看板 Hearthstone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看到板上很多人說到 Kripp 談競技場的影片。 他詬病現在競技場太混亂, 其中談到的重點大致如下: 一、難度不一致,即便你 0-1、0-2,還是有不錯的機率碰到牛鬼蛇神 二、選牌機制過時、單調 三、單一卡、延續場優卡過強,法師DK、骸骨戰馬等 四、結合一跟三,0-2的人只是因為前兩把沒抽到他的法師DK 五、難以組出有趣的特殊牌組,即便組出來了因為強度不夠,玩不了多少場 六、競技場曾經很棒,只要得到一點關注一點調整,就又會是很棒的遊戲模式 -- 影片來源:https://youtu.be/aBslU5dGbwg
Hey guys hows it going, Kripparrian here. Today I want to give you guys a video, and kind of my explanation why I've been playing quite a bit less arena in the last I don't know month or so. Didn't even get 30 arenas in the last month, and thats probably the first time in years. So obviously on the other hand i had the whole Oktober Brawl thing going on, and that took up a large portion of the amount of time put into Hearthstone. Now i dont say that negatively, i actually really liked that experience. i thought playing on a new account with very strict limitations, and really really forcing out the best results that i can was a lot of fun. i very much enjoyed that, one of the best hearthstone experience i've had lately actually. When it comes to arena, at the end of the day, my main issue, its just usually not fun and yeah, given it some thought of looking at the many angles envolved, and i think i can break it down to a few areas that i think can use significant improvement. 大家好我是 Kripp, 今天的影片我想解釋為什麼我最近比較少在打競技場了。 上個月甚至連三十場都玩不到,這可能是多年來頭一遭。 雖然十月瘋亂鬥賽事佔據了很多玩爐石的時間, 但我非常享受這次賽事帶來的體驗。 我認為用新的帳號在非常受限的條件下迫使自己打出最好的牌是很有趣的事。 這是我近期有過最棒的爐石體驗。 然而談到競技場,從各種觀點來說它已經不那麼有趣, 且我認為很多地方需要莫大的改進。 So arena has always had some hit some miss you know. You can hit up arena even years ago when my opinion, lets say Old Gods i think arena was excellent. Even Old Gods you play in arena and you know 20 30% of the time, you have bad experience. You just get destroyed by total noobs playing bad cards, and just getting super lucky, perfect answers whatever you guys know the excuse list of course. And yeah, if you just experience that alot its pretty frustrating, its not that much fun, and your runs end bad and ah this sucks, but whatever, i'll queue up arena because you know the chances are pretty good i'll have fun this time. And ive been u know kind of keeping up with that methodology if you dont have fun in arena you play, you just play another, you know theres a good chance you'll have fun in that one. 競技場一直都是上上下下, 在幾年前的競技場,就拿古神來說,我認為當時競技場很棒。 儘管還是有兩三成機率會有糟糕的遊戲體驗, 被一些廢物的狗屎運打爆, 但我只要再排下一場,通常就能得到一些樂趣。 我一直都用這樣的心態在玩競技場, 也就是如果這場不好玩,那就再玩一場吧,下一場通常都會不錯。 I can say that in about a month time, i've had very very few, we're talking about you know, probably i can count on one hand, arenas that actually had a good time, that i actually had fun and enjoyable. I'm not talking about result, ive had 12-win runs that i dont think is anything special. yeah i drafted a pretty good deck and i had like the Mage DK, and i remember in a period of 5 12-win runs, 4 of them had the mage Deathknight in them. I mean yeah its a nice thing to have 12 wins and stuff, it can be memorable for some people, but you know it wasnt that much fun, its just complete destroying people because i had that one card. And most of the time when i was playing and losing, i would lose because they would have that one card, or things like shadow reaper, like another one card, and yeah thats basically my problem. 