看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Gemini horoscope for Dec 19 2014 You may have taken on a responsibility that isn't really yours. Over time, though, you have gotten so used to carrying this burden that it has come to seem normal to you. Yet it takes away from many other areas of your life, Gemini, and you may have some resentment about it. You can change the way things are, though, if you want to. Be brave and have a long-overdue conversation about drawing lines. You owe it to yourself. And you deserve it. -- Copyright Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh 你可能會承擔一個不是你該負責的責任,雖然隨著時間的流逝,背著包袱對 你來說已經是司空見慣,然而雙雙,你需要在眾多的生活領域中把這個習慣 去除,而你可能也對這些(擔責任)事有些不滿;其實,只要你想,其實你可 以改變事物的本質,勇敢一點!並且把早該劃清界線這個議題完成。這是你 應該為自己做的,這是你應得的! __________________________ 劃清界線不容易啊...背包袱真的是習慣成自xd -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1418921869.A.7A4.html
newmail5945: 有準 12/19 01:15
zxc114070: 推! 12/19 06:52
TFreeman: 真的ˊˇˋ~有準推 12/19 06:55
hsiao38: 推超準! 12/19 08:20
jrujru410: 對阿為什麼跟女生認識都要我主動我想話題我邀約計畫 12/19 08:51
ghio6161: 很準 12/19 09:10
cassiopiea: 超準 昨天才決定今天要去提離職 12/19 12:55
lindafju: 好準,今天早上才剛發生…>< 12/19 14:45
asanochihi: 想哭了......最近太多事情,組員給我的感覺不是很好和 12/19 22:52
asanochihi: 老師的話語間的態度.....都不知道這條路該不該走下去 12/19 22:53
asanochihi: 總而言之,很準QAQ 12/19 22:53
star61: 超準!的確又把事情攬在自己身上了。 12/19 23:28