看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You're a quick learner, Gemini. Your experiences in life have taught you a lot. But there is one problem that seems to keep recurring, including recently. You may wonder why this is happening and see it as bad luck, but it could be b ecause you haven't come to see a lesson that's there and learn from it. Pay closer attention this time. Try to make note of what you might have done differently, and what you have tr ied that has not worked. This is something you can work through and move past, but you have to be aware of the lesson to get there. 雙雙們總能快速地學習,且生活中的經驗也教會了你們許多。 但總有個問題不斷重演、即使到最近也正在發生… 也許你腦袋會想著:「怎麼會發生這種事、唉我真是太衰了!」,不過那也可能只是你還 沒察覺其中可以再汲取的建議與教訓罷了。 這次就多留心些吧! 試著注意並釐清自己做了什麼不同的、以及那些沒有成效的事情。 先意識到這些事物中你能夠學習到的東西,你就可以完成並走過這段歷程了。 ——— 這好像是我初次分享翻譯文, 許多地方用了我自己的理解順了語意, 如有詮釋不佳的地方也歡迎雙雙們告訴我! 也祝福N大這幾天考試順利唷^_^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1608223119.A.0A7.html ※ 編輯: AnitaWW ( 臺灣), 12/18/2020 00:39:54
hpiao: 推 12/18 01:12
kowei526: 翻得很順很好讀 謝謝分享 12/18 01:49
Nicolas01: 感謝翻譯。 12/18 09:42
black048777: 推 12/18 21:43
strugglesolo: 感謝~ 12/20 00:39