看板 GEPT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
寫作 Task 1: Is it time to embrace a cashless society? Task 2: Food waste in Taiwan Figure 1是sources,homes佔4*%, hotels and restaurants 佔2*%,grocery stores 1 *%,schools 9% Figure 2是motivations,saving money、inconvenience of food waste disposal、thi nk about hungry people、enviroment、set examples for children (從高到低) 口說 Task 1: A goal that you want to achieve in the near future. Are you that kind of person that puts everything in order? Task 2: Information about 3 restaurants. You are going to host a retirement party. Discuss the advantages and the disad vantages of these three restaurants. Task 3: Why do people nowadays become "holiday farmers" who grow vegetables in their f ree time? Do you think we should ban all the traditional practices to protect the enviro nment? 有其他今天考英檢高級的要來分享題目嗎? (題目並非逐字相同) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GEPT/M.1509176936.A.47C.html ※ 編輯: mrsianas (, 10/28/2017 15:54:04 ※ 編輯: mrsianas (, 10/28/2017 15:58:57 ※ 編輯: mrsianas (, 10/28/2017 16:11:53
stonel: 你覺得一個城市舉辦國際賽事是好是壞,為什麼? 10/29 22:08
stonel: 我金魚腦,記中文比較快 10/29 22:08
stonel: 然後ban traditional 那題,有提到天燈和燒紙錢 10/29 22:09
stonel: 我會被問到一題:目前為止,你做過最有就感的事。 10/29 22:10
stonel: 還有一題:你認為辦謝師宴好嗎? 10/29 22:11
stonel: 我這考場三人同時應試,可是問到那個目標時,沒有叫我回 10/29 22:13
stonel: 答耶。從頭到尾我比其他兩人少答了一題。奈安捏@@ 10/29 22:13
mrsianas: 我們台中場每一間都三個人,但是我那一間有個人沒來考 10/30 00:15
mrsianas: 試所以剩兩個 10/30 00:15
stonel: 如果我們是同一時段,那我是你隔壁間的。 10/30 13:21