看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Gemini horoscope for Dec 19 2015 Gemini horoscope for Dec 19 2015 As the holidays get closer, you may find yourself spinning into a frenzy. You already had so much to do, and with holiday chores it could be pushing you ove r the edge. You may be worried about getting everything that you need to do, d one in time, and you may also be worried about the money pressures of this sea son. It will all work out, Gemini, even though it may not seem that way right now. Take it one day at a time, or one moment at a time if that's what works f or you. And in the process, try to actually enjoy it. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 當假期逐漸的逼近,你發現你自己陷入一時的瘋狂(極度的激動)。 你已經有許多的事情要做,而且再加上假日的家庭雜務 (日常零星工作)可能會把你逼瘋。 你別擔心怎麼把所有你該做的事情全部完成,一次只做一件事情, 而你也會擔心這個季節裡財務的壓力。 所有的事情都會完成的,雙子們,即使事情目前看起來不是如此的順利。 去過好當下的每一天、每一時刻,如果這樣對你有幫助。 在那個過程當中,試著實際去享受其中。 ps.倒數第二句翻譯得不太確定,請板上的大大們幫忙指正,謝謝。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my samsung SM-N910U -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1450448041.A.C42.html
mika0618: Enjoy it! 12/18 23:42
black048777: 享受當下 12/18 23:47
c123791598: 加油 12/19 00:04
CC2738: 「去過好當下的每一天每一個時刻,如果這樣能對你有幫助」 12/19 00:17
CC2738: 改成這樣如何? 12/19 00:17
感謝樓上 CC2738大的指正,感謝您。 ※ 編輯: tsaosp (, 12/19/2015 00:31:56
ruby950127: 好準~~希望真的能順利度過QQ 12/19 09:50
leoisdondon: 加油!! 12/19 10:35
AnitaWW: 推 又說進心裡~ 12/19 11:13
jingyi620: 好準! XDD 12/19 21:37