我敢說近期一個月我幾乎沒有幾次競技場玩起來是有趣的。 這跟遊戲結果沒有關係,我也有過幾次12勝沒甚麼了不起, 我組了不錯的牌組且我有法師DK。 我記得5次12勝的牌組中有4次有法師DK。 拿12勝固然很爽,對於某些人來說別具意義, 但這幾次玩下來真沒那麼有趣。 我只因為有了這單一卡就能把人打爆, 且大部分輸的時候, 也是因為對方有這麼一張像是牧師DK的單一卡, 這也是我認為現在競技場的毛病。 I think right now i dont enjoy the arena that ive just played the majority of the time, the great majority of the time, and that sucks, thats really sad, because arena in my opinion, was the purest and absolute best game mode in hearthstone right until now, like 4 years running. And i think its the easiest game mode to balance, its just so easy just mess with things, i just feel Blizzard doesnt proactively balance for arena, they designed the expansion with only constructive in mind, and just a bunch of bullshit happens to arena and you know months later they fix it, usually those fixes are pretty good, the changes made to arena are pretty good, but its so obvious, like cards like Bonemare obviously is going to be an issue for arena. A lot of the win more like Cobalt Scalebane anything that has a end of turn, anything that has a buff crushing effect obviously is a problem for arena. And really most of the cards that they've introduced are high synergy cards. if you have this, this card is insane, if you don't have this its crap, or cards that if u have marginal board position, u just spiral way out of control u know, crazy win more cards. And that allows them to have kind of like the swings in constructive mode, but in arena its just not a fun experience, because you cant leverage your ability to play the game. You just kind of win and lose its just kind of a mess right now. 我認為現在的競技場真的玩起來不那麼有趣, 儘管我花了這麼多時間在玩它。 這挺令人難過的, 畢竟競技場原本是我認為爐石最純最棒的遊戲模式, 從四年前直到現在。 而且我認為這模式很容易平衡, 但感覺暴雪不會主動去平衡競技場, 他們新版本只專注在構築牌組, 也因此競技場常常發生一堆鳥事, 儘管幾個月之後會有不錯的修改, 但明明顯而易見, 像骸骨戰馬擺明就會是競技場的一個問題。 很多擴大優勢的牌像鈷藍逆鱗龍人這種回合結束會有誇張的 buff 效果也是。 他們推的很多新卡通常也需要搭配其他卡片, 有配沒配到落差很大。 如果你有些微的場優你一下子就可以把檯面拓展到讓對手完全失去控制, 這讓你有很像構築牌組快速擴大場優的能力, 但在競技場這反而會讓遊戲的技術間距降低很多。 你就這樣順著贏了也有可能就這樣順應著輸了, 一切就是一團亂。 And that is the first thing that i think needs to be taken care of, because what this effectively does, is the ladder of arena difficulty is just all over the place until u hit maybe like 7-0 or so, maybe 6-0, where just like all the decks are like deathknights crazy card quality, constructive level stuff. But all the way until there, its not a ladder, u can be at 5-0 and u can be at 0-2, and again really u are matched up against someone who has similar often exact same record as u do, u can face the same player at those rankings. Really right now the main factor is just getting the right cards at the right time. Your ability to play is marginalized, drafting decks is just mind numbing theres really nothing to it. Heartharena makes it so u dont have any mistakes happening, but if u don't use Heartharena, you're gonna pick correctly 90% of the time. The drafting system is just, its not, i can't say its bad, but its outdated. 