看板 Hearthstone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kripp 在這次影片裡難得聊到私生活, 萬聖節是他跟老婆 Rania 結婚三周年, 他也藉這次機會曬曬恩愛, 主要告訴大家 Rania 也是兩人團隊很重要一份子, 以及 Rania 的出現對他人生有多麼巨大的改變。 -- Three Years of Rania 原影片:https://youtu.be/29fXJ2FVcag
How's it going, Kripparian here. Today I want to give you guys a special video for my special lady, Rania. 大家好,我是Kripp。 今天我想給大家一個不一樣的的影片, 關於我特別的女人, Rania。 So as some of you might know Rania is my wife. I have been married three years today in fact, and it has been an absolute life-changing experience, sharing myself, my life, everything that i am with Rania. The purpose of today's video is, I kind of want to bring this out more in the open. You guys know I am a person that I try to be open about everything that i do and that i am, but when it came to my personal life, I kind of just kept it to myself. I don't exactly know why. Kind of feared of criticism, kind of feared some harassment and all that, but I am pretty thick skin, Rania is up there with me as well, and we've kind of put ourselves out there a little bit more lately, to the point, where it seems that a lot of you guys, welcome to learn more about our life and our interaction, so I thought today I would do just this, and give you guys a bit of background, a bit of the story of how our lives have changed together, in these last few years. 有些人可能知道 Rania 是我老婆。 事實上我已經結婚三年了, 這真的是改變人生的經歷, 跟 Rania 分享著我的人生和關於我的一切。 今天的影片目的就是希望把我們之間的事更加公開。 你們知道我是一個試著坦然關於自己和我所做的一切事情的人, 但每當提到私生活, 往往都只留給自己, 我也不知道為什麼。 或許是害怕各種批判和騷擾, 但我其實滿厚臉皮的, 況且有 Rania 陪著我, 近期我們越來越常分享關於自己私底下生活的事, 而你們很多人似乎也對我們之間的互動感興趣, 所以想說今天就來好好分享一下我們的背景, 以及我們在一起之後人生的改變。 So Rania and I, we met when she added me on Skype. At the time, many years ago, my Skype was very easy to find, just you know, if you could figure it out, good for you. Some people did, I talked to a few random people, and I happen to be watching some crap movie that one night, kind of interruped seeing what else I could do, noticed someone added me on skype, that had a very nice face on their thumbnail. So you know, its a grill its a pretty face,, lets see whats up, and we immediately connected. 我和 Rania 認識是她當時偶然之下加了我的 Skype, 多年前我的 Skype 帳號很容易找到, 如果你們也有辦法找到,那很好。 有些人當時就加了我, 我也跟一些陌生人聊過天, 那天晚上我正在看一部糞片, 正想找個甚麼其他事來做的時候, 發現有個有著漂亮大頭貼的人加了我的 Skype。 你也知道,一個妹子有著一個漂亮臉蛋,不泡不行, 我們很快就建立了聯結。 We realized the connection we had together, sharing our thoughts, experiences, our lives essentially through the means of the interwebs, and after I don't know, after just a few weeks, we kind of expressed our love to each other, and I was planning on traveling to Germany for ESGN and fight nights, and I asked them to send me not back to Canada, but to Greece on their return flight, which they're obviously happy to do, because the flight was a lot cheaper and yeah, I kind of jumped in. I don't really have too much from my roots here in Canada, my parents are here, I have a few friends here, but you know at that time, and this is maybe half a year, a year after Hearthstone has come out, I was just doing the stream thing, spending at least a dozen hours every day in front of my computer, and that was my life. 經由這樣透過網路的認識, 我們發現彼此思維、經歷是那麼地契合, 殊不知幾個星期之後我們就表達了對彼此的愛意, 而我當時正準備要去德國參加 ESGN 的比賽, 我要主辦單位把回程機票從加拿大改成希臘, 他們也很樂意畢竟省了很多錢, 我就這樣踏入了這段緣分。 我沒有太多家鄉的根源束縛, 就我的父母跟一些朋友在這, 那時候爐石剛推出半年到一年左右, 我忙著開實況, 每天至少花十幾個小時在電腦前, 那就是當時的生活。 