看板 GameDesign 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Oversea_Job 看板 #1KHpvs23 ] 作者: AmosYang (泛用人型編碼器) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: [北美] 暴雪 Blizzard at UCLA career fair FAQ 時間: Wed Oct 22 13:19:47 2014 Disclaimer: * Yes, I do work for Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. * No, I do NOT speak for Blizzard AT ALL. * All information provided in this post is based on my personal knowledge and opinions, for your convenience; it does NOT represent Blizzard AT ALL. 今天在暴雪於 UCLA career fair 的攤位幫忙站場子,整理出的 FAQ 最重要的情報,應該是這個: 於 http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/careers/directory.html#region=Americas 的 "NEW GRAD OPPORTUNITIES" 是今年的新措施;許多入門等級的 職位專門開給於2014秋冬至2015春夏的畢業生 是個畢業生進入遊戲業界的好機會 剩下的,我懶得翻成中文了,將就著看吧 XD ============================================================ Q: Does Blizzard offer internship positions for summer 2015? A: Yes. The current plan is to post all open internship positions on http://jobs.blizzard.com/ by Nov. 1. The application deadline is Jan 31. Q: What type of internship positions are offered? A: The official list should be posted on http://jobs.blizzard.com/ by Nov. 1; however, you could expect positions in Business Intelligence, Engineering (automation, game design, game development (audio, graphics, cinematic, AI, ... etc. everything you can think of in Computer Science)), infrastructure (Battle.net, IT), ... Basically if it has something, anything to do with game production, chances are we probably will offer internship opportunities for it; but it varies from year to year because not every team would always sponsor the same positions. Q: Do you hire / offer internship to {first, second, third, fourth} year*{undergraduate, master}*{Computer Science, non-Computer Science} students? A: If you have the right skill sets, experiences plus passion and motivation for the job, we don't care whether you are a {first, second, third, fourth} year*{undergraduate, master} *{Computer Science, non-Computer Science} student. Q: What is it like to work at Blizzard? Do you have a dress code? Do you guys do lots of overtime? A: Awesome and fun. Not sure about HR & finance & any other customer-facing types of job; for engineers, it is *casual*, and I mean really *casual*; to put it in another way: No one cares. About overtime, yes and no. Usually most teams understand that overtime can never be a healthy trend, so they avoid it. However, there will be situations that require it -- for example, to make all BlizzCon preparation work PERFECT; or, to prepare for any major release; or, if any critical infrastructure like Battle.net is down; then yes, we do whatever it takes to get the job done. Otherwise, no. Q: What types of full time positions are you offering? A: Go to http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/careers/directory.html#region=Americas and check them out. Attention, new grads! If you are graduating in Dec. 2014 or Spring/Summer 2015, make sure you check out the "NEW GRAD OPPORTUNITIES" section. These are entry-level types of positions for new graduates. These positions are full-time positions and are opportunities to get into Blizzard to get first-hand experiences with the game industry. Personally I think of them as "internship on steroids". Q: Do I have to be a big gamer / a big fan of Blizzard to work at Blizzard? A: No and yes. No, you don't need to max out your paragon level. Yes, we do care about whether you are a good culture fit. A good culture fit does not mean you need to be a life-long over-9000% dedicated hardcore fan of Blizzard; however, say for example, if you hate ACG (anime, comic/manga, game) in general, then you are probably not a good culture fit. Basically, we want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the ACG culture and are motivated whenever you work on even the most miniscule tasks that would ultimately contribute to the end product - Blizzard games. In other words, a good culture fit is someone who responds positively to Blizzard's atmosphere: challenging, cool, fun, and, fun :D Q: Any tips on job-applying at Blizzard? A: Think this way: You are a one-person company, and you are trying to sell your time for a good price (money & experience). You are the CEO and the salesperson. Your mission is to help the hiring manager understand the value you can contribute to their team and projects. In other words, you have talents, and you need to find a good way to present your talents in an honest yet attractive way (i.e. more than just words.) ============================================================ 有任何關於 job opportunities / career at Blizzard 的問題,可 以提出,我儘量回答 又,提出的問題,看情形,我會移除私人資訊的部分後將其整理回此 FAQ 於 PTT 與臉書 * https://www.facebook.com/amos.yang.104/posts/1488137201436606 * http://on.fb.me/1nyBZPw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1413955190.A.083.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: AmosYang (, 10/22/2014 13:21:11
cjcat2266: 推 10/22 14:14
azureblaze: 推 10/22 14:32
LayerZ: push 10/22 15:21
ADIMM: 我覺得Anime對外國人...有點難吧? 遇過很多討厭Anime風格的 10/24 03:36
西元 2000 年時,走進北美一般實體書店時,所謂漫畫、奇幻、科幻 作品,都還是傳統的西方作品為主。 現在是 2015 年,走進北美一般實體書店時,滿滿一整櫃、一整面牆 的正式授權英文版作品,從七龍珠、亂馬到近代的 Bleach, 獵人, 海賊王... 通通都有; 連井上雄彥的浪人劍客都有 更不用說從 2005 前後(或更早)就起步的各種 ACG convention 整個市場已經作出發言。
cjcat2266: 喜歡的人也很多,這才重要 10/24 05:18
xdorz87: 其實外國人看anime的很多,而且還挺瘋的 10/24 08:27
rhox: 我班上一堆同學電腦桌布放日本動畫圖片的 10/24 11:50
同意以上說法 在 30 歲左右的年齡層及更年輕的世代,北美人對日式動漫已經不會 排斥了
LayerZ: 討厭Anime風格要看是討厭Anime還是次文化上的歧視 10/24 12:15
我自己也是看不習慣 Marvel/DC Comics 的畫風,但其卡通我可以接 受 (例: Justice League 系列); Teen Titan 算是我印像中第一個 從畫風到人物面部表情、肢體語言都導入日式風格的作品,而那是 2003 開始的作品了, 也就是十年以上了 相對的,我拿港漫 (倚天屠龍記、義勇門、火鳳燎原) 給北美青少年 看,也是很不習慣,但他們覺得七龍珠的動畫可以接受 十分有趣的對比
ONISUKA: 其實暴雪裡面真的有很多人很愛ACG 10/25 12:36
是的 ※ 編輯: AmosYang (, 10/27/2014 02:53:59 ※ 編輯: AmosYang (, 10/27/2014 02:55:36