看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Underrated By Stephen Curry Jan 9 2019 原文連結:https://bit.ly/2AFrcNA 文長,翻譯經驗不多,請多指教~ ---------- 正文開始: *Steph Curry look like he belong on a AAU team* *Lol I asked the guy at champs if they have a Steph Curry shirt & he said "sorry we don't carry weak players"* It's the summer of 2001, I'm 13 years old, and we're at the AAU national championships in Tennessee. I was 5'5", 5'6" tops - and maybe like 100 pounds soaking wet. We lost badly, and I played worse. 那是2001年的夏天,我13歲,我們正在田納西打AAU全國冠軍賽。 我頂多5呎5, 6吋、最多100磅重。 我們輸得很難看,而我打的更難看。 - I had finally gotten the chance that I'd been waiting for, all year, to measure myself up.... and I fell short. Way short. It really felt like a wake-up call. It felt like this moment of truth - where there was only one possible lesson to take away: that I just wasn't good enough. 我終於得到了一個證明自己的機會,為這已經等一整年了,然而結果卻是感受到自己的 渺小。這記當頭棒喝彷彿在告訴我一個事實 - 也是唯一一個教訓:我就是不夠強。 - I remember getting back to our hotel room - I think it was a Holiday Inn Express? - and just sulking. Like, I wasn't being a hothead. I wasn't mad at losing. I was just...... down. I was in my turtle shell. I was feeling.... well, I guess I was feeling how we're really all taught to feel by these big tournaments, and this cutthroat basketball culture: like we're walking down some do-or-die path. My dad took that path, and he made it to the league. And his son? His son couldn't even make a mark against some other 13-year-olds. 回到旅館後(好像是Holiday Inn Express吧?)我只能生悶氣。我並沒有對輸球 感到激動憤怒,我就是感到...非常低落。這麼形容吧:我感覺我們從小就被灌輸著在 面對一些大比賽時要有一種把球場當戰場、不是生就是死的心態。我老爸接受了這些 挑戰,並且成功了登上籃球的最高殿堂,但他兒子呢?他兒子甚至無法打贏其他13歲 的孩子們。 - So like I said, I wasn't heated. I was more just, like - Oh, O.K. That's it? I'm not good enough? This is.... over? For me, in that moment, it pretty much WAS over. But it was also in that moment that my parents sat me down - at that Holiday Inn in Tennessee - and gave me what I'd call probably the most important talk of my entire life. 就像我說的,我沒有憤怒,反而更像「噢,好吧,就這樣嗎?我不夠強?這一切就這樣 結束了嗎?」 對那時候的我來說,一切基本上就是結束了。 但同時也是在此時,我的父母在那間田納西的Holiday Inn與我坐了下來,並和我 來了一場我人生中最重要的一次交流。 - I wish I had the transcript for you, since there were some real gems in there. Basically, though? My Mom took the lead. She said, Steph, I'm only going to tell you this one time. After that, this basketball dream.... it's going to be what it's going to be. But here's what I'll say: NO ONE gets to write your story but you. Not some scouts. Not some tournament. Not these other kids, who might do this better or that better. And not EVER your last name. None of those people, and none of those things, gets to be the author of your story. Just you. So think real hard about it. Take your time. And then you go and write what you want to write. But just know that this story - it's yours. 我希望我有手稿,因為這段真的有很多值得思考的地方。事情差不多是這樣的,我媽先 開了頭,她說: Steph, 我只會告訴你這麼一次,而之後你的籃球夢怎麼發展,就不是我們能掌控的了, 但我要跟你說清楚:「沒有人」能幫你寫你的故事;球探不能、比賽不能、其他孩子不 能、甚至你爸也不能。只有你才是你自己的主人,所以,花些時間好好想想,來決定你 到底要怎麼走這條路,而這一路上記住一件事 - 這是你的人生,你的故事。 - Man.... that moment stuck with me. It stuck with me throughout my growing-up years, and it's stuck with me throughout my career as a basketball player so far. It's the best advice I've ever gotten. And anytime I've needed it - anytime I've been snubbed, or underrated, or even flat-out disrespected - I've just remembered those words, and I've persevered. I've said to myself, This is no one's story to write but mine. It's no one's story but mine. 