So if I could just go to Greece and do it there, I can just keep doing that, I only needed internet connection. At the time, Rania was teaching at the University in Athens, she is a PhD in computer science, so she knows all of that stuff, we used to make the joke of if the streaming doesn't work out anymore, if the Youtube doesn't work out anymore, we will go heavy-duty into botting. She has the coding side, and I have the game mechanics side of things down, but obviously you know, I don't think we'll ever need to go there, though that might be a fun experiment I suppose. In any case, being together, being very close to another for the first time, it was just a very, it was a life-changing experience for both of use, and we very quickly decided to hitch up I guess, get married. 所以如果我能在希臘開直播, 那地點對我來說沒有太大差別, 我只需要網路連線。 當時 Rania 在一間雅典的大學教書, 她是一位資訊工程系的博士, 很懂相關的東西, 我們很常開玩笑說如果直播沒辦法混餬口, 我們會全力研發程式機器人, 她負責寫程式, 我負責遊戲應用相關。 當然現在我想永遠不需要去做這件事了, 儘管或許會滿有趣的。 不管如何, 能在一起, 第一次那麼近距離相處, 對我們來說都是人生改變的經歷, 也促成我們很快決定定下終身。 We had to go through a lot of paperwork at the time, because as simple as it might sound, to just go to somewhere in the world and live there, do whatever you want. It doesn't exactly work that way, there's a lot of bureaucracy paperwork and bullshit involved in that, so we had to suffer alittle bit to get what we wanted. and we eventually got what we wanted once again on the, today 31th of October, Halloween. So after that, we've shared our lives, we decided after going around the world, going to all these events, seeing all these places, going around the world a few more times, to meet each other's families in Romania, in Canada, we decided to move to Canada, and in doing so, we had to change our lives once again. 我們當時得經過很多書面程序, 儘管隨心所欲去一個地方生活聽起來很簡單, 但事實並非如此, 有很多狗屁倒灶官僚瑣事摻雜其中, 我們必須為了我們想要的東西忍受這方面的折磨, 而我們最後也真的苦盡甘來, 就在10月31日, 萬聖節結婚了。 在那之後, 我們持續生活在一起, 在世界各地到處奔走, 參加各種遊戲佳節, 再到處走走, 在羅馬尼亞跟加拿大來回與彼此家人見面, 最終我們決定定居加拿大, 為此又重新改變了我們生活。 Rania can't be a teacher at a university in Greece, if we're going to be in Canada. At that point, we decided to put our last together in a situation that made sense. We decided to work together, in this making content on the internet thing, and of course we're doing it to this day. There's a lot of challenges though, its not that easy, even if you're married to someone, there's a whole process, there's a lot of stuff that has to do when you go from Greece to Canada, so we initiated that as soon as we could, and again, a lot of bureaucratic fun things involved. After a lot of that we decided to make the move, we came to Canada, we stayed with my dad for a few months, while the apartment that we were moving into was being ready, it should have been ready a lot sooner than it ended up being, but there were like construction delays and all that kind of stuff. 如果要去加拿大, Rania 就不能在希臘教書。 當時我們設想了一個最適情況的生存辦法。 我們決定一起來搞這網路內容的製作, 當然一直持續到了今日。 過程中有許多挑戰, 並非如此簡單, 就連結婚也要跑很多程序, 從希臘搬到加拿大也有很多手續要辦理, 我們也趕緊著手處理這些事情。 經過了許多無聊透頂的流程, 我們終於決定行動了, 來到加拿大時先跟我爸住了幾個月, 等候我們的公寓準備好, 它本來早就該完工, 但之中有許多工程延誤。 And yeah man, it was a really big thing for me, when we finally like had our own place, had our own apartment we actually owned. Before this whole streaming thing, before this whole like YouTube thing, my dream was to just have my own box somewhere, so I could play video games and be left alone, that was bout it. And obviously that is not exactly the dream that came true, but it was a better dream, and in all of this, in sharing my life with Rania, and realizing the things that we could do together, my dreams essentially have expanded. 