看板 Gemini 關於我們 聯絡資訊
If you were driving around in an unfamiliar town, and you suddenly wound up on an unfamiliar road going the wrong way, you would try to turn around as soon as it was safely possible. Remaining on that one-way road going in the wrong d irection would lead you nowhere. You may find that in a sense now, Gemini, you are going in the opposite direction on a one-way road. This may be related to a relationship, a quest, or some involvement you have where you are not being given the respect you deserve. Do not keep going in the wrong direction. Turn around as soon as it is safely possible. 如果你開車開在一個不熟悉的城鎮,你突然發現你在一條陌生的路上走錯了路, 你會試著盡可能安全地調頭。 保持在一條錯誤方向的單行道上會導致你一無所獲。 你現在發現,在某種意義上,雙子們,你正在往相反方向的單行道上。 這也許與一段關係、一個追求或者是你曾經涉入卻沒有得到應有的尊重有關。 不要再往錯誤的方向前進。 盡可能地安全地調頭。 Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教。 Ps1. 我10/9-11要考高考,所以想請板上的大大們幫忙翻譯10/9-12的運勢文, 請問有人可以幫忙翻譯嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1633409839.A.925.html
hoyayato: 謝謝你每天的翻譯 高考加油^^ 10/05 21:54
DailyJet: 感謝翻譯 祝褔高考順利 金榜題名!! 10/05 22:49
eesmart: 高考加油!! 10/05 23:02
sosoing: 祝考試順利 10/06 00:22
boobooq028: 祝高考順利,加油 10/06 07:14
suin616: 祝高考順利! 10/06 11:34
Vania: 我可以翻^ ^ 祝N大考試順利! 10/06 11:42
LoveIsScarce: 祝一切順順利利! 10/06 22:56
neckkit: 祝高考順利!! 10/06 23:40
AnitaWW: 祝考試順利唷! 10/06 23:47
ryohei521: 辛苦每天翻譯了!考試加油 10/07 00:26
Geminn: 祝考試順利 10/07 09:35
kowei526: 考試順利! 10/08 19:27
ruby950127: 祝考試順利! 10/14 20:15