老兄... 那個時刻就這麼停留在我記憶中。 這些話伴隨著我的成長,也伴隨著我的籃球生涯一路至今,這絕對是我得到最好的 建議,每當我感覺到被低估或不受尊重時,我就想起這些話,並且挺了過來。 我告訴我自己,沒有人能寫我的故事,這是我的人生,我的故事。 - *ESPN has Knicks gettin Steph Curry in the draft. Meh.* *Steph curry will never win a title* Wait - hold up. You didn't think this was one of those fairytales where the kid gets some pep talk, and then immediately everything changes for the better, right? Because..... It REALLY isn't that. Man. I was still so far under the radar it was crazy. 等等,你該不會以為這就像那些童話,那種孩子被鼓勵之後事情就馬上好轉的童話? 事情沒有那麼簡單的。 老兄,我那時依舊還是非常不受到矚目的。 - I remember part of the problem being just how skinny I was. Like, I'm telling you all - I was so so so skinny. Could not put on that weight to save my life. Me and my cousin, Will, we used to walk down to the GNC at this little shopping mall near our neighborhood - just looking at the racks for some kind of miracle cure. We never had any money on us, so we wouldn't actually buy anything. But I guess we were just trying to.... you know what, I don't even know. Breathe in the magic GNC dust? We'd stay in there for 20 minutes, easy, staring at these giant tubs of mystery powder, like - Must...... have....... the Wheybolic. 一部分的問題就是我真的太瘦了,想增重都沒什麼用。我跟我的cousin Will會到附近的 賣場逛GNC,就看看架子上有沒有什麼神奇的方法能夠讓我們變重。我們從來都沒帶錢 在身上所以也不是真的會買,但我們就想...我不知道,吸吸那些神奇的GNC空氣嗎? 我們會在GNC待上20分鐘就盯著那些一罐一罐的高蛋白,「很 想 吃 他 們 。」 - And then one day, out of the blue - it happened. We got ripped. Nah I'm kidding. We never, ever, ever got ripped. And honestly other than growing a few inches, that was pretty much my scouting profile for the rest of high school: short, skinny, shoots some. You can guess how it went over. 然後有一天,在看似不可能中,一件事發生了! 我們變超壯的! 開玩笑的,我們從來就沒有變壯,除了長了幾英吋。而我高中的球探報告大概也都是 這樣:矮、瘦、會投幾個籃。 事情差不多就是這樣。 - *Steph Curry isn't a remarkable athlete. He isn't super fast. He doesn't handle the ball or pass very well to stand out* *Steph curry ankles made of drake hooks.* I remember the first look I got from a college, during my junior year - when Virginia Tech had some interest. Or I should say, when Virginia Tech showed some interest. If you squinted, it didn't seem CRAZY that they might want me: My dad went there.... I'd made a few comments about how I'd like to go there.... and I was even finally starting to put up some numbers. 我記得在高三時第一次有大學對我有興趣,那間學校是維吉尼亞理工大學。 或者我應該說,他們對我釋出了善意。 其實仔細想一想,他們對我有一點興趣還蠻合理的;我爸是從那畢業的, 我也說過我想去那打球,而且我那時也算有一點能看的成績了。 - And when an assistant coach of theirs offered to swing by our school one day - to MEET with me?? Well, let's just say.... I really squinted. I legitimately started to think they were going to make me an offer. I suggested we meet "over lunch" - cool move, right? Very professional. Except... I'm 16 years old, at this small school with 360 kids. And "lunch" literally means "in the cafeteria." In front of the entire student body. So, maybe not so cool. 而當他們的助理教練說要來我們學校見我時,我還真的開始仔細思考了起來。 我真的以為他們要我去維吉尼亞打球了。 我與他約了午餐時見面 - 很帥吧,超專業的。但...我在一個不起眼的學校唸書、 才16歲,而且午餐見面是真的在學生餐廳,並且在所有其他學生面前。 嗯,這樣看起來其實還蠻白痴的。 - But the big day gets there, and it's finally lunch time. Their assistant coach walks in. He's got his big Hokies polo on. His big Hokies hat. We shake hands, and sit down, and - let's be really real: at this point I am straight-up feeling myself. WHOLE SCHOOL seems like it's buzzing about me and my meeting. Got a room full of people doing the "I'm not looking (I'm 100% looking)" thing. It's basically a power lunch. I'm on top of the world. 