看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
翻譯若有錯,請不吝指正 來源: The Mercury News 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y7lf3ewn Frustrated Cousins called Warriors to get deal done 沮喪的Cousins打電話給勇士後加入勇士 DeMarcus Cousins was an emotional wreck and stunned no teams reached out to him as free agency wore on, so he took matters into his own hands, according to Marc Spears of the Undefeated. Cousins在發現當FA市場開始後沒有球隊跟他詢價,他的心情非常低落而且驚愕;所以他打 算自己來處理,據記者Marc Spears報導。 “I was shocked,” Cousins told Spears. “I didn’t believe it. It was a rough, pretty emotional night.” 「我很震驚,」Cousins告訴Spears。「我不敢相信,那一個晚上真的很難,很難過。」 Sensing he was in a desperate situation, Cousins told Spears he felt he had no choice but to call his agent, Jarinn Akana, at 5 a.m. Monday with a crazy plan: See if the Warriors were interested in signing him. Cousins察覺到他在一個很絕望的情況,Cousins告訴記者他沒有選擇,在凌晨五點,他只 好打電話給他的經紀人,Jarinn Akana,他提出了一個瘋狂的計畫:看看勇士有沒有興趣 簽他。 “(Akana) was shocked,” Cousins told the Undefeated. “It was very insulting not to receive an offer. But I understand. I prepared myself for this.” 「經紀人也嚇到了,」Cousins說。「對我來說沒接到任何報價是種侮辱,但是我知道,我 對這種狀況也是有準備的。」 The four-time All-Star center knew his stock was down as he recovers from a torn Achilles tendon, but he was nearing a $200 million deal before the injury and to not even get a sniff of an offer was a jolt. 四屆全明星中鋒知道他的"股價"在他傷了他的阿基里斯腱後破底,在受傷前他曾有過接近 兩億的合約過,沒有任何其他各隊的報價還是很讓他震驚。 It demanded some bold action. 這時候需要一些大膽的舉措了。 Three hours later, Cousins he phoned Warriors general manager Bob Myers to see if Golden State wanted to use their taxpayer’s mid-level exception of $5.3 million on him. 三小時後,Cousins打電話給勇士總管Myers,問問看勇士有沒有興趣用中產特例簽他。 “This was my ace of spades,” Cousins said. “This was my chess move.” 「那是我的黑桃A,」Cousins說。「我在下一盤大棋。」 Much like Kevin Durant wanted to get a sense how Stephen Curry, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and Andre Iguodala felt about him coming to the Warriors two years ago, Cousins called some Warriors stars after speaking with Myers. 就像兩年前KD加入勇士前想知道Curry,Green,KT跟小AI對他加入勇士的看法,Cousins也 打電話給勇士明星球員們。 Cousins told Spears he spoke with Durant, Curry and Green and they all were excited and ready to have the often-maligned center as their teammate. Cousins跟記者說他跟KD,Curry,跟Green通過話,他們都非常興奮,也準備好要一個常常 有些"狀況"的他打球。 “Steph was so freaking excited,” Cousins said. “Every one of those guys was excited.” 