看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
翻譯若有錯 請不吝指正 來源: The USA today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8j7nvtu Dwight Howard, Trevor Ariza, Jamal Crawford? Warriors could make free-agency splash DH,Ariza,Crawford?勇士可以簽的下來嗎? There’s a certain gravity that comes with greatness. 偉大的事物總是會帶著某些程度上的吸引力。 In sports and otherwise, the elite have a special way of attracting the attention and admiration of others. The same goes for the Golden State Warriors, who won a third title in four years earlier this month and now find themselves with a chance to make the most of their magnetism in free agency – again. 在運動或是其他領域,"頂尖"會吸引其他人的注意跟愛慕。同樣的狀況也發生在現在的金 州勇士隊,四年三冠,現在這個月,他們可能會發現他們可以好利用這個吸引力--再度-- 來得到FA。 With the official business set to tip off at midnight Eastern, here’s how … 當現在所有注意力都在東區,這是說明... It’s been nearly two years since Kevin Durant was the one being pulled in by Golden State’s gravitational force, and he has said numerous times recently that he fully intends on re-signing. But there are rumblings Durant will do another one-plus-one deal rather than sign a four-year, $158 million max contract, which would put the Warriors in prime position to bolster their bench because of the luxury tax savings that would result. KD被勇士的吸引力吸進勇士隊已經兩年了,然後他也講過無數次說他會再簽。但是現在有 些消息說KD會再簽一次1+1的約,而不會簽一個四年1億5800萬鎂的頂約,這會讓勇士在補 強他們的板凳球員上站在絕佳的位置,因為這會讓勇士在豪華稅上減輕不少負擔。 If Durant agrees to a two-year deal with a player option in the second season, it would be déjà vu after his giveback of nearly $10 million last summer helped the Warriors hold on to Andre Iguodala and Shaun Livingston. On a one-plus-one deal, Durant’s salary for next season would be $30 million (as opposed to the $35.3 million it would have been on a four-year deal). 如果KD同意兩年約,第二年為球員選項的話,這就像是歷史重演,去年他自願減薪一千 萬,幫助球隊留下小AI跟Livingston。所以若是今年也是1+1約,KD下季薪水會是3000萬 鎂(若是四年頂薪就會是3530萬鎂)。 That $5.3 million makes a massive difference when it comes to overall cost. The Warriors are projected to be paying an extra $3.25-per-dollar tax by the time they’re making decisions about the supporting cast. As such, a player who was given their entire taxpayer mid-level exception of $5.3 million would actually cost $22.5 million. A minimum salary addition of $2.3 million, by comparison, would cost approximately $7.1 million (the NBA only taxes approximately $1.5 million on minimum deals). 這530萬在球隊最後花費將會有莫大的影響。勇士今年預估,若是要簽下需要的FA,豪華稅 會是3.25鎂/鎂。因此,若是他們要給一個球員中產特例,530萬鎂,實際上他們得要付 2250萬鎂。底薪230萬鎂,最後其實是得付710萬鎂(聯盟對底薪只課150萬鎂的稅)。 All of this matters, of course, because there are some compelling candidates on the Warriors’ radar. But after a season in which players like Nick Young and Omri Casspi didn’t pay off as they’d hoped, it remains to be seen if owner Joe Lacob and his group are willing to pay big for periphery pieces. 這些當然都很重要,因為現在有些FA候選人在勇士的興趣名單上。而在上一季,Nick Young跟Casspi表現不如預期,勇士老闆Lacob還願意花錢在旁邊這些板凳球員身上就有待 觀察。 Eight-time All-Star center Dwight Howard, who has yet to complete an expected buyout with Brooklyn, has serious interest in joining the Warriors. But there remains skepticism within the Warriors’ walls about whether he would be a good fit, with Howard also known to be interested in joining LeBron James (wherever he winds up), New Orleans and Washington. 八屆全明星中鋒Dwight Howard,目前預期應該會與籃網買斷合約,對於加入勇士有很高的 興趣,然而勇士內部似乎還有懷疑,DH是不是真的可以融入勇士體系,另外DH也被人知道 想加入LBJ,紐奧良跟華盛頓。 Considering coach Steve Kerr just secured a three-year extension that reportedly brought his salary to eight-figure territory annually, it's safe to assume he'll have a significant voice here. And if Howard could find a way to allay the concerns about chemistry, this could give Golden State the kind of rim protector they need — especially considering JaVale McGee is also a free agent and may not return. 考慮到教練Kerr剛與勇士延長三年的續約,據報導薪水來到8位數,他的意見應該會有一定 影響。所以若是DH找到方式消除勇士的疑慮,他會給勇士帶來他們所需要的籃框保護--尤 其考慮到McGee也會是FA而且有可能不會回來。 If Houston small forward Trevor Ariza can’t find a big-time payday with the Rockets or anyone else, the prospect of joining the Warriors on a one-year deal is known to be of interest. Golden State has also discussed Avery Bradley as an option, which comes as no surprise to anyone who has seen the eight-year veteran hound the Warriors’ scorers these past few years. Bradley ’s season was cut short by abdominal surgery in March, and he played just 46 games for Detroit and the Los Angeles Clippers. 另外,若是火箭小前鋒Trevor Ariza沒辦法從火箭或是其他隊伍找到一個大約的話,用一 個一年約加入勇士也讓他有興趣。勇士也考慮過Avery Bradley,這一點也不讓人意外, AB這八年的老將在過去幾年內也讓勇士球員相當困擾。AB去年三月因腹部手術,讓他只打 了總共46場比賽。 Former Warriors guard and three-time Sixth Man of the Year Jamal Crawford has serious interest in joining the Warriors, too, and is well aware that it would require a financial sacrifice to take part. The Warriors have interest in Crawford as well, but it appears a minimum salary slot would be the only way to make this happen. 前勇士後衛,三屆最佳第六人Jamal Crawford也對加入勇士有很高的興趣,但那要願意做 出相當的犧牲才有可能發生。勇士球團也很有興趣,但是那要Crawford願意底薪加入才有 可能。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1530405617.A.049.html
GYao: 簽,都簽! 07/01 09:03
ihx00: AB 雖然矮了點但是防守跟投射挺不錯的DH 的話…實在沒好感 07/01 09:19
ihx00: ,尻佛太老了啦 07/01 09:19
EricLuLu: 竟然沒有我大OQuinn 07/01 09:23
daniel6114: 小AB是很棒的12號鎖 但就怕傷勢復原不如預期 07/01 11:05
a10141013: Quinn跟Seth Curry呢? 很符合勇士需要,而且底薪能簽 07/01 11:25
a10141013: Casspi底薪還是能簽回 07/01 11:26
eliczone: 拜託看一下球隊陣容 Seth現在來要什麼位置? 07/01 14:35