看板 GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,想請教一則短篇閱讀: There have been numerous well-documented extinctions of indigenous species caused by the introduction of non-indigenous predators and pathogens. However, surprisingly few extinctions of indigenous species can be attributed to competition from introduced species. For example, during the past 400 years, 4,000 plant species have been introduced into North America, and these non-indigenous plants currently account for nearl y 20 percent of North America's plant species. Yet no evidence exists that any indigenous North American plant species became extinct as a result of competition from new species could mean that such extinctions take longer to occur than scientists initially believed or, alternatively, that extinctions are rarely caused by competition from non-indigenous species. 題目是: The passage is concerned primarily with: A pointing out that a particular type of species extinction is rarely known to occur. B proposing a possible explanation for conflicting data about a particular type of species extinction. C resolving a debate about the frequency of a particular type of species extinction. D comparing two theories regarding possible causes of a particular type of species extinction. E refuting a proposed explanation for the increasingly rare occurrence of a particular type of species extinction. 主要是想問A和B兩個選項,考滿分答案給A,但我認為B選項也沒有錯,conflicting data 就是非原生種沒有造成原生種滅絕的數據,所以作者在最後一句話給了一個解釋,所以我 認為B選項也是對的QQ,想請教版上大大幫忙解惑,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GRE/M.1520144721.A.05D.html
Poppert : 個人淺見,如果作者的意圖是B,他應該要花主要篇幅 03/06 01:17
Poppert : 探討為什麼以前有很多documented data認為外來種會 03/06 01:17
Poppert : 引發絕種,後來又為什麼認為不是主因。也就是confli 03/06 01:17
Poppert : ct的原因。 但整篇重點都在提出外來種不是原 03/06 01:17
Poppert : 生種絕種原因(整個第二段、還有文章結尾都強調外來 03/06 01:17
Poppert : 種不是主因),所以感覺選A比較切題。 03/06 01:17
Poppert : 剛剛突然想到一個很酷的想法:如果你想像自己在演 03/06 01:23
Poppert : 講:有很多文獻指出外來種會使原生種絕種,但令人 03/06 01:23
Poppert : 驚訝的是,很少絕種是因為外來種。例如,過去400年 03/06 01:23
Poppert : 有4000多種植物引入北美,佔了20%(暗示80%還活得好 03/06 01:23
Poppert : 好的)。雖然沒有證據指出原生種的絕種來自外來種可 03/06 01:23
Poppert : 能只是科學家觀察不夠久,但也有可能是因為外來種 03/06 01:23
Poppert : 本來就不是原生種絕種的原因。 03/06 01:23
Poppert : 想像自己在說這段話,主要意圖似乎就呼之欲出了 03/06 01:24
kas12987 : 原來如此~這個想法蠻酷的~謝謝你! 03/07 00:34
DingDangDong: 我看到conflicting data會想到兩組data的不一致 03/07 03:18
DingDangDong: 不知道這是不是選項的原意 03/07 03:20