有了我們自己的棲所對我來說是一件了不得的事, 能自己擁有一間公寓, 一個屬於我們的地方。 在這整個直播、YouTube生涯前, 我的夢想只不過是想埋首在一個封閉的空間, 不受人打擾一直打電動。 這夢想不盡然成真, 卻是以更美好的形式發生。 有 Rania 與我分享著彼此生活, 以及發現我倆能做的各種事情, 我的夢想也跟著拓展了。 Now I'm not the guy who's like one day I want to own a gold-plated Ferrari, neither of us are like that, but we do one day want to travel the world, we do want to get some fluffy doggies, and we wanted to get a nice house eventually, and those things are being completed. It hasn't been an easy ride, because Rania she spends, I don't know, like 10 12 hours a day, on the back end of YouTube, and the back end of streaming. I do the same, its very difficult to do anything else really, but we managed to do it, you know move in the apartment, do all the things that normal people do, that have weekends and time off and stuff which we clearly don't have. 我不是一個想擁有鍍金法拉力的人, 我們倆都不是那樣的人, 但我們確實有一天想環遊世界, 也確實想養個毛茸茸的狗狗, 我們也想要住個不錯的房子, 這些事都逐一成真了。 這並非是個簡單的過程, Rania 每天花10幾個小時在 YouTube 跟直播的後端, 我也一樣, 幾乎沒有時間去做別的事, 但我們想辦法克服時間的有限, 像是搬進了公寓, 做一些一般人會做的事, 周末休一些顯然沒在休的假諸如此類。 We eventually found a really nice property that we wanted to buy, but it needed a lot of work, so we hired the guys, we ran the project of renovating it, we were doing construction on the place for like 3 months, we were sleeping like 3 4 hours a day, wake up in the middle of the night, walk Dexter cause we just got him, cause we needed the security system for the new house that we were getting ready, and we head over here, talked to the guys, called the guys that weren't here, it..it has been some difficult times, but we persevered it because we've had each other through this time. 之後我們找到了一塊很不錯的地, 但需要很多整修, 於是我們雇了人,進行改造這塊土地的專案。 我們在工地幹了三個月的活, 每天只睡三四個小時, 半夜常常爬起來遛狗, 因為我們才剛養 Dexter, 需要訓練它來充當新屋的防盜系統, 另外還常常在工人之間來回斡旋, 諸如此類不容易的事, 我們熬了過來因為我們擁有彼此的陪伴。 These days, we've come really far, we have an amazing house, we have an amazing big doggie, and we have a pretty mediocre shithead little Corgi doggie too, but she's kind of cute sometimes, and yeah our dream of being able to spend time together and travel the world is coming closer, every single day that we work hard towards it. Rania does a lot of work that she isn't appreciated for very much, because a lot of you guys don't actually realize what she does. I see some other streamers and it's very obvious, but I don't know exactly why we've kept it private, but its time to kind of change that up. Some of you have seen Rania's Youtube channel, she shares a lot of the real life adventures that we experienced. With gardening, with greenhouse, some things we do with the doggies, and things we do outside, plants and trees and cooking, yeah, a lot of stuff. You guys are going to love that channel if you're into that stuff, I'll put a link for that below if you guys are interested. 我們一起走了很遠, 我們有個美麗的家, 有個美麗的大狗, 也有一個長得很矬的小狗, 但她有時候還是滿可愛的。 我們環遊世界的夢想也越來越接近, 透過的是我們每天的努力。 Rania 做很多沒有被看見的工作, 很多人甚至不知道她在做甚麼。 其他實況主也在做這類似分享的事, 我也不知道為什麼一直以來都把生活點滴留給自己而已, 該是時候改變它了。 你們有些人看過 Rania 的 YouTube 頻道, 她在那邊分享很多現實生活一起冒險的經驗。 包括園藝、溫室,跟狗狗的相處, 戶外活動、植栽、烹飪等各種不同的事物。 你們如果喜歡這類的內容鐵定會很喜歡她的頻道, 如果有人有興趣底下我放了連結。 