看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Gemini horoscope for May 4 2016 Gemini horoscope for May 4 2016 You may want more out of your life, Gemini, and you would do anything to find a viable dream and make it come true. Meanwhile, you may be working steadily t o build a foundation that is stable and secure. Don't let anyone distract you today with far-fetched ideas about making a fast buck. If you invest too much time and energy into an idea that isn't proven or grounded, you will only weak en what you already have. Yes, there will be a dream for you to follow, just m ake sure it's the right one. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你想要更完美的生活,雙子們,你會做任何事情去尋找一個可實行的夢想, 並且讓它美夢成真。 同時,你會扎實地的建築一個既穩定又安全的基礎。 今天,別讓任何人用輕易賺錢(不勞而獲)的牽強想法來讓你分心。 如果你投入太多的時間和精力在一個未經證實或是沒有任何基礎的想法上, 你將削弱你原本已經擁有的。 是的,那裡將會有一個夢想值得你追尋,只要確認它是對的(正確的)夢想。 ps.如有誤譯請指正,謝謝。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my samsung SM-N910U -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1462278916.A.C0A.html
hosichin: 推推05/03 21:01
hosichin: 所以那堆麻煩事可以順利解決的意思嗎QQ05/03 21:02
lovelyina279: 謝謝翻譯,今天好早唷~05/03 21:19
lovelyina279: 補推05/03 21:19
lovelyina279: 對不起…我推不出去05/03 21:20
tang6668: 幫推,那個人就是另一個自己啊...05/03 21:47
對啊,我也覺得自己有另外一個惡魔在跟天使對抗, 惡魔想要偷懶,天使想要努力。 ※ 編輯: tsaosp (, 05/03/2016 22:03:26
carpout: 好正面!覺得有滿滿的力量!感謝翻譯! 05/03 22:03
candyhorie: lovelyina279我先幫妳推^^ 05/03 22:04
candyhorie: 再推一次!! 05/03 22:06
candyhorie: 我要把惡魔關緊閉XD 05/03 22:07
lovelyina279: 哇~謝謝candy<3 05/03 22:14
lovelyina279: 咦?我成功了!! 05/03 22:14
tang6668: 補推 05/03 22:24
kliffho: 我也來幫忙推一個! 05/04 12:29
kliffho: 可惡沒推到 05/04 12:31
nekojun: 推 05/04 17:40