這也是我認為第一件需要被解決的問題, 也就是競技場的難易度太不一, 在 7-0、6-0 以後, 全部的牌組都會是DK、高質量、各種構築般的瘋狂牌組, 但在那之前,根本沒有依照勝場數該有的難度差異, 你可以在 5-0 或 0-2 碰到幾乎一樣難度的對手。 現在最重要的要素只是在對的時間拿到對的牌。 你能靠技術玩出的差異降低很多, 選牌也不需要甚麼思考, 反正之中也沒甚麼特別的。 Heartharena 讓你可以確保選牌不出差錯, 但即便沒有它你也幾乎都能選到正確的牌。 選牌機制不能說不好,但確實已經過時。 Theres alot of card games these days, and almost all those other card games do better job on the drafting mechancis than hearthstone does. I can draft pairs of cards, u have to pick bad cards, thats kind of interesting, or u get to keep the cards, so u have the dynamic of the value of the card itself, with sometimes a conflicting value in successful arena runs. Theres alot of really cool stuff u can do with drafting. Like hearthstone drafting is exactly the same as it was four years ago, its kind of dated, its a joke, all those factors dont really go into u doing well in arena, and theres just no ladder. So u can have an amazing deck, and u can play against an amazing deck at 0-0, thats always been the case, but then u can play against an amazing deck at 0-1, and that hasn't been the case that much. Then maybe u win one later maybe u are at 1-2, u can play against a deck that could get 12-0 in a decent day, at 1-2, not only that, it happens alot. Because these decks with hugely like win-more power level cards, like the Mage Deathknight lets say, that could be a deck that gets 12 wins fairly often, but he may have played 3 games and he didnt draw that one card, so he lost those games, and then u play against him and he draws that card, but ur at 1-2 with a bad deck, and u just got absolutely destroyed. So that is a really bad feeling i think they should address, it just needs to be more consistent. Your ability to play the game and ur experience needs to be leveraged more in arena then it is right now. 當今許多卡牌遊戲都有著比爐石更好的選牌機制。 其中變化多端, 有時好牌壞牌都得同時選下, 面向多元,有很多很酷的事可以做。 而爐石選牌機制四年來一模一樣已經是有點過時了, 選牌技巧跟你競技場的表現幾乎沒有相關連, 且根本沒有難易度的排序。 你可能有副很棒的牌在 0-0 同樣也遇到很厲害的牌, 這一直以來都會發生, 但之後你會在 0-1 也碰上很扯的牌,這在過去可就少見了, 而之後 1-2,你可能還會是遇到一些很扯的12勝牌組,且屢見不鮮。 因為這些牌組大都是大幅延續場優的卡, 像是一個有法師DK的牌組, 照理說可以拿個12勝, 但因為他前三把都沒抽到這單一卡片, 導致他輸掉幾場變得跟你 1-2 同戰績, 而你的牌組裡只有一堆糞卡,於是就被徹底摧毀了。 這是一個很糟的感覺, 我認為玩家技巧跟經驗需要得到更多的延伸。 A few of the others things i think are a bit problematic, is ur kind of punished for trying things. You're punished for doing the whole synergy card thing, but its more than that. They have the synergy picks and usually u try to make synergy happen, (Not always, theres actually some exceptions that are really good, like dragons actually are pretty damn good in some classes), but alot of times it doesn't work. Its like okay i want to have some fun i want to make a Jade deck, thats fun for some people trust me, and u might try to make a Jade deck. It doesnt work out u get stopped, or how about that it does workout, but its not quite on the same power level as lots of the other decks, so u don't play as many games as u would like. You know sometimes i get a deck with some really cool combos, and i know its not a very good deck, but im kind of disappointed because, i know im only gonna play like 4 or 5 games with that deck before its