當重要的日子來臨時,那位助理教練走進了學生餐廳,穿著全身維吉尼亞理工大學 的校隊制服。我們握手,然後坐下聊天。老實說,這個時候我真的覺得我超帥, 好像整個高中都在談論我跟他們教練面談的事。整間學生餐廳的人們都表現出那種 「我沒有在看喔」但其實一直在看的感覺。這次午餐真的超帥,我是世界最強。 - And then.... dude hits me with it. "Yeah, so - Stephen, thanks for meeting. Really a pleasure. We'd like to invite you to walk on." Turns out, Virginia Tech was only meeting with me as - well, I wouldn't say a favor to my dad, like he would ever ask for that or anything. But it was more like: a courtesy? A walk-on spot for the legend's son? I'd have to pay my own way. Or in other words: They were not interested. 然後...這位老兄就跟我講明白了 「嗯所以呢...Stephen謝謝你參與這次面談,很榮幸。我們願意讓你來walk-on(註1)」 原來維吉尼亞理工大學跟我見面只是為了,嗯,也不是說給我爸一個人情,畢竟我爸 也沒這個意思,這次見面更像一個尊重跟禮貌,給傳奇的兒子一個試煉的機會吧。 真的要去的話,我得自掏腰包。 實話就是,他們對我沒興趣。 註1: walk-on 無獎學金的球員,非正式招募,通常大學球員都會有獎學金 - *Fournier going at Steph Curry every play. Curry is a terrible defender and the nation is about to find out* *Steph Curry is the most overrated player in NBA history.* I remember how...... humble our whole experience was at Davidson. Which, first of all, is funny - because it's really nice now. Like, for real: if you're reading this, go to Davidson. It's an amazing school with an amazing hoops program. But back when I got there, what I mostly remember is just how loud and clear we all got the message that, you know - we were not playing Big-Time College Hoops. Man, like, we were STUDENT athletes. Size 100 font STUDENT, size 12 font athlete. We were "cool, how you hoop and everything.... but I'm going to need that Philosophy paper" athletes. We shared a practice court with the volleyball team. 說到Davidson,我還記得當時的我們多麼可憐。 這很有趣,首先,現在真的好很多了!認真的,如果你在讀這篇,去念Davidson吧! Davidson是個很棒的學校,而且也有很好的籃球計畫。但當初我在那邊打球時, 學校擺明說我們不是籃球名校,我們是「學生」運動員,是「學生」!你會打球很棒, 但那個心理學報告你還是要交。我們當時甚至跟排球隊共用一個場地。 - And then here was the gear rundown: two pairs of sneakers per year, two or three shirts - plus a pair of ankle braces. I honestly think that's it. One of my favorite memories to this day is of those Davidson practices when one of our new shoe shipments arrived. It was like a second Christmas. And then as far as the ankle-braces... man. That was a whole other situation. Let's just say - they were white at the beginning of the season. And by the end, they were not that color. 我們在裝備上也是十分吃緊,一年就兩雙運動鞋,兩到三件衣服,跟一雙護踝,真的 大概就這麼多。其中一個令我印象深刻的記憶是有一次在我們練習時,新的球鞋送到了, 感覺就像過第二次聖誕節一樣!護踝的話...嗯,在球季開始時還是白的, 球季結束後就不好說了。 - It's love, though. Going to Davidson, and playing - and winning - at that level of hoops... it made me who I am, in a way. It made me understand what it means to build something. Like, truly build something. Something that no one can ever take away from you. Something that's all your own. 但我還是很愛在Davidson打球的過程,這某種程度成就了現在的我。在Davidson打球 讓我理解什麼是建立起一些東西,而這些經驗是別人拿不走的,是屬於你自己的經驗。 - And it's interesting - what I'll remember most about my time as a Wildcat? I'm sure everyone probably figures it's our win over Wisconsin in the Sweet Sixteen, or even our game vs. Kansas in the Elite Eight. But it's actually neither of those. It's a memory from right in between them. 有趣的是,如果你問我在Davidson印象最深的是什麼,我想大家都會猜是我們在Sweet Sixteen贏Wisconsin,或是在Elite Eight跟Kansas打的比賽,但其實這兩個都不是。 