看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《tsaosp (Guardian Angel)》之銘言: : Gemini horoscope for May 19 2015 : Have you ever seen a television show or a movie where someone stumbles into a : pit of quicksand and then struggles to get out? While there probably isn't any : quicksand in your part of the world, Gemini, you would probably be very curio : us if you ever came across some. You might walk near it. You might ask a lot o : f questions about it. You might even wonder if anyone had ever been trapped in : that particular location. What you wouldn't do, though, is jump right in. Jus : t because a potentially harmful situation is also somewhat interesting and int : riguing doesn't mean you have to jump into it. : -- : Copyright c Daily Horoscope. : Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你是否曾經在電視或電影上看過有人陷入流沙並急於脫困? 也許對你的世界來說那並不是流沙,雙雙,如果你曾經靠近過它們,你可能會非常感興趣 你或許會走近看看,或者是問很多跟它有關的問題。 你甚至會好奇是不是真的有人會陷進去這種地方。 然而你絕不會想作的,就是縱身一躍而入 這個有可能讓你受傷的狀況看起來也許好玩,但不代表你就得跳下去才行。 工作煩悶也來試翻一下 還請各位不吝批評指教,謝謝 -- ◢▇▇▇▇▇In brightest day, 白晝朗朗 ▁▂▁ 黑夜茫茫 in blackest night, ρ No evil shall escape my sight 魑魅魍魎 無所遁藏 █ █ Let those who worship evil's might, 奸徒邪黨 懼吾神光 ◥▇▆▇◤ Beware my power... 綠燈長明...▁▁▁▁▁ 萬世光芒! Green Lantern's light! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1431945790.A.897.html
kowei526: 噗XD 這版翻得真好!我也剛剛才翻完(從樓下跑上來玩) 05/18 18:51
tsaosp: 感謝翻譯 05/18 18:54
GENETIC2: 一樓也翻很好,我們只是方向有點不一樣而已XD 05/18 18:58
kowei526: 覺得翻譯最困難的是不能直翻,要消化過再說出來,G大做 05/18 20:31
kowei526: 了很棒的示範~ 05/18 20:32
tsaosp: 推樓上兩位的見解,可是我都消化不良,無法像兩位翻譯得如 05/18 21:27
tsaosp: 此優秀 05/18 21:27
kowei526: 感謝t大的拋磚引玉~不然我也不會注意到:) 05/18 23:52
早上起來發現自己中間根本沒翻好,修正一下 "也許在你的世界中根本沒有流沙這種東西,雙雙,所以如果你有機會碰到它們 你可能會非常感興趣" 其他一樣 另外感謝k大跟t大的指教,謝謝 ※ 編輯: GENETIC2 (, 05/19/2015 09:45:30
chachacarina: 努力避開流沙但還是捲進去了~囧 05/20 02:07