看板 Google 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(手機發文排版請見諒) 剛剛收到了google官方發過來的信 原文如下 Dear G Suite For Education User, It has come to our attention that your user account ■■■■■■■■as bee n used to create or join a Brand Account. Brand Accounts allow users to use a separate identity (e.g., a brand identity), on certain Google services like Yo uTube, Google Photos, and Google+. Brand Accounts are not currently supported for G Suite for Education primary/secondary (K-12) school domains. This means that: Your account can no longer be used to create a Brand Account or join an existi ng Brand Account. On July 10, 2019, we will delete any Brand Account for which your user account is the primary owner. On July 10, 2019, we will revoke membership of your user account from any rema ining Brand Account you are a member of. Important Notes on Retaining Content prior to July 10, 2019: You can see a list of your Brand Accounts by visiting https://myaccount.google .com/brandaccounts in a web browser. To preserve any existing content associated with a Brand Account, you can down load your data while logged into the Brand Account. If you or your organization wish to preserve the entire Brand Account, you can transfer primary ownership to another user. The new primary owner must be eit her (a) a G Suite account holder that is not in a G Suite for Education primar y/secondary (K-12) school domain or (b) a consumer account holder (i.e.,乸ccou [email protected]). For more information on Brand Accounts, please see this㗎elp article. If you have any questions, please contact the domain administrator of your sch ool. Sincerely, The G Suite Team 個人理解大致上的意思應該是 "這個帳號即將被刪除" 因為我英文很破 有些細節部分看不是很懂... 因為我這個帳號是當初學校辦的, 而那時就直接沿用了這個帳號 請問有什麼辦法可以留下這個帳號嗎 如果說真的不行那有哪些辦法可以 "完整的"把我這個帳號的所有資料轉移到別的帳號嗎 因為我這個帳號有連結很多的平台 要是一個一個用 不僅會非常久而且很有可能會東漏西漏 請幫幫我 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Google/M.1557447297.A.D6B.html ※ 編輯: nk15357985 (, 05/10/2019 08:23:13
l98: https://reurl.cc/rXa3E 不過你是哪間學校呀? 要不要先詢問 05/10 08:26
l98: 貴校計中人員看看? 05/10 08:27
※ 編輯: nk15357985 (, 05/10/2019 09:06:27
l98: 透過google api所辦的帳號可能無法轉移,你可能要問該網站或是 05/10 09:13
l98: 去信給google詢問,確認一下你的帳號的確是台灣的學術帳號嗎? 05/10 09:13
l98: 你有用該帳戶去申請管理使用Brand Account? 看起來被封的原因 05/10 09:15
l98: 是這個,因為違法了g suite的規定 05/10 09:15
l98: 而且被砍的應該是Brand Account相關資料不是你主帳戶 05/10 09:17
l98: 除非你是要備份Brand Account的資料 05/10 09:17
Brand Account是什麼? 這個帳號我已經用很久了 之前可能有用到我不知道幹麻用的東西 ※ 編輯: nk15357985 (, 05/10/2019 09:52:16
l98: https://reurl.cc/vXqWj 供參考 05/10 10:20
我剛重新研究了一下 你的意思是說他只是刪除我這個信箱所連結的"品牌帳號"裡面相關的資料 但是這並不會影響到我這個信箱的使用? ※ 編輯: nk15357985 (, 05/10/2019 11:14:31
l98: 就信件內容看起來是這樣,要保險就直接問計中人員或是google吧 05/10 11:21
了解 謝謝 ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙。 ※ 編輯: nk15357985 (, 05/10/2019 12:01:45
bestpika: 人家都給你 brand account 管理頁的連結了怎不點進去 05/10 15:24