看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Bob Myers談到當年G7失利後的情況: “ sat right here, over my desk, about fifteen hours after we lost that game 7 of NBA finals, and stared of Steph Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green and all the players sitting right here, without microphones, without cameras, and I asked them what they thought of our season. It’s a perfect opportunity to blame some others than themselves. I controlled the environment, the private conversation, to say: ‘Well, of my teammates we’re gonna done this, of my coaches we’re gonna done this...’ and it’s part of my favourite moment of my job to see them handle losing and take account by themselves. And Steph Curry said that ‘I didn’t play well, that’s what happened, I didn’t play well.’ And Draymond Green sitting here saying: ‘I’ll never experience this feeling again, I will NEVER let this happen again.” “16總冠失利後,我就坐在我桌子前,大概坐 了有15個小時吧。在沒有麥克風、沒有攝影 機的情況下,Curry、KT、Green和其他隊員 坐在這裡,我問了他們對這個球季的看法。 這其實是個去責怪別人而不是自己的好時 機,我也盡量保持談話過程的隱私。我 說:“作為隊友,我們應該做什麼,作為教練 我們應該做什麼”。看著他們如何自己緩和輸 球的痛苦是我職業生涯最愛的部分。Curry 說:我打的不好,就是那麼回事。我打的不 好。追夢坐在那,說:我們不會再經歷一次 這種痛苦了,我不會再讓它發生的。” ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony G8142. -- https://i.imgur.com/DPe9iYw.jpg
朝潮!朝潮!朝潮!驅逐艦賽高!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1555311725.A.89A.html
roy80423: 其實也蠻謝謝那年的 大家的態度成熟很多 04/15 17:32
roy80423: 不管今年怎樣 希望大家健康 開開心心打球就好 04/15 17:33
phone681125: 就是有那年的失利,才有現在的五星勇 04/15 18:03
wlcscs: LBJ組兩次三巨 熱火擋過KD 騎士擋過勇士 04/15 18:53
wlcscs: 最後KD決定+勇士復仇 連兩年打趴喇叭業力引爆到自己再次 04/15 18:54
wlcscs: 解體 04/15 18:54
MorPhin3: 體驗過失敗才能更渴望勝利,拼出不凡成就 04/15 21:55
nocturnetear: 同意一樓 經過那次勝利之後才有現在更加成熟的心態 04/16 06:55
nocturnetear: 不是勝利 是失敗xd打太快 04/16 06:55