retired. Other games have arena modes where u just play a set number of games, and u get the rewards based on how many of those that u win. So in heathstone what if u just play like 10 games, no matter what, good deck or bad deck, u just play 10 games. So if u always play 10 games, what if just drafted some really crazy combo stuff, and winning might not be that big of a deal, because all u want to do is enjoy playing. Its hard to enjoy playing when the amount of play has to do with ur success, but the success is like hugely random. So that also kind of sucks. 其他一些競技場的毛病, 就是你似乎會因為想嘗試組一些協力的牌組而被懲罰, 你常常會想辦法湊可以搭配的牌, (除了少數時候像是某些職業配龍族有很好的效果外), 往往會搭配失敗。 假設我今天想要來玩翠玉德, 相信我有些人就會覺得翠玉德有趣, 後來發現不成了或者發現強度不夠, 導致能玩的場數很少。 有時我會組到一些很酷的 combo, 它雖然不是個好牌組, 但真正讓我難過的是, 我能玩這這麼酷的牌組的場次不多。 其他的遊戲你會要打的場數是固定的, 你會根據你這場數以內獲得的勝場來得到獎賞。 假設爐石你無論輸贏都能玩10場, 這樣你組了可以瘋狂 combo 牌組輸贏就沒這麼重要了, 因為你只是想找點樂趣。 當你能享受遊戲的時數仰賴你玩的好壞,而你玩的好壞又仰賴運氣時, 是一件挺鳥的事。 Overall arena i feel if it just gets some attention at the start of an expansion, or if it just gets a facelift of any kind, it can be a great game mode once again. Arena was my opinion the only real reason to play hearthstone for years alright, I never thought constructive was very good, Brawl's fun but its whatever, a new player experience, thats kind of fun for experienced players doing like free to play accounts on the side or stuff, but not really for new players. Theres many like side reasons to play Hearthstone, but arena has been great, and it has been great while getting like no attention, no patches, nothing. They just like dump whatever cards in there, and people try to have fun with them and that has worked, but there are a few issues right now, and things have gotten progressively worse to a point, that its actually making me enjoy the other game modes more... and yeah, sorry. I think they will do something pretty soon, i feel like i play enough of this game that kind of my feelings towards a certain aspect, usually are how other people feel. So if im playing less arena, probably a lot of other people are playing less in arena as well. 整體來說, 競技場只要在新版本得到一點重視,一點翻新, 就會重回那曾經很棒的遊戲模式。 競技場是我認為多年來唯一玩爐石的原因, 我從不認為構築很好, 亂鬥挺有趣但比較像是給有經驗的玩家一些不同體驗。 有很多不同原因會讓你想玩爐石, 而競技場一直以來都很棒, 且這麼棒的遊戲性是在沒有關照、沒有改版的情況下自然發生。 他們好像隨便有甚麼牌就直接丟到競技場, 讓玩家從中找點樂子而他們也確實成功了。 然而現在的競技場環境惡劣到反而讓我比較享受其他遊戲模式。 我認為暴雪近期會做出一些改變。 我覺得我對遊戲的熟稔已經足以反映大多數人的感受, 所以當我玩競技場的頻率變少, 大概也代表其他人也玩得變少了吧。 So u know Blizzard has those stats, like oh crap this expansion the arena population is dropped to like a third of what it was, maybe we should do something. So u know i think we'll have something, i just dont know how soon its gonna be, but i hope it comes in pretty damn soon, because i want to play not like the old school arena or whatever, u know im not try to reminisce here, but i want to play an arena where i can feel good about playing, win or lose, and i havent had that in this expansion. So yeah, let me know what u think, want to give u guys a game so u can kind of see the frustrations, just crazy decks at not very high wins, i get a really good deck, but yeah didnt high roll enough when it mattered, its nothing special, this is every other arena which im sure you probably experienced urself. Enjoy the game and ill see u guys tomorrow. 