看板 Gov_owned 關於我們 聯絡資訊
現在完成式完整教學(含翻譯練習、選擇題練習) 和大家分享~ 是國營考試英文科的超級重點 也是英文裡超級常用的動詞時態之一 (考古題) 108經濟部聯招 In 2017 and 2018, terrible wildfires _(1)_ California. The company PG&E provides gas and electricity to an area in California, and it _(2)_ financial troubles since the fires. 1. (A) fit (B) hit (C) kit (D) nit 2. (A) has had (B) has been had (C) had had (D) had been had 答案在本文最下方,解說在影片中 :) 影片製作人:英文老師 多益分數:990 (2019/2020/2021) Answer: (B)(A) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gov_owned/M.1623939482.A.D56.html
djexe78: 推雪薇老蘇 06/17 23:50
rei410553: 謝謝妳 06/18 00:36
OKnight: 謝謝老師 06/18 07:35
jontaxx: 感謝熱心分享! 06/18 14:47
joe831211: 謝謝分享! 06/19 00:54
budingpor: 謝謝分享 06/26 10:33