看板 Headphone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《takase (............)》之銘言: 官方宣傳片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VjwvjKoz8U
訪談與一些製作/測量過程 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSrDpi2LhZg
T1.3 開箱 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xdhc2pKBlM
T5.3開箱 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nYIWKHtUaQ
可能是因為打光的關係,質感比之前的照片好一點 官方似乎不打算說明低阻化的理由,只強調空間感、最佳化設計有的沒的 大概有點要潛在顧客先聽再說的意思..... -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Headphone/M.1598937227.A.27D.html
evadodoya: 我不買 你先聽? 09/01 13:20
takase: 我也觀望....這次沒有第一時間入手的熱情 09/01 13:22
purplesky911: Y our Beyerdynamic 09/01 13:28
evadodoya: 應該是會很好聽壓(催眠 除非好聽遠大於外表分數 09/01 13:30
takase: 我在猜聲音變化不小,但是一想到還要針對低阻重調系統, 09/01 13:32
takase: 就覺得好麻煩.... 09/01 13:32
st93042: 這設計感覺是上個世代的產品~~ 09/01 13:38
zoraruru: 我ok你先買? 09/01 13:49
a85139138: 好啦其實看起來還行,就等試聽惹 09/01 13:56
Ikaruwill: 連攜帶盒上都有y,單體內側凸出來了然後看起來還是 09/01 13:56
Ikaruwill: 祖傳原廠拘束線 09/01 13:57
ddik32: 趕快出啊 看能不能讓我的T1 2nd二手價好一點 XD 09/01 13:57
bh2142: 盒子看起來還行,雖然是y 09/01 14:08
Kowdan: 我OK你先買 09/01 14:20
Himmelsens: yyy起來 09/01 14:26
addy7533967: 坐等三代同堂pkpkpk 09/01 14:34
evadodoya: 應該是不用同堂PK就會有明顯不同(吧 09/01 14:47
a85139138: 我覺得應該是不同走向啦,沒有pk一說,就跟一二代 09/01 15:16
a85139138: 一樣,我覺得三代應該會是低音炮就是惹wwww 09/01 15:16
a85139138: 所以我說那個鏤空支架呢 09/01 15:17
dzwei: 拜耳就是爛 其他家旗艦都是1500歐元起跳 就她還在1000以下 09/01 15:19
Daedolon: 傻了,直接叫T2訂4000歐就行了 09/01 15:52
simonohmygod: 佛心公司 要是audeze來出T1.3還不翻倍賣(?) 09/01 16:07
hydeless: Audeze會賣2999鎂,然後過兩個月就跳水 09/01 17:03
我猜 3rd和 2nd的差異 就類似 當年的 DT990 2005 v.s. DT880 2005 阻抗降低,推開的門檻會有效降低,會讓更多人有wow effect 但另一方面,新型的吸音墊片,剛開聲可能會非常悶這樣 低頻有可能會有相當兩極化的評價 一邊是太多太肥厚,一邊是剛剛好怎麼你們都說太多? 這其實是驅動與搭配上的差異
evadodoya: 聲音像880'03再說 09/01 17:50
www2967: 前端怎麼搭應該才是重點... 09/01 18:36
icekiba: 4000歐太貴了吧…開3999歐好了 09/01 18:39
falc0972: 真希望Ultrasone能學學拜耳,別砸一堆三小稀有物在外觀 09/01 19:01
falc0972: ,然後一支賣有夠貴的...我是要拿來聽不是要拿來看的好 09/01 19:01
falc0972: 嗎... 09/01 19:02
evadodoya: 你錯了 要學學U家 09/01 19:27
n796885: 但是Ultrasone真的很帥 買來擺感覺也不錯 09/01 19:36
dzwei: 鐵三角L木殼系列:稀有、外觀? 09/01 19:43
a85139138: 拜亞太老實了,這年頭老實人沒錢賺 09/01 20:31
Head-fi有人憋不住了,發了第一印象 MacedonianHero Headphone.Guru Editor I always felt that both the T1.1 and T1.2's bass was slightly under what I would like (like other Germanic TOTL headphones, say like the HD800/800S or HEDDphones). After having the T1.3 since this weekend for an upcoming review, I can now say that they hit the nail on the head. Real life has bass, and why shouldn't your audio gear reflect this? No it's not TH-900 or Z1R overly inflated bass, but it is at a far more natural and enjoyable level to my ears. They are slightly warmer overall too, but I would have expected this warmth would take away from their sense of air and space as it has typically in the past with other headphones. Surprisingly, beyerdyanamics improved that too! Their ability to cast both a wide and deep sound stage is very impressive! I can now use them on systems that aren't part of my main rig. The 32 ohm impedance and corresponding efficiency has them sounding great out of my FiiO M11 Pro or pretty much any other portable unit I've thrown at them (including my iPhone). That said, things to kick up several notches when I plug them into my Chord Hugo 2 or DAVE. More to come...but it's gonna be really hard to send these back! ※ 編輯: takase ( 臺灣), 09/01/2020 21:29:17
evadodoya: 好像不意外(? 09/01 21:37
lll156k1529: 好啦 雖然外觀那樣但我還是很想聽 09/01 22:00
lll156k1529: 說不定手上的ADI-2可以應付得不錯 32ohm有1.5W的輸出 09/01 22:03
lll156k1529: 電流還可以到210mA 09/01 22:03
rugger5566: 拜耳就是爛 09/01 22:21
rugger5566: 可不可以不要再暖了,唉,T1 2nd直接pass 09/01 22:22
purplesky911: 竟然是走暖 09/02 00:05
CactusFlower: 從T1一路到1770/1990跟阿米龍就大概能看出暖聲趨勢 09/02 00:27
CactusFlower: 了? 09/02 00:27
enamelcord: 有趣www 09/02 00:30
eddie0817: 期待 09/02 00:44
goldie: 原本pass, 但看完阿斗仔留言覺得有趣www 09/02 01:11
gameguy: T500與T1000上市再叫我一聲,GG 09/02 09:22
Yazilightar: 還是等正式試聽後才能知道結果,不過近幾年Harman cu 09/02 09:39
Yazilightar: rve成為主流後,聲音偏向以前認知的暖聲,似乎是一 09/02 09:39
Yazilightar: 種趨勢了 09/02 09:39