看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Gemini horoscope for Apr, 17, 2015 This is a good time to work on your relationships, Gemini, because the stars will enhance your efforts at forging closer, stronger bonds right now. This means any kind of relationship - including at work, with friends, and with romantic partners. Even those relationships that seem to be strong and on an even keel should be nurtured and thought of constantly to maintain their strength and balance. It takes attention and effort to keep a bond strong, and to enhance it so that it keeps evolving. That should be your main focus now. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by FortunesFoundry http://frtns.com/h 雙雙,現在是你好好經營人際關係的時候,因為當你努力建更立緊 密、更強大並且連結更強的關係時,行星即將提升你這方面的成果。這也代 表著任何類型的關係-- 包含工作中、朋友和戀人。即使那些關係看起來平穩 健壯,但關係還是應該要培養並且不斷地思考維持其強度和平衡。 維持連結的強度並且加強它,使它可以不斷的進展是需要專心並費工夫的! 而這是你現在的主要重點! 如有誤譯請告知~ 另外一篇之前有發過的horoacope跟這篇的內容,指出感情的部分正好相反 想看的人可以去看一下喲~因為今天比較沒時間所以就先翻app的溜 另外一篇的是my.horoscope.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1429199579.A.66C.html
kowei526: 第一句會比較建議翻作"現在是你好好經營人際關係的時候"04/17 00:29
apple85223: 準!04/17 00:53
※ 編輯: timeregorge (, 04/17/2015 07:48:26
han66: 推感謝! 04/17 13:45
tsaosp: 感謝翻譯,推 04/17 19:55