看板 Glee 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來發表一下這兩天拍賣會的最終金額 第一天和第二天幾個價錢比較高的清單 (可能會有漏的,因為沒辦法從最終金額高至低排序,我一頁一頁看的) 第一天拍賣會 Lot 218: "Blaine" Dalton Academy “Warblers” uniform. $9,500 Lot 112: "Quinn" Cheerios uniform. $3,000 Lot 651: "Kurt" fashion accessory collection. $2,750 Lot 607: Star light from "Kurt" and "Rachel’s" apartment. $2,750 Lot 514: Kurt (Played by Chris Colfer) locker props. $2,250 Lot 377: (12) complete Dalton Academy “Warblers” uniforms. $2,250 Lot 1196: Kurt (Played by Chris Colfer) “Peter Pan” costume. $2,000 Lot 221: "Kurt" complete Dalton Academy “Warblers” uniform. $1,900 Lot 313: "Kurt" fashion accessory collection. $1,900 Lot 49: "Brittany" hero Cheerios cheerleading uniform. $1,800 Lot 163: (6) Rocky Horror Picture Show costumes. $1,700 Lot 232: Set of (16) character text t-shirts worn by the cast. $1,700 Lot 436: Santana (Played by Naya Rivera) Cheerios uniform. $1,600 Lot 220: “Warblers” mascot “Pavarotti” coffin and grave marker.$1,500 Lot 640: Dalton Academy “Warblers” (12) complete costumes.$1,400 Lot 7: New Directions (100+) ephemera collection.$1,400 Lot 26: Glee Club choir room prop collection. $1,400 Lot 217: "Sue Sylvester"and Olivia Newton-John tracksuits.$1,300 Lot 292: Collection of "Blaine" signature bowties. $1,300 第二天拍賣會 Lot 884: Kurt (Played by Chris Colfer) engagement ensemble. $3,250 Lot 1020: Blaine (Played Darren Criss) screen used puppet. $3,000 Lot 1370: Set of (2) "Kurt" and "Blaine" wedding rings. $2,750 Lot 1018: Elliott (Played by Adam Lambert) screen used puppet. $2,500 Lot 1019: Kurt (Played by Chris Colfer) screen used puppet. $2,500 Lot 1467: "Kurt" and "Blaine" (2) costumes. $2,000 Lot 1391: "Puck " WMHS letterman jacket and sleeveless hoody. $1,900 Lot 1315: Kurt (played by Chris Colfer) elevator ensemble. $1,500 Lot 974: "Rachel" and "Santana" purse collection. $1,500 Lot 1464: "Kurt" Alexander McQueen shirt and pants ensemble. $1,500 Lot 1305: "Kurt" cityscape graphic shirt and jeans. $1,500 Lot 1240: Blaine (Played by Darren Criss) (20+) signature bowties. $1,300 女人的錢真好賺 Blaine的制服標到$9,500是怎樣XD 還有Dalton的制服為什麼賣這麼好啊? 而且看Tumblr上說,有個人每件Kurt的服裝都在標,幾乎標到了每一件 因為看到Kurt的訂婚服標到這麼高的價錢 才發現怎麼沒看到Blaine的訂婚服在拍賣物裡 那從頭到尾都黃黃黃的西裝,該不會Darren帶回家了吧XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Glee/M.1442674490.A.ACB.html ※ 編輯: wxyz1234533 (, 09/19/2015 23:05:41
wxyz1234533: 對了,得標者要付25%給拍賣網,9%的稅,還有運費 09/19 23:40
wxyz1234533: 所以有些大型的東西,可能標到便宜的價錢,但超高運費 09/19 23:41
a75290208: 單位是美金嗎? 09/20 07:24
wxyz1234533: 是美金, 所以那件Blaine的制服快31萬台幣 09/20 14:47
wxyz1234533: 不過有些東西是group合買的,像Blaine的bowties 09/20 14:48
wxyz1234533: 就是一群粉絲一起合標下來的 09/20 14:48
malanna: 你又確定是女生買的 10/05 18:00