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號外!更多美國頂級名校MBA,放寬免試入學條件! 再度被筆者預言中了! 過年來點實實在在的利多!又有更多美國頂級名校MBA,放寬免試入學條件! 除了M7的MIT原本就有「雙免」:免GMAT/GRE及免托福, 及常春藤名校Yale SOM,與Duke Fuqua原本就有免托福外, 又有更多重磅名校,在疫情後的招生吃緊下,開放「雙免」等更千載難逢的招生利多! 如: 常春藤名校Cornell Johnson也推出GMAT/GRE免試申請! 另一所常春藤名校Dartmouth Tuck提供百分百面試, Top 8 Michigan Ross開放「雙免」申請! 眾多Top 20如:Virginia Darden、UCLA Anderson、UT Austin McCombs、Emory Goizueta等,也開放GMAT/GRE免試申請! 而免試入學條件下,「生涯目標與驅動力」、及「Why School」等自我了解將更為關鍵~ 美國Top 20 MBA免試申請利多,重點資訊整理如下: (By US News ranking) #4 MIT Sloan If your current situation prevents you from being able to submit a test score, you may request a test waiver explaining the situation. If the waiver is approved, and you are admitted, the Admissions Committee reserves the right to offer conditional admission such as but not limited to receiving a certain score on the GMAT or GRE or taking a supplemental class. Deadline: Apr 8, 2024 #6 Dartmouth Tuck: Upon request, Tuck may offer GMAT/GRE test waivers before Feb 2. (Passed) Guaranteed interview if applied by March 1 Deadline: March 25, 2024 #8 Yale SOM No TOEFL or IELTS required as usual. Deadline: Apr 9, 2024 #8 Ross MBA Alternative Demonstrations of Academic Readiness Some candidates may be able to adequately demonstrate their readiness for the rigor of the program without the need to submit a test score. Instead, you must submit an essay that supports your case and provides alternative evidence of your readiness. Alternative Demonstrations of English Proficiency Some candidates may be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English without submitting a TOEFL, PTE, or IELTS test score. Instead, you must submit an essay that demonstrates alternative evidence of your English proficiency. Deadline: Apr 4 #10 NYU Stern GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition, Executive Assessment, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and DAT. Deadline: Apr 18 #11 Duke Fuqua No TOEFL or IELTS needed. Deadline: Feb 22 and Apr 4, 2024. #14 U of Virginia Darden Darden offers a standardized test waiver. (Before Application) No minimum score for TOEFL. Deadline: Apr 3, 2024 #15 Cornell Johnson GMAT or GRE test waiver optional Deadline: Apr 10, 2024 #15 USC Marshall GMAT or GRE test waiver Deadline: March 1 and Apr 15, 2024; and rolling #17 Emory Goisueta Test waiver deadline: February 15, 2024 Application deadlines: One-Year: March 6, 2024 Two-Year: March 20, 2024 #18 CMU Tepper GMAT, GRE, or EA score, or approved test waiver Deadlines: March 4, 2024 #19 UCLA Anderson GMAT/GRE test optional. Deadline: Apr 12, 2024. #20 UT Austin McCombs General Test Waiver (merit-based) is approved Deadline: Mar 26, 2024 其餘仍開放申請的名校有: #3 UPenn Wharton Deadline: Apr 2, 2024 #6 Stanford GSB Deadline: Apr 9, 2024 #11 Berkeley Haas Deadline: March 28 祝大家新年龍飛鳳舞,搭上千載難逢的順風車~ :) Sincerely, David Lee 原文出自: http://tinyurl.com/28qa598e -- 李大衛生涯管理中心 David Lee's Career Management UNESCO聯合國教科文組織御用「SWLS快樂測驗」滿分 NSHMBA美國最大MBA徵才會(現擴大為Prospanica)首位華人顧問 新網站上線!www.mbacareerfitter.com 預約免費初談email:[email protected] fb粉專與社團:David Lee's MBA Career Management -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GRE/M.1707368622.A.8B6.html ※ 編輯: airturtle23 ( 臺灣), 02/08/2024 13:09:38 ※ 編輯: airturtle23 ( 臺灣), 02/16/2024 17:35:45