看板 HarryPotter 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天TIME雜誌在FB分享了一篇有趣的文章,我看還沒人貼,就來和大家分享一下。 原文縮網址:http://goo.gl/OZw4du 以下是非常精簡的我流簡譯及大意說明: 有讀者推論,故事中有三個現世的角色剛好對應《死神的聖物》裡的皮福雷三兄弟: 大哥是佛地魔,致力尋找不敗的魔仗,以期能夠打敗死神,最後卻被死神擺了一道; 石內卜就像二哥,想要用重生石喚回已逝的愛人; 三弟則是哈利,用隱形斗篷一次次躲過死神。 那麼與故事中的死神相對應的人是? 鄧不利多。 鄧不利多在哈利「死後」,與哈利在國王十字車站進行一場精彩的對話。 而更有趣的是,他在書中是唯一同時持有這三樣死神的聖物 (第一集時把斗篷交給哈利 第七集時將遺物「金探子」留給哈利,裡面裝著重生石;最後將接骨木魔杖帶入墳墓)。 這個說法是還滿有趣的啦。文章裡面還有提到其他的推論,有興趣的話來看看原文吧: This Is The Latest Harry Potter Theory Driving Muggles Mad Ashley Ross @ashbrookeross Aug. 6, 2015 The theories that lived...and lived If we’ve learned anything about the Harry Potter series over the years, it’ s that fans will never let it go. Numerous theories and questions about the plot tend to swirl through the Internet like memories in a Pensieve, but a recently resurfaced 2014 Tumblr post is causing Muggles everywhere to stop and question everything. In the final Potter book, we learn about The Tale of the Three Brothers, a wizard fairy tale unfamiliar to the Muggle-raised Harry. The story is that of the Peverell Brothers, who cheat Death, and receive rewards as a result: the unbeatable Elder Wand; the Resurrection Stone that brings people back from the dead; and the Invisibility Cloak, which conceals its user. These three items are often referred to as The Deathly Hallows, hence the name of the final book. A common theory has compared Harry, Snape and Voldemort to the brothers. Voldemort is the oldest, murdered in his bed by someone who sought the Elder Wand. Snape is seen as the middle brother, who was driven to suicide after resurrecting the girl “he had once hoped to marry, before her untimely Death. ” Harry as the youngest brother, who escapes Death with the cloak until giving it to his son, greeting “Death as an old friend” and going with him gladly. The Tumblr user, though, posits that Dumbledore is Death. “He greeted Harry at King’s Cross and was the one behind Snape and Voldemort’s death….He’s the one who gave Harry the invisibility cloak too…And he had the stone and the wand too.” Of course there are endless other theories about the three brothers, including one that names Dumbledore as the second brother, because he pined for his sister Ariana, who died at a young age. And one hypothesizes that Dumbledore is a descendant of the first brother, who crafted the Elder Wand. Then there’s also a theory that supposes Dumbledore is just an old version of Ron Weasley sent back in time to help Harry defeat Voldemort. Which just proves that these theories, much like the series, will never face Death. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HarryPotter/M.1438953004.A.279.html
DRIariel: 挺有趣的類比~ 08/07 22:43
Felicia0606: 推~ 08/07 22:58
litsh: 但石內卜從未得知死神聖物的存在。最渴望重生石的是鄧不利 08/07 23:03
oikid: 這邊是說意象而不是人物所有細節的對應吧 教授的確是一直愛 08/07 23:37
oikid: 著莉莉 和二哥一樣都是對逝去的人念念不忘 08/07 23:37
ChenWay: 推~ 08/11 21:08
lcew: 推,好有趣 08/13 01:54
sakoe: 嚴格來說鄧不利多並沒"同時"聚集三樣聖物吧?斗篷第一集給 08/13 23:36
sakoe: 哈利,第六集才拿到重生石,這樣算同時嘛@@? 08/13 23:37
PrinceBamboo: 樓上正解 他是三樣都曾經得手 但並沒有同時持有三樣 08/14 00:46
拍謝,我的錯 <(_ _)> 原文只有寫到曾經持有(had),並非同時持有,冏
bightw24261: 原文提到"老鄧=年老的榮恩"這樣的理論,有人知道嗎 08/14 09:45
bightw24261: 說老鄧是榮恩用時光機回到過去的 08/14 09:45
abooma: 可是老鄧不是同性戀嗎? 08/18 19:32
ChenWay: 如果老榮恩=老鄧,那葛林戴華德是誰 08/18 21:16
zhao1985: 推!!怎麼以前沒想到的說~ 08/19 08:04
switcherBPC: 完全不認同 08/24 05:05
最後補充一下,前兩天的蘋果日報也有報導了這則新聞, 傳送卷軸在此:http://goo.gl/nMWsTu 不過蘋果的報導加入了Rowling的twitter回應: 羅琳日前在個人的《推特》(twitter)上大讚這位粉絲的精闢理論,認為充滿創意,並貼 近原著,她非常喜歡這種說法。 翻譯翻譯:原作我都沒想到這種解釋啦哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 ※ 編輯: Siegfried921 (, 08/26/2015 08:19:06
litsh: 莉莉的死將石內卜從食死人改變為霍格華茲史上最偉大的校長 08/26 22:59
litsh: 之一,在他身上對已逝者的念念不忘反而成為積極的力量源泉 08/26 22:59
litsh: 真正因為執著於逝去的親人而招致自身死亡的是鄧不利多, 08/26 23:00
litsh: 所以我認為鄧不利多才是重生石的對應角色,況且他並沒同時 08/26 23:00
litsh: 持有三樣聖物,把他和死神對應未免牽強。 08/26 23:01
litsh: 話說回來,鄧不利多擔任過佛、石、哈三人的老師倒是不假。 08/26 23:02
litsh: 他們三人分別是邪惡、改邪歸正、正義的三弟子XD 08/26 23:03