看板 Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
關閉我帳號的是GM-Vladimircho,很明顯他是MOD-Cattington和OUZO的朋友。鑑於 GM-Vladimircho態度惡劣,我已經放棄要回帳號了。所以就把所有信件內容放在這做 個紀錄。另外,我的隊伍頁面在被鎖前曾被puffxxx造訪了好幾次,PTT好像叫做Chrisxxx 又叫黑鷹(台奸?),所以我大膽猜測給老外通風報信的可能是這位pufxxxx,還在玩的朋友 請小心此人囉。 以下是被鎖通知內容: GM-Vladimircho 1655601 : BOLAM, The Revelation have violated the game rules 12-10-2016 至您 Hello, The Hattrick GameMasters have investigated you and concluded that you violated the rules regarding multiple ownership and or cheating, see the Terms Of Use. This is either: Not your main account Not the first time you have violated the rules You have other accounts clearly in your favor, for example did overpriced transfers for a long period of time in your favor You haven’t waited the 7 weeks after a lock of your team. There is general big violation of the rules that made us come to this conclusion All of the items mentioned are reasons to lock the team of this account. The teams from the accounts involved in this investigation are: BOLAM, The Revelation. A lock of a team always required a waiting period of 7 weeks, after this period of time you are welcome back with 1 account. You will see that the account that we believe is your main account will give you the option to make a new team as soon as this time has passed. Please respect such waiting period, there is no need to make a new account. Combined with this lock you receive a clear Final warning. Another violation of the rules regarding multiple ownership, overpriced transfers or cheating in general will cost you your future team again. We recommend you to read the Terms of Use, the house rules specific the chapter “your behavior” (/Help/Rules/HRBeh.aspx) and the manual regarding the transfers specific the paragraph “ Fair Play in the Transfer Market” (/Help/Rules/Transfers.aspx). Ticket=1655601. GM-Vladimircho Global Gamemaster Note that all correspondence with the administrators in confidential, and as such cannot be reviled to third parties. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hattrick/M.1476537894.A.83C.html ※ 編輯: snow02262 (, 10/15/2016 21:35:22 ※ 編輯: snow02262 (, 10/15/2016 21:37:01 ※ 編輯: snow02262 (, 10/15/2016 22:37:55
Ayaono: 辛苦了~ 但沒必要說什麼台奸就是了~ 10/15 23:30