看板 Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是發表在global論壇,遊戲開發者針對這次引擎更新做出的更詳細的解釋 Weather Events 天氣事件 - Description in the Devblog: https://devblog.hattrick.org/2017/12/a-new-match-engine-odyssey/ 官方部落格說明 1. (17101495.380): https://i.imgur.com/bYWt8Uw.png
Weather events are triggered at the beginning of the match and affect all related players. Of course with far smaller effect than the previous version. 比賽開賽後天氣事件會自動觸發,相關特技的所有球員都會受到影響, 影響程度比之前的版本稍微輕微(註:這次的引擎改版曾經有修正過)。 2. (17101495.462): https://i.imgur.com/kOgtGtu.png
Keep in mind that this is 5% penalty to all the players that have the related specialty. For example, adding a quick player on rain without changing anything else, can decrease your winning chances by 1.5% more or less, based on the skills of the player. 請銘記在心,相關特技的所有球員都會有5%的懲罰。 舉例來說,如果比賽過程沒有任何變化,一個速度特技球員在雨天出賽大約會降低你 該場比賽1.5%的勝率。 3. (17101495.531) & (17101495.542): https://i.imgur.com/Cke1WDn.png
Weather is static for the whole match. Weather events will be always there for the whole match, but with a smaller impact. - 整場比賽的天氣都不會改變。 - 天氣事件在整場比賽都會產生影響,但是以之前版本的影響輕微些。 4. (17101495.931): https://i.imgur.com/y4n7fkg.png
Since the weather is not fixed and you can send match orders a week before the actual match, I am not sure it is a wise move to add weather events on the ratings predictor. 因為天氣並非固定不動(每天會更新一次),同時比賽開賽前一個禮拜就可以排陣, 遊戲開發員也不確定在比賽評級預測器納入天氣事件,是否為聰明的選擇。 5. (17101495.936) & (17101495.940): https://i.imgur.com/ofnPnzF.png
We have some ideas for longer weather forecasts and more dynamic types, but I don't expect them for this season. Another option could be to reduce the number of weather updates to 2. One after the league match, one after the cup match (or after training). - 有在考慮提供更長期的氣象預測,以及更多的天氣改變模式,但不是現在 - 一個禮拜只做兩次天氣更新也是個選項,一次在聯賽比賽後,另一次在盃賽比賽後 (或是訓練更新後) 6. (17152579.133): https://i.imgur.com/AJ0C4x2.png
- since the weather event will affect his skills, then the success rate for quick events will be lower (in case of sunny/rainy game). - When you got yourline up done and check it with the own tool that HT has, the prediction doesn't work with new weather implementations. One idea is to make it use the current weather event, but creating a dropdown that will let you choose between a weather is not the path I want to step into. - 因為天氣事件會影響球員技能,所以負面的天氣事件會降低特技事件的成功機率 例如晴天/雨天會降低速度特技事件的成功機率。 (該文探討到負面天氣是否會影響特殊SE的觸發機率) - 官方內建的評級預測器並沒有納入新版本的天氣影響。 確實是有聲音在官方內建的評級預測器納入新版本的天氣影響, 但是這樣會讓經理把天氣因素的評級滑落也納入排陣時的考量, 這是遊戲開發者不想介入的領域。 7. (17152579.365): https://i.imgur.com/Ssmk6qf.png
We cannot exclude specific position since you can swap players during the 90'. What we can do is to exclude the keeping skill from all of them, but not the defending skill. So Goalkeepers will be affected by weather events, except for their Goalkeeping skill. --> Finally it wasn't implemented, as stated by Tasos here (17161178.640): I guess the misunderstanding happened in the quoted post. When I mentioned that excluding keeper skill could be a solution. But we never did. So, yes. Weather events affect keeper skill as well. 天氣事件也會影響守門員。 ------------------------以下是原因解釋--------------------- 從某種角度來看,這確實是一個bug,這不是最初的計畫,但是最後實施了。 因為比賽是有可能交換位置的,所以天氣事件排除守門員這個想法最終沒有實踐, 有個可能的解決方案是天氣事件排除影響所有球員的守門技能,但是最終沒有實踐, 所以現在天氣事件會影響守門員。 8. (17152579.365): https://i.imgur.com/zLG9Z74.png
Weather event affect Set Pieces. 天氣事件也會影響定位球技能。 9. (17161178.640): https://i.imgur.com/taJrOXL.png
In specific, Unpredictable Long Pass and Support player Boost are the only events that a keeper can get. 具體而言,守門員只會觸發不可預測特技的長傳事件、以及支援型特技的鼓舞事件 兩種特技事件。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hattrick/M.1534502551.A.A7D.html ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/17/2018 20:32:14 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/17/2018 20:33:05 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/17/2018 20:38:09
bolam: 下一篇,無限創意戰術 08/17 20:39
monkey6: 謝謝跛輪耐心翻譯 08/17 23:39
※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/18/2018 13:35:55