「Curry尤其是興奮到不行,」Cousins說。「那幾個球員都很興奮。」 Although Cousins likely won’t get to join the Warriors star-studded lineup until at least late December, he’s also thrilled to find such a comforting NBA home. 雖然Cousins至少得等到12月底才有可能加入明星先發,但是他對於找到一個讓他舒服的球 隊已經是很激動了。 “I feel amazing,” he told Spears. “The crazy thing is it has been tough for me. But I’m just happy to be with the champs.” 「我覺得很神奇,」Cousins告訴記者。「瘋狂的是那一直對我來說很難,但是我對於可以 跟冠軍隊伍在一起就是個開心。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1530700540.A.E9D.html
AhirunoSora: 推 07/04 18:40
onetooneya: Curry興奮到不行 到底多興奮( ̄▽ ̄) 07/04 18:41
janrowang: 興奮到模糊! 07/04 18:45
st930324: Curry:三弟終於來了(wktk 07/04 18:52
gold97972000: 浪花 07/04 18:57
yckuanlk: 其實他的心情很能理解... 07/04 18:57
alonelykid: Curry興奮到開始在家裡怪叫? 07/04 18:57
onetooneya: Curry有出怪聲嗎? 07/04 18:58
QVQ9487: 推翻譯 07/04 19:12
dark0224: 這就是人生~~ 希望表弟能在勇士打出好成績 07/04 19:16
hojoe: 這就是人生啊 選擇錯誤跟選擇正確真是大不同 07/04 19:19
Riemann: curry該不會除了魔獸,對每個來報到的都表達"我好興奮啊" 07/04 19:22
Riemann: 。 "有傢俱問題別怕,包在哥身上啊" (捶胸掛保證) 07/04 19:22
ATand: 劉關張到齊了 07/04 19:27
ssisters: 期待表弟跟Green一起和氣捍衛我勇 07/04 19:31
CW4: 魔獸:為什麼我打過去都沒人接? 07/04 19:39
Bonjwa: 好文謝翻 07/04 19:45
roy80423: 魔獸:hello 有人可以接一下電話嗎? 07/04 19:59
currylovekuo: 魔獸敲門勇士鎖門 07/04 20:11
Smile916: 感謝翻譯~ 07/04 20:12
fancycab: 我大Curry 真的孩子氣哈哈哈 07/04 20:17
currylovekuo: 我開始好奇如果ad來咖喱會怎麼興奮了XD 07/04 20:24
pink80109: 您的電話將轉接到語音信箱XDD 07/04 20:24
freshbox7: 咖哩是這樣子吧 http://i.imgur.com/xkXlsiQ.jpg 07/04 20:31
freshbox7: 不曉得國外有沒有人P圖 XD 07/04 20:32
AhirunoSora: https://i.imgur.com/4g4PAut.jpg 不是抱著小熊 07/04 21:00
AhirunoSora: 在地上打滾嗎XD 07/04 21:00
opse1020: 還沒開打也是有很多人不興奮還很氣XD 07/04 21:06
balire2351: 期待green跟表弟的火爆禁區XD 07/04 23:02
EricLuLu: 可惜表弟不能馬上上場,不然應該有機會挑戰球隊單季最多 07/04 23:24
EricLuLu: T的紀錄XD 07/04 23:24
freshbox7: 小熊是什麼梗 ? 07/05 00:50
king114206: 哈哈好期待下個球季的勇士 07/05 01:26
isley196: 魔獸打過去:嘟嘟嘟嘟... 07/05 03:36
CW4: 魔獸哭倒在經紀人懷裡:加州訊號那麼差嗎? 勇士跟湖人都打不通 07/05 06:55
currylovekuo: 咖喱的新寶寶是男生耶! 07/05 08:18
tct50: 當初鵜鶘不是有報價2年40M嗎?可是當初鵜鶘不是有報價2年40 07/05 09:43
tct50: M嗎? 07/05 09:43
tct50: 打到兩次了乾 07/05 09:43
opse1020: 樓上加油~總版吵了兩天還不了解前因後果也是蠻可憐的。 07/05 09:47
CW4: 鵜鶘季中報價的時候你有出來預言他們能補到Mirotic以及運作良 07/05 09:55
CW4: 好 不然就切GG以示負責的話 我就相信表弟應該知道後來拿不到 07/05 09:57
CW4: 同個條件 07/05 09:57
onetooneya: #1RFA6SHf (NBA) 07/05 09:59
onetooneya: 時間序的問題 07/05 09:59
CW4: 除了時間序 那種40M/2Y的描述很簡化 沒有說是否有team option 07/05 10:00
CW4: 跟多少金額是guaranteed 07/05 10:01