暴雪有這些玩家數據, 當他們發現競技場的人數只有以前的三分之一, 他們可能就會想做點事了。 所以我認為我們會得到些甚麼, 只是不確定甚麼時候, 希望能盡快就是了。 我不是想重回那老派的競技場, 也不是在追憶甚麼往事, 我只是希望競技場無論輸贏玩起來都能覺得有趣, 而我在這版本感受不到。 讓我知道你們怎麼想的, 附上的遊戲片段讓你們知道我大概在說甚麼。 就是一些瘋狂牌組,沒很多勝場, 我有個很不錯的牌組但需要運氣的時候剛好都沒來, 沒甚麼特別的,相信你們都有過類似的經驗。 觀賞愉快,我們明天見。 -- 大家好我是 Rextremistz, 喜好翻譯有趣的各領域影片跟文章, 若有人感興趣之內容想要翻譯,不吝站內信。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1507961277.A.E54.html
gipgip12 : 這版本完全沒摸競技場的路過,覺得沒玩是正確的 10/14 14:09
Despairile : 我只能說這板很痛苦 10/14 14:13
Trippinglove: 這版本玩的場次少很多 不知道為啥覺得不太想玩 10/14 14:14
Trippinglove: 上版本還不會啊阿阿 看來要AFK一段時間了 10/14 14:14
offdensen : 有了幼雛的經驗我們決定出戰馬跟藍龍人 10/14 14:16
Korsechi : 改成兩張一組去選好了 好牌有機會搭到爛牌 10/14 14:17
Despairile : 2張1組 SV表示:叫我? 10/14 14:17
pdexter : BabyRage 10/14 14:18
dss : 粉粉:運氣抱怨文,不爽不要玩 10/14 14:26
notsmall : 糞模式 10/14 14:29
newkuo : 戰馬和藍龍人本來就是兩張做壞的牌 10/14 14:30
jetstrike : BabyRage top deck 10/14 14:30
linceass : 確實啊 看看前幾天那篇 暴雪到底為什麼不平衡競技場 10/14 14:35
Sanco : Kripp現在改玩天梯 比較懷念他玩競技場 10/14 14:43
adasin : 上個版本就不玩了 只有天選之人 才能玩得起的競運場 10/14 14:44
ex990000 : 以前強卡威一兩回就不錯 現在是雪球滾到底 10/14 14:52
mymind : 555 755 DK,如果這三張你都沒選到,那我建議你直 10/14 14:59
mymind : 接選下一場,這就是現在的競技場 10/14 14:59
j0214ack : 沒kripp玩競技場實況都不知道要看什麼 10/14 15:00
ck574b027 : 我曾經選到4張龍人,可是我用的是薩滿 Kappa 10/14 15:22
xhakiboo : 不過為什麼他都有DK選啊~ 10/14 15:46
rhox : 他完全有資格說這個 10/14 15:48
sigmaL : 欸欸欸 班上高手明明說法師DK沒有強很多 10/14 16:03
akun710191 : Amaz反而變競技場玩家 知道為什麼了吧xd 10/14 16:12
kashy : 競技場真的需要被關心 QQ 10/14 16:14
smallGY : 這版本很快就膩了+1 10/14 16:15
maplenight : 這個版本我也是開了卡包打了100多場就沒打了 10/14 16:18
maplenight : 有點不是很有趣的感覺 10/14 16:18
jason840226 : 講這種事還需要資格哦...長見識了 10/14 16:25
Sunofgod : 法師DK在競技場超強阿 你班上高手是說天梯吧 10/14 16:41
DannyDrummer: 推翻譯 10/14 17:14
mymind : 法DK天梯的確不強阿,但是競技場可是絕望的化身呢.. 10/14 17:57
mymind : .. 10/14 17:57
Dolphtw : 杯鼻瑞舉 我的對手打出一張牌 北鼻瑞舉 10/14 18:05
oqangeloq : 翻譯推 10/14 18:25
ultradoublez: 會說法師DK不強有兩個原因 1是他們在說天梯 2是他們 10/14 18:33
ultradoublez: 沒打競技場 10/14 18:33
bluemei : SV競技場我覺得不錯 牌好壞都5場可以玩得很開心 10/14 18:59
bhmtkkk1234 : 我喜歡不論輸贏都能打10場這個想法,競技場該改革了 10/14 19:00
word324 : 可是無口說法師DK很弱耶 10/14 19:12
oqangeloq : 只是怕出不來而已,看到一樣會選 10/14 19:32
jason840226 : 法師dk的上限很恐怖,也不完全是無腦強,但絕對是競 10/14 19:43
jason840226 : 技場Top3的卡 10/14 19:43
hguei : 11-0和0-0 Bz感覺把勝率視為一樣,所以剛開打常常輸 10/14 19:43
shield : 其實不用擔心 就算再爛 只要推個冰霜節就有人氣了 10/14 19:56
zaza1128 : 感謝翻譯,我以前還會用競技場解有些沒強卡的職業 10/14 22:25
zaza1128 : 任務,現在連這樂趣也沒了,直接用開放解任務 10/14 22:25
zeroBB : 幼雛到現在都不禁 x你媽暴雪 10/14 23:02
eldar : 感覺是為了賣卡包,某些新單卡過強破壞平衡了 10/15 01:56
japanda : 解牌太少了 我建議末日預言者改成普通卡 王牌獵人 10/15 02:17
japanda : 改成殺5攻以上 還有op卡戰馬架了盾不能攻擊 幼雛取 10/15 02:17
japanda : 消風怒 龍人加1攻 先改這五張kripp就會繼續玩了~ 10/15 02:17
japanda : https://i.imgur.com/FVEDoEI.jpg 巨人賊~ 10/15 02:51
japanda : 2-3qq 10/15 03:09
dss : 競技場選白巨人... 10/15 05:31
ga6611220 : 翻譯推 10/15 11:36
vul3kuo : 主要是返場手段太少 4 5費拿不到場優大 大概就走遠 10/15 13:37
vul3kuo : 了 10/15 13:37
vul3kuo : 搞的現在都不敢選高費的優質生物 10/15 13:38
horse2819 : 我好像才選到一次法師dk..... 10/15 14:52
twinsppo : 選巨人 怪不得別人 10/15 18:53
sam86716 : 這版本競技場比安戈洛更不容易翻也更無聊是真的 10/15 21:00
sam86716 : 無口有說競技場法DK爛 ? 我常在看怎麼沒印象 10/15 21:02