But man, the daily work ethic that we have kept for a long time is really amazing. You guys know i do the streaming, I just have to do the streaming. I typically come up the ideas for the YouTube channel, because I'm the one streaming, I know what clips are better than other. Rania could do that, but she'd spend way more overtime if she did, but that's basically where my job ends. Yeah I view the reddit, I see the stream to see what other people are doing, in terms of content creation, so its like I'm trying to keep up with that. 然而長時間我們每天投入的工作精力真的很驚人。 你們知道我負責直播, 我必須要直播。 大多情況我會想好放上頻道的點子, 因為是我在開實況, 所以我知道哪些片段優於其他。 Rania 也可以做這件事, 但她會比我花更大量的時間去做, 而我的工作也差不多到此。 另外我還會去看 Reddit, 也會去看其他實況主在做些甚麼內容, 這些是我要去追蹤的。 Rania is always doing that as well, but she's the one doing these videos, if you've watched a video on this channel, you have seen her work, you have seen her editing videos. Originally I wanted my content to be, I never wanted to hire an editor, because I wanted the content to be mine, but our lives are the same, our lives are intertwined, they're one. When Rania makes a very sweet YouTube video, I get pride from that, I'm proud of her for doing a great job, and yeah sometimes my salt doesn't help, but yeah the editing is seemless enough that you may not notice sometimes hopefully. Rania 同樣會去看其他實況主在做甚麼, 但同時影片的製作也都是她負責。 如果你看過這頻道上的影片, 那你就看過她剪的東西。 我想要我的內容專屬於我, 所以沒有用專門剪輯的人, 但因為 Rania 跟我共享如一, 可以說是生命共同體, 每當她做了一個很棒的影片, 我也會感到驕傲, 我玩遊戲的酸言酸語影響了影片質量, 也或許透過片段的修剪讓你有時得以忽略了它。 So she does a lot of that, she does all the organizing, I don't even know what I'm doing like next week, next video, I don't know. She's the one keeping track and making sure that we are on point, on schedule, don't miss a thing, with you guys, with YouTube, with trips like the one we're about to have for Blizzcon, with sponsors with promo deals, with a lot of that stuff. There's a ton of work that's in the back end you guys don't see that has to do with, yeah, promo deals, sponsors, events, issues that come up. This is hours and hours and hours of work every single day that she does that keeps us going, that allows us to do better, and it also gives us a lot more security, so I didn't really, I kind of took this for granted a little bit. 她做很多這類的事, 她負責整頓的工作, 我甚至不知道下個影片要做甚麼。 保持進度,確定事情照著計畫走都是她在維繫, 包含與觀眾互動、YouTube、Blizzcon 這類的行程、贊助商, 背後有太多要處理的事情。 然而因為這些都是檯面下的事你們看不見, 不管促銷活動、贊助商、活動賽事。 這些都需要每天多少小時的工作才能讓我們持續前進。 這讓我們得以把事情做得更好, 也給了我們更多保障, 而我有點把它視為理所當然, But I know there was like a YouTube apocalypse, somewhat recently where ad revenue just tanked like crazy. Well something like that happened, it wouldn't even really change anything that we would do. It wouldn't matter. If our ad revenue on YouTube would go away, it would suck because we would like to make more money doing the same thing, but we would do the same thing, we are able to do that, because we have sweet sponsors, we have good deals going on all the time, and we're consistent, people realize that, and Rania figures all that out so we can make it work together. 最近 YouTube 大幅調整廣告收益鬧得沸沸揚揚, 創作人從影片能賺到的錢被嚴重打擊到。 即便這種事發生也不太會改變我們現在做的事。 如果我們 Youtube 上能賺的錢沒了, 那挺糟的,畢竟我們還是想做一樣的事同時維持收入, 但我們還是會繼續做下去, 因為還有廠商優渥的贊助, 一直以來都有不錯的合同在跑, 我們在這圈子也一直保持活躍, 大家也都知道, 這一切的一切都得拜 Rania 所賜。 