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RC恍神沒關係 筆記教給你 FB好讀版:https://reurl.cc/OqblxD Hi!我是Davin,我們都知道,英文閱讀考試是台灣學生最熟悉的陌生人,一生中我們看過許多英文文章,從報章雜誌、 小說書刊到小道消息;然而大部分的閱讀時間通常與分析文章架構無關,而是瀏覽資訊、 淺嚐即止,鮮少真正地理解文章結構,因此RC題經常是GMAT考生的夢魘,其根本原因在於 文章內容的複雜性與學術性遠高於日常英文與大多數英文證照考試,且閱讀時間非常短促 。 對此,有些考生選擇使用筆記來協助閱讀,利用考場的白紙紀錄閱讀的重點以便回答題目 時找到原文的資訊。本文將提供一個可行的方法來製作RC文章實戰筆記。 以下為一GMAT考題文章段落: Researchers studying how genes control animal behavior have had to deal with many uncertainties. In the first place, most behaviors are governed by more than one gene, and until recently geneticists had no method for identifying the multiple genes involved. In addition, even when a single gene is found to control a behavior, researchers in different fields do not necessarily agree that it is a “behavioral gene.” Neuroscientists, whose interest in genetic research is to understand the nervous system (which generates behavior), define the term broadly. But ethologists—specialists in animal behavior—are interested in evolution, so they define the term narrowly. They insist that mutations in a behavioral gene must alter a specific normal behavior and not merely make the organism ill, so that the genetically induced behavioral change will provide variation that natural selection can act upon, possibly leading to the evolution of a new species. For example, in the fruit fly, researchers have identified the gene Shaker, mutations in which cause flies to shake violently under anesthesia. 筆者會把人名、數數(In the first place)、順向詞(In addition、For example)、轉折詞(But)、態度詞(insist)都放上醒目提示色彩,筆者腦海中會特別注意 這些跟「觀點」、「方案(法)」相關的字詞,而這些字詞可以做為筆記的區塊,並結合簡 寫與符號,同時將人名都大寫表示來完成有效筆記。以這段為例,筆者可以快速寫下: 主:Res…how genes control ani behav…uncertainties 1. most behav are governed by > 1 gene 2. Geneticists X method à identify 多 genes invol 順:1 gene for 1 behav /= behav gene Neurosci define the term broadly 逆:Ethol define the term narrowly Ethol:muta in a behav gene 改 1 behav & not merely organism ill à the behav change à vari (natur select) à the evol of a new species EX:fruit fly…gene Shaker(muta (shake under anes)) 這樣的筆記可以幫助你快速做段落整合與資訊搜查,更重要的是抓住文章的定錨點,避免 半途迷路,至於如何創造簡寫則依考生需求有所改變。 以上為RC筆記的其中一種簡易筆記法,若想了解更多RC題的詳細考點跟更多筆記方法,非常歡迎聯絡Donz GMAT團隊並到教室聊一聊喔! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donz GMAT FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DonzGMAT/ Pin TOEFL: https://www.pin-toefl.com/ Synergy 留學顧問: https://www.synergy-edu.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GMAT/M.1597586230.A.D75.html
ndxica: 推! 08/17 18:54