看板 Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是發表在global論壇,遊戲開發者針對這次引擎更新做出的更詳細的解釋 Play creatively 無限創意 Description in the Devblog https://i.imgur.com/5tBKVVZ.png
開發者部落格的解釋 From now on, Playing Creatively tactic has a tactic level just like the rest. Experience and passing are the important skills, with the latter 4x times more than experience. Unpredictable players contribute twice to the tactic compared to the rest of the players. 從現在起,無限創意如同其他戰術,有戰術級別, 「經驗」和「傳球」是重要技能,「傳球」的重要性是「經驗」的4倍, 「不可預測」球員對戰術的貢獻度是其他球員的2倍。 Play Creatively will increase the maximum number of Special Events by 1 (if both teams use it, then by 2), the chance to create an event and will also increase the probability just for the team that gets it. A high tactic skill can even double the chances to receive the event instead of your opponent. 開無限創意,特殊事件數量的最大值會提升1(如果兩隊都開無限創意,會提升2), 使用無限創意的球隊,得到特殊事件的機會也會提升, 高的戰術評級,得到特殊事件的機會是對手的2倍。 - (17101495.533) (also in the Devblog): https://i.imgur.com/SWUUa0x.png
A high tactic level can double your chances to get the event instead of your opponent. 高的戰術評級,得到特殊事件的機會是對手的2倍(在開發者部落格也有提到)。 - (17101495.929): https://i.imgur.com/5MLzkQS.png
About Creative Play, another example is that a tactic level of 15 will increase your chances by almost 60%. 問: 高的戰術評級,得到特殊事件的機會是對手的2倍。 "高的戰術級別"的定義是 ? 答: 威力無邊(15級),會提升大約60%的機率。 - (17152579.133): https://i.imgur.com/n9gqIme.png
Playing creatively affects three things. 1) How easy we will trigger any special event 2) How many special events we will have on the match 3) Which team will get an event (if it is an individual special event. So not any effect for corners here.) 問: 無限創意是否會影響「corner to anyone」、「corner to anyone」兩種特殊事件, 還是這兩種特殊事件只根據控球率分配 ? 是的,這兩種特殊事件只依據控球率分配! 無限創意會影響三件事 1. 觸發任何一種特殊事件的容易程度。 2. 一場比賽會有幾件特殊事件。 3. 哪一隊會得到特殊事件 (無限創意的每個特殊事件是獨立的,所以不會對「corner to anyone」、 「corner to anyone」產生影響。 - (17152579.906): https://i.imgur.com/t8fSjcz.png
The way we implemented the Play Creatively tactic was like that. You need to have the right lineup compared to your opponent to see improvements. Actually, the home team in the linked match increased his chances to get a special event by ~10p.p. However, if your opponent is far, far better on a special event, he can take advantage of the increased number of special events in the match. Let's say that I have 2 quick players from the 8 available positions that can trigger an event. But my opponent has 6 from the 8. Playing creatively will not help. And if your opponent is specialized in other events too, then probably this will backfire on me. 問: 無限創意是我開的,特殊事件居然是對手在拿,這種案例太多了,我受夠了 (11276972)這是最後一場案例比賽。 舊的比賽引擎,無限創意並不存在「分配事件」的概念, 新的比賽引擎是否導入這個概念? 答: 是的,新的比賽引擎,無限創意建置了「分配事件」的概念, 所以比起對手,更「正確」的布陣會改善你的狀況。 事實上,這場比賽主隊提升了10%提到特殊事件的機率, 如果對手提升的機率大幅領先,那增加的特殊事件的分配,對手會佔有很大優勢。 這麼說吧,假設有8個位置可以觸發速度特殊事件,我有2個速度選手,對手有6個, 開無限創意對我沒有幫助。 如果對手也專精於其他特殊事件,開無限創意無異於在家裡後院放火。 - (17152579.365): https://i.imgur.com/DnSEgfW.png
The calculation of the PC level reported in the match report is based on the 11 players that start the game. But the calculation of the level of the tactic is live during the match, like for other tactics (17152579.392). https://i.imgur.com/El3Z2UM.png
* 賽後報告的無限創意戰術級別,是依據先發11人計算。 * 所有戰術(包含無限創意)的戰術級別,都是在比賽進行中「即時」計算。 - (17161178.294): https://i.imgur.com/yD6qfKn.png
The original version of event 335 (Tactic type: Play Creatively) that LAs translate from has been edited today with the addition of the tactic level. If you don't see it in your language, please contact your LAs. 原始版本的事件335(戰術種類:無限創意)翻譯已經更新,新增戰術級別, 如果你使用的語言沒有看到,請聯繫翻譯管理員。 - (17171250.25): https://i.imgur.com/lqKRrR0.png
There are 3 places that Play Creatively affects the results: 1) The maximum number of special events. If one team uses PC, max increased by 1. If both teams use PC, then max increased by 2. 2) The part that we decide if we will have a special event and/or something else. Let's say for simplicity that this is 10% (random number for example). If a team chose the PC as a tactic, this number will be higher. Much higher if both teams play creatively. 3) When we decide which team will get the special event. The team that plays creatively has bigger chances to get it compared to the case without it. I said it a couple of times, that if you opt for PC and your opponent has a more specialized lineup, the effect can easily backfire due to 1) and 2). 明白來說,無限創意有三個影響比賽結果的地方 1. 特殊事件的最大值數量! 一隊開無限創意,會增加1;兩隊都開無限創意,會增加2。 2. 一場比賽是否會出特殊事件! 簡單來說,假設出特殊事件的機率是10%(僅為舉例用的隨意數值) 如果一隊開無限創意機率提高,兩隊都開梯率會大幅提高。 3. 哪一隊會得到特殊事件!   開無限創意的隊伍機會會大些。 我已經說了好幾次,因為第1點和第2點,如果你開無限創意但是對手的布陣更比你專業, 很容易放火燒到自己。 - (17113335.729): https://i.imgur.com/OqQ4wzy.png
GK doesn't count on Play Creatively. We don't have any plans to include him, but we can think about it on the next iterations we will do to evaluate the SE changes. 問: 根據測試,無限創意戰術級別得計算沒有納入「守門員」的傳球技能, 事實上,不可預測守門員的傳球技能應該雙倍計算。 這一點會改變嗎 ? 現代足球的精神守門員也擅長腳上功夫。 答: 無限創意的確沒有算「守門員」,也沒有任何計畫要改變這一點。 也許下一次評估改變特殊事件時可以納入考量。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hattrick/M.1534598151.A.65F.html ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/18/2018 21:50:17 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/18/2018 22:01:12 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/19/2018 11:47:27 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/19/2018 15:55:36 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/19/2018 17:03:13 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 08/19/2018 18:05:26 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 12/13/2018 20:26:57