看板 Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是發表在global論壇,遊戲開發者針對這次引擎更新做出的更詳細的解釋 https://i.imgur.com/Fk9oNdA.png
此篇結論 : 1) Everything count [for the passing skill used in the calculation of PC tactic level] and it is the same in the other tactics as well [so the attributes form, stamina, xp, mother club / loyalty, weather events are taken into acount] 無限創意戰術級別在計算「傳球」技能時,所有層面都會納入計算,包含「狀態」、 「體能」、「經驗」、「母會俱樂部」、「忠誠度」、「天氣事件」。 2) [For the contribution of Unpred players to the PC tactic level,] Think about it as: play_creatively_contribution = use some formula if player is unpredictable then 2*play_creatively_contribution In simple words, it's double the effect it has on the play creatively tactic. 不可預測球員對無限創意戰術級別的貢獻度,可以這樣思考 : 簡單來說,貢獻度是兩倍。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hattrick/M.1544704875.A.6C9.html