印象最深的是正好在這兩場比賽之間發生的事。 - I was coming back from dinner, after practice - the night before we played Kansas. Just walking down the hall. And it was the strangest thing ever: I turned the corner down the hallway.... and I ran into about half the team. The guys were sitting there, right on the floor, with their warm-ups on and their clunky 2007 laptops out. Like, this bunch of dudes that had just given back-to-back whoopings to Georgetown and Wisconsin. Sitting on the floor, typing away. And I'm like, "Umm.... what are y'all doing?" The whole group of them answer at the same time: "MIDTERMS." 我那時剛練完球吃完晚餐,就在我們即將對戰Kansas的前一晚,我走在走廊上, 這真的是最奇怪的事了:經過一個轉角,我看到幾乎有半個球隊的人都坐在地板上, 穿著練習衣,大家都拿著2007年那時代的筆電 這些剛打完背靠背比賽的人們就這樣坐在地上敲鍵盤。 我問他們:「你們在幹嘛啊」 大家不約而同的說:「準備期中R」 - No, for real. That's a true story. It's 12 hours to the Elite Eight, 12 hours to the biggest game of any of our lives - and those boys were literally writing term papers in the hallway. Straight up GRINDING in the Word doc. Man, I love Davidson with all my heart. 我是認真的,不開玩笑!再12小時就要打Elite Eight了,再12小時就要迎接我們人生中 最重要的比賽, 而大家卻窩在走廊寫期中報告?認真在Word裡埋頭苦幹耶。 哈哈,我超愛Davidson的。 - *Btw steph curry is inconsistent af* *Ugh, 4 more years of our fortunes tied to Steph... This is why God made beer* I remember Doug Gottlieb, who was a major draft analyst at the time, talking about how there were six other point guards in my class with a higher upside than I had. SportsCenter put up a tweet with his comment on it... and I guess someone found that tweet a few years later, once we started having success in Golden State? So now it gets recirculated every so often. Players' Trib, if y'all wanted to accidentally screenshot that tweet and paste it in here, I probably wouldn't be mad. 時間快轉,我記得當時一個很著名的選秀分析師Doug Gottlieb在講那年的選秀有6個 控衛比我好的多。SportsCenter還發了一條推特引用了他說的話...後來我們在金州有些 不錯的表現時這則推特被翻了出來。這件事大概會不斷的重演吧。 球員論壇的朋友們,如果你們「不小心」截圖而且貼在這邊的話,我「應該」是 不會生氣的啦。 - And of course I'm just playing, and I can smile about something like that now. But at the time?? Man.... it's hard to even describe how much comments like that bugged me. All this analysis that people would put out there, all these scouting reports and whatever, that kept the focus on what I supposedly couldn't do. "Undersized." "Not a finisher." "Extremely limited." I can still reel them off to this day. But what's even crazier is how, also to this day - even with how I've ended up doing my thing, and even with all of these unique types of players coming into the league and showing what they can do - you're still seeing these so-called experts scouting hoops that same old way: by focusing on the downside of what guys can't do. Instead of figuring out the upside of what they can. 當然我是在開玩笑,我現在已經可以一笑置之了,但當時呢?我甚至無法形容這些評論 對我造成多大的困擾。 所有的分析、評論、球探報告之類的,大家都在說我不能夠做什麼。 「太小隻」、「沒有終結能力」、「嚴重受限」 我到現在都還能一一列出來,但更 誇張的是,時至今日,不論我已經證明了我能做到什麼,或其他特別的球員們證明 了他們能在聯盟中做到什麼,你們還是會看到這些自稱專家的人們用相同的方式評論著 球員:大家都著重在我們 「無法做什麼」。 而不是去想想他們的優勢是什麼,他們究竟能達到什麼。 - *steph curry? Does NOT look like a franchise player.