看板 Golf 關於我們 聯絡資訊
昨天官網有一篇有關朴英碧明年會去衛冕新加坡賽 Flagship Asian LPGA event announces new name as Inbee Park confirms she will d efend her title HSBC announced that its flagship LPGA event will now be called the HSBC Women ’s World Championship as ticket sales launched today for the eleventh edition of ‘Asia’s Major.’ ....... ....... We are immensely proud of the tournament’s history but as a leading sponsor o f the game we must continue to evolve and innovate to attract new fans and mov e golf into a new era. We believe the name change reflects the events hard-ea rned reputation of ‘Asia’s Major’ and the global nature of the event. We a re excited to take the HSBC Women’s World Championship to the next level in 2 018 through a winning combination of world-class sport and off-course entertai nment. We hope you can join us there.” 請問Asia's Major這稱號是怎麼來的? 分數有比泰國跟韓國賽高嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Golf/M.1513126294.A.A25.html
coolfish1103: 就改名字自慰而已。 12/13 09:45
iamshana: 了解.... 12/13 09:56
isufan: LPGA明年的賽程表還沒有公布。再說,先前訪談主席時,曾有提 12/13 17:29
isufan: 問是否要在亞洲增設一場大賽,他當時很明確表示不會增加大 12/13 17:29
isufan: 賽場次。 12/13 17:29
onme: 已經公布2018賽程了 12/13 22:13