看板 G-S-WARRIORS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
NBA Playoffs 2022: Best Moments to Remember (18:57) https://youtu.be/waFrwBVm-Mc
NBA Playoffs 2022: Best Moments To Remember (26:47) https://youtu.be/XCDEcE-nTC8
2022 NBA Playoffs: Best Moments To Remember (加長版 1:36:34) https://youtu.be/7buJdX0QBSI
蠻熱血的 Best Moments & Highlights of the NBA Finals 2022 https://youtu.be/L7wOgH3or84
*** 圍巾篇 Best Andrew Wiggins Highlights of 2022 NBA Playoffs https://youtu.be/HN2PKqVm4PE
GP2篇 Gary Payton II Defensive Highlights | 2022 Playoffs https://youtu.be/Jth3TOa9bdc
Review Performa Gary Payton II di NBA Finals 2022 https://youtu.be/h32NIr958eQ
嘴綠篇 Draymond Green BEST PLAYS of the 2022 NBA Finals https://youtu.be/CYBOMeizJaY
註:我覺得勇士最後有三個DPOY Level在場上 魯尼篇 Kevon Looney | Relentless Offensive Rebounder | Golden State Warriors | NBA Champion! https://youtu.be/C3VkVYzGzV0
K湯篇 Klay Thompson BEST PLAYS of the 2022 NBA Finals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mP1XnmQjeg
Poole篇 Best of Jordan Poole's 2021-22 NBA Playoffs https://youtu.be/fY1_MgnBmjI
咖哩篇 Stephen Curry BEST PLAYS of the 2022 NBA Finals https://youtu.be/8LDJejBzv3U
Stephen Curry 2022 NBA Finals MVP ● Full Highlights ● 31.2 PPG! ● 1ST NBA FINALS MVP! ● 1080P 60 FPS https://youtu.be/TGJYO1Lb2N4
加演: JABBAWOCKEEZ at the 2022 NBA Finals https://youtu.be/BJ8kAxbevtE
歡迎補充。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1656417477.A.FFF.html ※ 編輯: waderu ( 臺灣), 06/28/2022 19:58:39
andy27021527: 推整理 06/28 21:16
JL46: 感謝waderu大張貼-我勇在22年賽季的季後賽各種高光連結~ :) 06/28 22:00
aapcao: 推整理 可以傳宗接代了 XD 06/28 22:33
jkjkiller: 感謝整理 06/29 00:55
abc202000: 圍巾季後賽暴扣高光真的讓人讚嘆這傢伙的身體素質 06/29 06:57
jarvis8022: GP2的防守跟得超好,又黏,趁換手不注意就抄走!!! 06/29 11:08
APNA: 推推推 06/29 21:21