看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Jonas Jerebko在週一與勇士隊簽下了一年合約。 擷取一些採訪片段: about join Warriors "My agent called and said the Warriors were interested and after that, it was a wrap,"Jerebko said Monday afternoon."When the best team in the world calls, you answer." "當時我的經紀人聯絡說勇士有意簽下我,事情就已經定案了。世界上最好的球隊向你招手時,你是會答應的。" "I'm going to do whatever it takes," he said."I'm going to play defense, get rebounds, set screens, get guys open, find the open man and I've been known to knock down an open shot lately, too." "會盡所能幫助球隊,我會防守、搶籃板、掩護,讓這些傢伙得到空檔出手。自己也能命中空檔投籃。" advice to DeMarcus Cousins on Achilles recovery "He's going to be back no problem," Jerebko said of Cousins. "I haven't had any problems with it. I took my time. It took quite some time but I did my rehab right and I know he's going to be back.I'm definitely going to talk to him when I get the chance,"Jerebko said."He just needs to take his time. He’s going to be back, no problem." "Cousins的回歸是無庸置疑的,我以前也是如此。復健的時間雖然漫長,只要做好,我深信他會回來的。有機會我會和Cousins談談,給他一些建議。只要花時間復健,他就一定能回來。" (2010年Jerebko曾受過同樣的傷) about Sweden "The NBA is pretty big and obviously the biggest league in the world now. It 's growing. Basketball is international now and Sweden is catching up but they definitely have some catching up to do.I want to show that its possible to come from Sweden and play for a team like Golden State," Jerebko continued. "NBA作為地球上最大的籃球聯盟,也在持續發展。籃球現在是國際運動,這方面瑞典在發展中,也需要更努力去追趕。我想證明,來自瑞典的球員也能融入勇士這樣的球隊。" For now, though, Jerebko hopes to be in peak condition by the start of training camp in September. Jerebko現在已經在準備9月的訓練營了。 採訪影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0VhYhmguqM&t=45s
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1531799102.A.89A.html ※ 編輯: hyperfrog (, 07/17/2018 11:51:44
key000130: 表弟年底有機會回來 07/17 11:54
LENling: 推 新隊草(? 07/17 11:54
ps2468810629: 跟Curry一起當勇士顏值擔當 07/17 11:59
※ 編輯: hyperfrog (, 07/17/2018 12:15:11 ※ 編輯: hyperfrog (, 07/17/2018 12:16:41
onetooneya: 態度很棒 07/17 12:31
tailsean: 能看到他上15分鐘以上我會很滿足 07/17 12:51
onetooneya: 第三段的標題是不是怪怪的 07/17 13:07
nisiya0625: 嗯 說會找表弟談談有點小感動 07/17 14:36
aapcao: 表弟回來勇士三連霸 ~~~ 07/17 14:53
balire2351: 推,這隻很適合勇士球風 07/17 15:52
※ 編輯: hyperfrog (, 07/17/2018 19:35:50
currylovekuo: 長的挺帥的 07/17 21:05
currylovekuo: 有點像白一點的哈梅斯 07/17 21:05
pink80109: 阿基里斯被稱為希臘第一勇士(根據維基百科) 07/17 23:03
pink80109: 那表弟+JJ就是我們的阿基里斯連線,又稱金州第一勇士XD 07/17 23:04
onetooneya: 原來Kerr在太陽總管時期曾經試訓過Jerebko 07/17 23:33
tailau0: 繼浪花兄弟和吃T兄弟之後,勇士又多了阿基里斯兄弟! 07/18 23:15
alonelykid: 阿基里斯兄弟用在籃球上只覺得怕 07/19 07:51
ihx00: 但他們打法本就不太吃勁爆體能應該還好 07/19 17:17