看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Warrior All-Star guard Klay Thompson underwent successful surgery today to rep air his torn ACL, league source tells ESPN. Dr. Neal ElAttrache performed proc edure at the Kerlan Jobe Institute in Los Angeles. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1146171073358127104?s=06 Thompson is expected to make a full recovery. There's no timetable on a return , but his agent Greg Lawrence has said that Thompson is expected to follow a s tandard recovery time of 5-to-7 months. Thompson recently agreed to a new 5-ye ar, $190M contract with Golden State. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1146172539628118018?s=06 目前不知何時會回歸,但至少休養5到7個月,祝KT早日康復,滿血回歸! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1562108366.A.6B1.html
nisiya0625: 等你滿血回來!07/03 07:02
wangazi: 順利康復!07/03 07:06
smik: 可喜可賀07/03 07:12
ivorkobe: 天佑KT 07/03 07:15
river: 好好休養,等你回來 07/03 07:17
killuaz: 祝KT 早日康復07/03 07:24
Angel0724: 我湯加油07/03 07:27
dream6789: 祝KT早日康復07/03 07:36
yoyodjy: KT等你07/03 07:39
cc101815: 祝福!!07/03 07:42
ihx00: 滿血回歸! 07/03 07:47
s9415154: 期待我大KT回歸 07/03 07:53
s505015: 完整恢復在出來吧07/03 07:55
GeorgeHill: 等你唷!07/03 07:55
ghost001: 最快只能打季後賽了吧?前提是要有季後賽07/03 07:56
kaede0711: 應該能季賽尾巴回來,然後能打季後賽,不過今年目標下07/03 08:01
kaede0711: 修健康打就好了07/03 08:01
hiyuhfeng: 早日康復07/03 08:02
MK12: 季後賽 不用打 強度太高 除非季賽能打兩個月07/03 08:11
wa530: 勇士有Curry怎麼可能沒季後賽...比Curry差一點的Lillard都07/03 08:14
wa530: 能帶隊進季後了07/03 08:14
Smile916: 等你滿血歸來!!! 07/03 08:17
Lin3212013: 等湯湯滿血回歸07/03 08:23
CW4: QQ 湯哥加油 超愛你07/03 08:24
hauwie: 祝滿血回歸07/03 08:33
※ 編輯: liuuuuuu ( 臺灣), 07/03/2019 08:40:35
jjler: 昨天K湯自己在IG貼了一個超好笑的影片說要留下 他真的很寶 07/03 08:40
eliczone: Klay加油 07/03 08:42
saiallblue: 祝早日康復 07/03 08:44
guccix: 祝湯湯早日康復 07/03 08:47
liuuuuuu: Kt po華爾街之狼的那個對吧 07/03 08:49
rose82315: 祝K湯滿血回歸!!! 07/03 08:50
s9415154: 有今年慘痛經驗復出決定應該會更保守 除非打到西冠或總 07/03 09:07
s9415154: 冠吧XD 07/03 09:07
TOHNOAKIHA: 就休整季吧 07/03 09:08
JL46: 本季我勇以整軍經武的態度練新人,球迷就放寬心情觀賞球賽吧 07/03 09:14
JL46: 對了...還請K湯好生休養,別刻意逞強...都已經是簽大約的人~ 07/03 09:15
pinkysecret: 推,早日康復 07/03 09:19
pink80109: I’ll be right here waiting for you~ 07/03 09:41
abckk888: 湯神我們等你! 07/03 10:23
proPenciLead: 推 07/03 10:41
hojoe: 等你滿血回歸 07/03 10:42
KThompson: 沒什麼太大的問題啦,大家放心!! 07/03 10:43
circleli: 讚 滿血回歸 07/03 10:47
emoil5566: 復出打季後賽還是別吧 很危險 07/03 10:54
KThompson: 這樣大概2月初復出啦,還有將近兩個月例行賽可以慢慢 07/03 10:57
KThompson: 調整 07/03 10:57
hank7218: 希望復健能順利,滿血回歸 07/03 11:03
isley196: 推 07/03 12:11
jimmy197688: 祝KT完全恢復,滿血回歸 07/03 12:51
dndqjsmp: Come back stronger, KT! 07/03 13:02
ongyiiiii: 願我KT早日康復嗚嗚嗚 回來場場爆發! 07/03 13:03
bawarriors: 好好休息,不急的! 07/03 14:03
longmok2500: 阿湯加油 07/03 15:16
andycylee: What doesn’t kill you make you stronger. 07/03 17:40
ssisters: 阿彌陀佛 我佛慈悲 07/03 18:51
youga: 祝福kt 07/03 18:56
andyroro2: 滿血回歸吧! 07/03 19:47
yeustream: 祝滿血回歸 07/03 20:08
currylovekuo: 太好了~ 07/04 23:23