Zaza沒辦法跟上小球隊伍的快速進攻模 式,他只在21場季後賽出場了7場,而且是垃圾時間。 Though the 34-year-old Pachulia expressed optimism he will attract interest in the open market, he sounded uncertain about his Warriors future after making $3.2 million last season. 雖然34歲的Zaza對於他可以在市場吸引到其他隊的注意保持樂觀,去年合約是320萬鎂,不 過他自己也不確定他跟勇士是否還有未來。 “Bob doesn’t need to tell me. We all know the way how it was for me. It’s different,” Pachulia told The Bay Area News Group. “I wasn’t expecting it. It just happened. That’s it. We’ll see what they’re going to think. I’m not saying I’m not coming back for sure. You never know what’s going to happen. There’s always a chance and always a possibility. We’ll see. At the end of the day, there are 30 teams. It’s like the same thing I did last year. We listen to the offers and try to make the best decision possible for me, my career and family. That’s it.” 「Myers不需要跟我講,我們都知道事情會是怎樣的,這不一樣,」Zaza跟記者說。「我那 時沒有在期待那份約,它就這樣來了。我們就看球團會怎麼考慮,我不會說我一定不會回 來,你永遠不知道未來會如何變化,總是有機會的,就觀察吧。畢竟,NBA有30個球隊。 今年狀況就跟去年一樣,我們會看合約有哪些,做對我,我的家人跟我的事業最好的決 定,大概就是這樣。」 It appears more likely that the Warriors would retain center JaVale McGee, even if Kerr also shuffled him in and out of the lineup. 勇士比較可能會留下中鋒McGee,即使Kerr也常把他拉上拉下。 The Warriors liked how McGee kept a positive attitude and remained productive despite uneven playing time. Despite playing sparingly in the Western Conference Finals (Houston) and semifinals (New Orleans), Kerr leaned on McGee for matchup purposes in the first round against San Antonio (8.4 points, 5.2 rebounds) and the Finals against Cleveland (8.0 points, 2.3 rebounds). If the Warriors retain McGee, it will likely be on a veteran’s minimum deal. 勇士喜歡McGee保持著正面的態度,即使出場時間不固定,仍然保持有一定的貢獻。雖然, 在西決以及半準決賽極少上場,Kerr在第一輪打馬刺(8.4分,5.2籃板)跟總冠軍賽打騎士 (8.0分,2.3籃板)就依靠McGee與這兩隊對抗。所以若是勇士留下McGee,也應該會是老將 底薪。 “I’m open for some things. I’m definitely open for the veteran’s minimum, ” McGee told The Bay Area News Group. “But I definitely have to play the field and really see what is out there.” 「我對一些事情保持開放的態度,我對老將底薪也是OK,」McGee跟記者說到。「但是我一 定會想看看狀況,看看外面的世界是如何。」 It appears likely Warriors forward Nick Young will have to look elsewhere. Though Kerr has publicly praised Young for his defense in the playoffs and a key 3-pointer in Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals against Houston, the Warriors are mindful of Young’s shooting inconsistency (41.2 percent in regular season and 30.2 percent in postseason) and his season-long conditioning issues. 勇士前鋒Nick Young似乎一定會想去別處看看的,雖然Kerr公開稱讚Young在季後賽的防守 以及西決第七戰那關鍵三分球,勇士對於Young外線的不穩定性(季賽41.2趴,季後30.2趴) 以及平常季賽訓練的一些狀況有所疑慮。 “I’m not here to talk about boring questions like that,” Young said about his pending free agency at McGee’s charity softball game on Saturday. “You don’t know what’s going to happen.” 「我今天來這邊不是來討論那些無聊的問題的,」Young在星期六參加McGee主辦的慈善軟 式棒球時講到。「你不知道將來會發生什麼的。」 