* *charles barkley on steph curry: "nobody ever teaches their kid defense and rebounding"* A while back, I had an idea. It's called "The Underrated Tour" - and it basically goes like this: You've got all of these camps out there, right? All these basketball camps, across the country, around the world. And it's great, man. It's special. Those camps are how a lot of NBA guys originally made names for themselves. And we should keep that going! But there's another thing about these camps I've been thinking about. And it's how, if you take a closer look, you'll see that it's the same, exclusive group of kids participating in them, over and over. It's these same four or five-star recruits, players every scout already knows, going from city to city, camp to camp. 前陣子,我有了個想法。 這個想法稱作「被低估的旅程」(註2),是這樣的:我們現在有很多的訓練營對吧,這些 訓練營涉及全國、甚至全世界,這蠻好的啊。很多NBA的球員都是在這些營隊出名的, 所以我們應該讓這個傳統持續下去!但我對這些營隊有一些想法,如果你仔細觀察, 你會發現這些營隊都是同一批精英孩子們在參加的,永遠都是那些最有名、評價很高、 球探們都滾瓜爛熟的孩子們在各個城市參加各種訓練營。 註2: The Underrated Tour 不專業翻譯...希望有人能翻的更好聽一些哈哈 - And I guess I just got to thinking about how, you know - taking nothing away from those kids, those blue-chip prospects. But what about all the other kids? What about the kids who, for one reason or another, because of one perceived shortcoming or another, are getting labeled as two or three-star recruits? Now I'm not saying those kids need to be at every camp. (Honestly, man, no one does.) But if we have it set up so those kids can't get invites to any camp?? Then I think we've got a problem. Because then I think we're putting kids - kids who love to hoop, and who should be out there exploring that love - in a situation where a bunch of limits are being placed on them by other people. A situation where the limits of what they can accomplish are being put in place before they've gotten to test those limits for themselves. 不是說我覺得他們不好,但是,其他的孩子呢?那些被認為不夠好,甚至已經被貼標籤 為「沒那麼好」 的球員呢?我不是說這些弱勢的孩子應該每個訓練營都去 (其實我覺得沒有人該每個訓練營都去),但現行的狀況,他們根本沒有一個訓練營 能去。這些熱愛打球的孩子們在還沒機會證明自己前就已被設下了這麼多的限制, 我認為是一個非常大的問題。 - And so that's the idea behind The Underrated Tour: to create a basketball camp, in partnership with Rakuten, for any unsigned high school players rated three stars and below. A camp for kids who love to hoop, and are looking for the chance to show scouts that their perceived weaknesses might actually be their secret strengths. And most of all? A camp for anyone who just isn't willing to let the rest of the world write their story. 解決這樣的問題就是我舉辦「被低估的旅程」的動機,為任何一個被評價為三星或以下 的高中球員舉辦的籃球訓練營(與樂天共同合作)。這個訓練營是辦給那些愛打球、 並希望證明給球探看他們所謂的「弱點」 卻可能會是他們的祕密武器的球員。 但最重要的是什麼? 這是一個給那些想撰寫自己故事的人的訓練營,給那些不想讓命運被別人決定的人 的訓練營。 - *what position is steph gonna play? Too small for SG not good enough ball handler for PG. I see him as a spot shooter like rex chapman* *no thanks on maxing steph curry.* I've noticed something. It's how people assume that, once you've started to have a certain amount of success.... "feeling underrated" starts going away. And that, once you've finally reached any sort of ultimate goal.... it starts going away forever. But from my own experience? In your head, honestly - it never goes away. In mine, it's never even diminished. 我還注意到了一些事情。 大家好像都覺得,只要你擁有了某種程度的成功,「覺得被低估」的心態就會消去, 而當你達到一些終極目標後,這種感覺就會全然消逝。 但對我來說,這種感覺從來就沒有離開過。 這種感覺甚至沒有減輕過。 - Not in 2010, trying to make five teams regret their draft decisions. Not in 2011, trying to show I'd have more value as a player than as a trade chip. Not in 2012, trying to fight through ankle problems and Ls. Not in 2013, trying to live up to a contract extension that a lot of people didn't think I deserved. Not in 2014, trying to prove these experts wrong who felt that Curry's style of play just won't work in the playoffs. Not in 2015, trying to prove these experts wrong who felt that Curry's style of play just won't work in the Finals. Not in 2016, trying to break the Bulls' 72 wins record. Not in 2017, trying to figure out how tHE WarRIOrs BLeW a 3-1 SErIes LeaD. Not in 2018, trying to overcome a mess of injuries and a good-as-hell Rockets team and whatever else got thrown our way. And not even in 2019, man, not even this year - trying to hop out of the grave while people bury our historic run alive. That chip on my shoulder has never gone anywhere. If anything, it's only become more and more a part of me. 我試著證明自己: 2010年,努力讓五隻球隊後悔他們的選秀決定。 2011年,努力證明我不只是交易台上的一個棋子。 2012年,努力從腳踝的傷和一直輸球中撐下去。 2013年,努力證明延長合約不是球隊失敗的投資。 2014年,努力證明Curry球風不是只適用季賽。 2015年,努力證明Curry球風甚至在總冠軍賽都管用。 2016年,努力去打破公牛的72勝傳奇。 2017年,努力去搞清楚為什麼我們會「搞砸了3-1領先」。 2018年,努力挺過一堆傷病,並且面對那隻強到炸的火箭和其他任何艱難的困境。 2019年,今年,努力面對所有針對我們來的挑戰。 「覺得被低估」從來沒有從我心中離開過。 真的要說的話,這已經是我的一部分了。 - And I think that's one of the biggest things I've really come to understand about myself over the last 17 years: The way that underrated might start off as just some feeling the world imposes on you. But if you figure out how to harness it? It can become a feeling that you impose on the world. 這應該是我過去17年來體會到最重要的事情了:「低估」一開始會感覺像是被 整個世界上了一個枷鎖, 但當你學會駕馭這個感覺後呢? 你就可以利用這個感覺去做任何想做的事情,寫自己的故事。(註3) 註3: 我功力不夠深...這邊我的解讀為「低估像個枷鎖, 但同時又可以因為自己被低估,去達成自己想做的事(反正沒有人care)」 有請專業的不吝指導~ - And the more I think about it, the more I've realized that that - above everything else - is why we're announcing this today. That's why I'm launching The Underrated Tour. Because I already have one camp... and it's awesome. But guess who wouldn't have been invited to it? 越去想這件事情,我越能理解到我為什麼想要發起這個「被低估的旅程」。 是這樣的:我原本就有一個很厲害的訓練營了,但你知道誰不會受邀到這個訓練營呢? Me. 我。 And I'll tell you what - I'm really starting to see something in that dude. 而我要跟你說,我開始覺得這個傢伙還不錯。 Don't sleep on him. 別小看他。 Kid is a killer. 他很厲害的。 - 完 心得:從2012開始看勇士,最近有機會來到VT一段時間,從沒想到VT跟我柯的關係這麼 親近,心血來潮練個翻譯,希望整體上還順暢~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1547095512.A.D5A.html
felic3508: 感謝 01/10 12:50
※ 編輯: m4a123 (, 01/10/2019 12:53:30 ※ 編輯: m4a123 (, 01/10/2019 12:57:09
Lin3212013: 推推 01/10 12:57
※ 編輯: m4a123 (, 01/10/2019 13:02:07
CW4: 推 01/10 13:17
jarvis8022: 借轉 Curry 版 01/10 13:33
JL46: 感謝m4a123大您的無私分享且費心翻譯,讓板眾得以拜讀,謝謝 01/10 13:34
jarvis8022:轉錄至看板 StephenCurry 01/10 13:35
AhirunoSora: 感謝翻譯 01/10 13:57
alicelee1218: 推 01/10 14:02
at7788546: 借轉 01/10 14:07
canhong: 推 01/10 14:21
asd831129: 推 早上看完覺得這篇不好翻 01/10 14:43
s50101: 勵志 Curry真的蠻努力的 謝謝大大 01/10 15:00
Hard1980: 好文推~ 建議還是貼近原文 避免用語過度鄉民化 01/10 15:07
bleach2142: 謝翻譯 01/10 15:18
ATand: 看完原文我在看翻譯,如果照翻會失去一點味道,口語化可以 01/10 16:39
phabit: 推推 01/10 16:56
chino1992: 大推 01/10 17:02
dancehow: 好文推 謝翻譯 curry真的很勵志 01/10 17:33
sbhweare: 推 01/10 18:56
ssisters: 大推 認真覺得Curry到現在還是被球評和一般球迷低估 01/10 20:41
ssisters: 不要只想著「他們不能做什麼」! 真是一句好話 01/10 20:41
andyroro2: 推 01/10 20:55
rose82315: You are the true MVP 01/10 22:10
xiao07: 借轉 01/10 22:50
Smile916: 推咖哩<3 01/11 00:29
Wall62: 推 01/11 00:55
keanue: 感謝原PO的熱心翻譯~辛苦了! 01/11 09:15
keanue: 這篇文章很勵志~不能想說做不到 而是要努力去做可以做的 01/11 09:17
taiwanrules: 推翻譯,推咖哩 01/11 10:35
hojoe: 感謝翻譯 01/11 14:36
SnowCat1430: 感謝翻譯,咖喱~~~ 01/11 19:05
stephenyo204: 推 01/11 22:45
WarIII: 原文用的是soaking wetgoogle一下Urban自點就知道口語 01/11 23:31
WarIII: 推錯篇 總版那篇沒有原文只能跑到這邊看 01/11 23:32
onetooneya: 比賽前寫報告 打籃球 跟其他校隊共用球場 01/12 00:06