看板 GoranDragic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The adjustment Goran Dragic made to his shot that has him among NBA’s best 3-pointt. by Anthony Chiang | November 3, 2016 MIAMI — A small adjustment can make a big difference. Goran Dragic is proof of that. After making a small adjustment with his shooting technique, Dragic has made 11 of his first 21 three-point shot attempts this season. Goran Dragic在投籃做了一些小調整。 Dragic ranks fifth in the NBA in three-point percentage (of players with at least 10 three-point shot attempts) at 52.4 percent. “My confidence is high. I feel great,” Dragic said after Thursday's practice. “Physically, mentally I’m at the right place. That’s just a result of the hard work. This time I put a lot of work in. I’m happy. It makes my game so much easier.” 「我很有信心,感覺非常好,」Dragic在星期三的球隊練習結束後說: 「身體與心理上我都處在不錯的狀態,這是努力訓練的結果,這次我投 入了許多訓練,我很開心,這讓我的比賽更容易些。」 Dragic worked with Heat shooting coach Rob Fodor, who is known as the “ Shooting Guy,” this offseason to improve his outside shooting. After looking at tape from last season, Fodor noticed Dragic’s body “was a little bit sideways” when he shot the ball and they made a small adjustment to correct the issue. 在休賽季Dragic跟著熱火的投籃教練 Rob Fodor訓練改善他的外線投籃, Fodor 在看過上賽季的錄像後指出Dragic投籃時的身體「稍微側身」了, 他們做了小調整去糾正這問題。 “I changed my shot,” Dragic said. “I just put the ball a little bit left next to the hip usually before I was shooting. I was shooting a little bit sideways. Now, I just try to create the line of shooting and it’s more straight. It was an easy adjustment.” 「我改變了投籃,」Dragic說:「通常在我投籃之前我將球稍微放在臀 部旁,以往我投籃有點側身,現在我嘗試創造投籃曲線,然後變得更加 筆直,這個微調很簡單。」 It’s going to be hard for Dragic to keep his three-point percentage above 50 percent, but he could be on his way to having a career season from three. Dragic shot a career-best 40.8 percent from three with the Suns in the 2013-14 season. In his first two seasons with the Heat, Dragic made 31.7 percent of his three-pointers. That’s not a good rate for Dragic, who is a career 35.7 percent three-point shooter. “I always want to shoot threes,” Dragic said. “Last year I struggled with those. Before when I was playing in Phoenix I was shooting 41 percent from three. So, it’s all in your head. It’s all mental. Like I said, I feel great. I'm in a great spot. If I'm going to be open, I'm going to shoot it.” 「我總是想投三分,」Dragic說:「上賽季在外線我有點掙扎,在太陽 打球時我三分曾有41%(40.8%),因此它一直在你腦海中,在你的心理 上,就像我說的,我感覺非常好,我在很好的投籃位置,如果我有空位, 我會去投籃。」 來源:https://goo.gl/cB7Y7S -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GoranDragic/M.1478343722.A.4C2.html
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