看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Gemini horoscope for Dec 15 2014 If you are overly careful with a new endeavor, you may miss out on some important opportunities. Then again, Gemini, if you rush in without even considering the possible challenges, you may be caught unprepared. You will have to tread a fine line of courage and caution to make the most of each opportunity. Don't underestimate your ability to master this situation. You are someone who is mentally agile and capable of thinking on your feet. Just trust that you will do well, and you will. -- Copyright Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh 如果你在新的事物上努力時過度謹慎,有可能會錯失掉某些重要的機會!但 雙雙,如果你倉促行勢甚至沒有考慮到你將要面臨的挑戰則可能會使你措手 不及。你將必須走在膽量及謹慎的分界線上充分利用每一個機會,別低估你 掌控這些情況的能力,你是一個腦袋靈活、並且能夠駐足思考的人,只要相 信你自己,你就可以做得很好! 駐足思考,應該是指能夠在短時間內將重點已俱有邏輯性的方式(個人解釋 XD) 今天做事不能太小心,但也不能太馬糊.....有點難掌控,還是請別人代勞好 了XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1418575007.A.8CA.html
hosichin: 真是……XD今天是否該低調點(?) 12/15 12:09