Because of that uncertainty, Myers anticipated he will not finalize the team’ s roster until late July or early August. The Warriors will weigh if they want to use their two roster spots for two-way contracts on developing players or ones immediately ready to play. The Warriors might wait on filling out their bench, mindful that free-agency decisions likely hinge on where LeBron James and Paul George sign. 因為這些不確定性,Myers認為他大概要到七月底甚至八月初才有可能把整個球隊名單給確 定下來。球團會評估他們是不是要用兩個球員名單位置用來簽雙向合約,來培養一些球 員。勇士會等待板凳球員的補強,觀察是LBJ或PG會跟誰簽約,因為那會影響許多FA的決 定。 “The league is always going to be competitive whether we’re good or not, the league is going to come after us or any team for that matter. That’s what it should be,” Myers said. “This is competition. You’re trying to win a championship. You expect it. For us, the job would be more about what are we trying to accomplish and then whatever happens with the league, you tip your hat to him. There are some really smart people out there and competitive front offices and ownership, coaches and players. That’s what makes winning a championship worth while, going up against great minds and people that have great work ethic and great strategies.” 「不管我們變好或是變爛,其他聯盟球隊都會變得更競爭,他們就是想打敗我們或是其他 有競爭力的隊伍,事情就是這樣,」Myers說。「這就是競爭,我們試著贏下冠軍,這是我 們期待的。對我們來說,我們的工作是努力去達成這目標,然後看聯盟各隊怎樣應變,我 們很同意且尊重。其他隊有很聰明的制服組,老闆,教練跟球員們,這讓贏得冠軍顯得有 價值許多。」 As for the Warriors, Myers said he plans to strategize with his front office colleagues and Kerr this week on the team’s pending free agents. They had spent the previous week focusing on the NBA Draft. That also partly explains why Myers did not have any formal exit meetings with Kerr, Curry, Durant and Green. But what does Myers need to say to an accomplished coach and a group of star players that just won an NBA title? 至於勇士,Myers說他計畫這禮拜會跟制服組及教練Kerr擬定好對於隊上的FA的策略。他們 上周專注在選秀,那也部分解釋了為何Myers還沒跟Kerr,Curry,KD以及Green有正式的季 末會議。但是,在贏得冠軍後,Myers有甚麼還要跟已經表現優異的教練以及一群明星球員 說的呢? “I don’t know what I would’ve said anyway. Congrats guys,” Myers joked. “ It would’ve been ‘Hey great job.’” 「反正我也不知道要說啥。恭喜啊!」Myers開玩笑的說。「或者像是『幹得好!』」 This time, the conversations will be more substantial. 這次,講的東西應該會重要的多。 “It’s more on any thoughts they wanted to convey that maybe I wasn’t aware of. I think one thing we do well with this organization is a lot of these conversations are very organic,” Myers said. “They don’t have to take place at a certain time or date. If Kevin has something to say or Andre [Iguodala] or Draymond, they pick up the phone and call or text. They do that. So whether it was an exit interview or assigned meeting, that’s not the one opportunity to hear from them.” 「比較像是他們想要表達一些我沒注意到的想法吧,我認為我們在勇士球團做的很好的是 很多的對話是自然而然的,」Myers說。「不用特別找地方或找時間,若是KD有東西想講, 或是小AI,或是Green,他們電話拿起來就講了或者就開始傳簡訊。所以不管是季末會議或 是其他任務會議,那不會是要聽到他們意見的那種機會。」 Hence, Myers’ vacation will not start any time soon. 因此,Myers的假期大概不會很快有機會開始的。 “It’s not healthy, in my opinion, to be so consumed that you can’t have some segment of balance,” Myers said. “It’s hard to do any job that way.” 「但是,以我的意見,那樣投入工作而且沒有一點平衡的時間是很不健康的,」Myers說 到。「要那樣工作真的很難。」 Myers will still try anyway, in hopes of still fielding the NBA’s best roster. Myers還是會試試看,希望可以組成NBA的最強名單。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1530079226.A.ED3.html
balire2351: 先推再看,感謝I大的翻譯 06/27 14:03
JL46: 喔喔...給辛苦的IamGandalf大一個「讚」 ( ′▽`)-o「讚」 06/27 14:03
bleach2142: 感謝翻譯 06/27 14:06
saiallblue: 推翻譯 06/27 14:13
ihx00: 期待到時候球隊名單會是怎樣 06/27 14:16
onetooneya: 中間有一段McGee升級成McGeen了 這是進化嗎? 06/27 14:18
翻到後來已經口吐白沫.... QQ ※ 編輯: IamGandalf (, 06/27/2018 14:21:44
hauwie: 感謝翻譯 06/27 14:23
tailsean: 感謝老頭大瘋狂翻譯 06/27 14:41
onetooneya: 我是覺得季後賽R1跟R4的McGee夠格稱McGeen 06/27 14:44
onetooneya: +een代表普通進化 看看之後會不會+reen 06/27 14:44
kikiturtle: 推 06/27 14:45
toroleaf: 變McGeen的話底薪應該簽不下來耶 06/27 14:46
balire2351: 看了Mcgee季後賽表現,底薪可能真的簽不下來 06/27 14:49
onetooneya: 他都說願意留了 應該不難搞定 06/27 15:03
jerry83688: Mcgee應該會像去年一樣去FA試水溫 06/27 15:05
APNA: 狂 06/27 15:05
balire2351: 希望別隊不要來搶呀QQ 06/27 15:05
st890284: McGee不底薪可以開早鳥吧 不過算稅會多付很多 06/27 15:07
eliczone: 這個夏天勇士會非常非常謹慎 一毛錢都會算得很精 06/27 15:11
cc101815: 感謝翻譯哦 06/27 15:50
antony0310: 感謝翻譯 06/27 16:05
fab4312: Looney一定要留 06/27 17:09
eliczone: 留不留決定權不是在勇士 06/27 17:24
fancycab: Javale + Loonnnnn拜託留 06/27 17:27
GYao: 魔獸有機會嗎 06/27 18:25
CW4: 上面爆文那篇已經一堆討論解釋過為什麼不太可能找DH了 06/27 18:31
onetooneya: 總覺得這夏天會很漫長… 市場會很冷 06/27 18:41
onetooneya: 還好下週二可以看JE JB DJ表演 06/27 18:42
CW4: Looney有點考驗他對這隻球隊的感情 別隊跟他簽offer sheet"保 06/27 18:44
CW4: 證"能從我們陣容拔走他只需要承擔很低的代價 06/27 18:44
kbty245: 還在推DH的是反串嗎?就說不適合了是要講幾次? 06/27 18:44
CW4: 問個一千次總會問到狀況外的開始畫餅全公仔陣容 06/27 18:46
QVQ9487: hen奇怪餒 有些推DH來的id都暗暗的 06/27 18:46
a10141013: Mcgee要看其他隊態度怎樣... 06/27 18:48
a10141013: 勇士應該不太可能開中產給他 06/27 18:49
ssisters: 請問季末會議為什麼是Kerr Curry Green KD參與 06/27 21:30
jlincredible: McGee應該會底薪留吧 06/27 21:41
jlincredible: 推甘道夫翻譯 06/27 21:43
bearantony: 推薦這篇文章 06/27 21:45
baiweilo: 推 06/27 22:12
onetooneya: 因為Klay本尊在中國 分身來開會的事情不能公開 06/27 22:15
QVQ9487: 推推 06/27 22:50
onetooneya: KT中國商演出事了 06/27 23:15
kaede0711: 那個真的有夠沒品,KT受傷的話安踏不知道要怎麼賠勇士 06/27 23:18
kbty245: KT直接帶人離開,難得看到KT這麼生氣的 06/27 23:23
AhirunoSora: 可憐的KT 06/27 23:31
AhirunoSora: 本來是歡樂的中國湯結果氣氛被搞爛 06/27 23:31
hauwie: 講真的表演賽不如像curry在台灣那樣 找小朋友打比較歡樂也 06/27 23:41
hauwie: 安全多了 06/27 23:41
nisiya0625: 然後對岸留言:庫里不顧同學情 虐爆對方(玩笑意味) 06/27 23:48
QVQ9487: 真的滿扯的 06/28 01:53
eirose: Looney如果願意低薪留,未來兩三年肯定有他的位置,比起拿略 06/28 02:35
eirose: 高薪去其他隊然後不小的機會就消失離開NBA或許會穩定很多 06/28 02:35
forever920fv: KOQ ED~ 06/28 07:52
Lin3212013: 很少看到湯湯動怒,幸好湯湯沒事 06/28 07:56
Lin3212013: 希望坐飛機的那位沒事 06/28 07:59
abc202000: 感謝大佬翻譯 06/28 08:46
killuaz: 馬靠好像續約了!球團真的很看好他耶,希望沒看走眼 06/28 09:03
eliczone: 那不是續約 只是必然程序 要給他QO才會變成RFA 這樣子 06/28 09:31
eliczone: 別隊如果有報價勇士才有籌碼 預期不會有人會報價 他應 06/28 09:31
eliczone: 該會接受1.7m的QO 06/28 09:31
CW4: 提QO只是確保母隊有first refusal的程序 不是真的簽了約 06/28 09:54
CW4: ^權力 06/28 09:57
CW4: 被先提出QO 之後球隊再撤銷較有名的例子是Jonathon Simmons 06/28 10:11
stja: push 06/28 13:49
killuaz: 長知識推! 06/29 18:33