And yeah that's the story, give you guys a few more stories, but I kind of want to wrap up this video, and just wrap it up. I've met the love of my life, I've moved my life forward to a point where after a bit more work I guess, I can be very happy, I am very happy. I'm very happy I have her, I hope you guys can at least acknowledge and share that experience with us, I love you Rania, thanking you for watching, and I'll see you guys tomorrow. 故事大概就是這樣, 原本想給大家更多故事, 但我想做個結尾了。 我遇到了一生的摯愛, 我也讓人生到了一個再努力一點, 就能非常非常快樂的階段。 能跟 Rania 在一起非常幸福, 我希望大家能了解並跟我們共享這份喜悅。 Rania我愛你, 謝謝各位收看,下次見。 -- -- 大家好我是 Rextremistz, 喜好翻譯有趣的各領域影片跟文章, 若有人感興趣之內容想要翻譯,不吝站內信。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1510385887.A.7E8.html
soalzelance : 閃三小 11/11 15:41
ggloser : 這篇文有點不應景 11/11 15:41
arm360arm : 推翻譯 11/11 15:42
DCTmaybe : 你知道今天什麼日子嘛!? 11/11 15:43
winters1219 : 1111po這種文,是想決鬥嗎 11/11 15:43
Jongs : 日期正確 11/11 15:43
rhox : <3 11/11 15:44
a455095s : 閃 11/11 15:44
yushenglu : 玩爐石怎麼會有老婆 11/11 15:46
jfrma97 : 哈哈 這篇文章日期錯誤 11/11 15:46
kavengany : WOW 漂亮的博士老婆 11/11 15:48
silver5566 : 生活 11/11 15:49
a125g : PO在這 一堆肥宅要被閃死惹 11/11 15:50
cocola : 幹 11/11 15:51
orion1991830: Never lucky 11/11 15:51
a1773042 : 幹 什麽日子 Po這三小文 11/11 15:54
HSEggTarT : 幹,1111 11/11 15:55
potionx : 除了爐石點薄弱之外沒什麼問題 11/11 16:00
u937121672 : 尊重 包容 友善 11/11 16:00
ALJAZEERA : 幹 11/11 16:03
q2520q : cd樓下幫噓 11/11 16:07
Ahri123 : 棒 11/11 16:10
vincent30708: 推翻譯 眼睛要瞎啦RRRRR 11/11 16:11
cm751298 : 1111起來 11/11 16:11
amen123 : 1111 11/11 16:12
hermionex : 2 11/11 16:12
coldlight07 : 乾閃爆 11/11 16:12
anjohn : 上次有看,超甜的一支影片 11/11 16:13
yann03250325: 幫你噓,可是我也有女友>.o 11/11 16:14
rainxo6p : 難得不是salty耶XF 11/11 16:18
zxf123 : 原來他早就結婚了!!! 希望有天能看到他的BabyRage 11/11 16:19
haleyye : 女生讀到資工博士是神人... 11/11 16:21
raymond0001 : 推 11/11 16:22
DiWhite : 忌妒噓 11/11 16:24
a110002211 : 還我噁心爐石板 11/11 16:25
penta : 單身肥宅崩潰 11/11 16:25
smallpig0903: 我還以為躲到噁心爐石板就沒事了T_T 11/11 16:28
iamstrapless: 空白文 劣退....嗚嗚 11/11 16:29
joe199277 : 幹好閃 好啦給祝福 11/11 16:34
lightstalk : 資工博士PogChamp 11/11 16:36
ianenix : 乾QQ 11/11 16:39
jacky1227890: 稿費拿來治眼睛 11/11 16:40
zjes40604 : 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚 11/11 16:43
rogerkidd : 紅色喜氣 順便QQ 11/11 16:45
dichenfong : :( 11/11 16:48
DOGGYBEAR : 太閃了QQ 11/11 16:50
swallow0327 : 不應景,幫補血 qq 11/11 16:50
linceass : 我記得上次看實況 打到一半他老婆跑過來喇激 11/11 16:50
chuckni : 紅的喜氣QQ 11/11 16:56
stfang925 : 空白文 還不桶 11/11 17:02
s1003352 : 棒 11/11 17:08
sj455053 : 幹你老師秀3小,我要寄刀片 11/11 17:17
crazypeo45 : 很神奇的是兩個人都是吃素的 11/11 17:18
crazypeo45 : 你一定是故意的對不對 雖然這影片也沒有很久就是了 11/11 17:22
mymind : 閃爆 (*_*) 11/11 17:22
askkh189 : 幹.. 11/11 17:28
harry886901 : 11/11 17:36
EdgeFlame : 覺得被閃QQ 11/11 17:46
Aggro : 今天這日子發這種文 擺明不給面子QAQ 11/11 17:50
iamdemonic : 閃起來 11/11 17:53
Sunofgod : QQ 11/11 17:54
EEEEEEEnd14 : 22222222222222222222222222222 11/11 18:08
amsterdamDK : 翻譯給推 啦。 不過有夠閃 11/11 18:18
gipgip12 : 翻譯給推,不過kripp賺很多吧? 11/11 18:22
elmoman : 今天是1111但看在是Kripp 淚推 11/11 18:23
YHank : 靠噁心遊戲把妹DansGame 11/11 18:30
asdfadsl : 閃閃的給推www 11/11 18:35
donnyk678943: vegan life LUL 11/11 18:37
dogbydog : never lucky????????????? 11/11 18:38
brian21201 : 版主在睡? 11/11 18:39
yowhatsupsli: 閃三小,我的眼睛流淚了你要負責嗎? 11/11 18:52
DCTmaybe : 無關爐石 11/11 19:01
justakidd : 資工博士...超神 11/11 19:21
octboy1978 : 閃個 11/11 19:32
jaspergod : 嗚嗚嗚嗚1111 11/11 19:38
Playorange : 虐死單身狗1111111111 11/11 20:00
s8900117 : 推翻譯 11/11 20:29
Nojudge : 吃飽太撐 11/11 20:35
S890127 : kripp才剛30歲 就有房有老婆有兩隻狗狗 11/11 20:58
starcraftiii: 資工博士!!!!也太猛了 11/11 21:03
MadAdipose : 閃三小,不過還是給推 11/11 21:13
orange6764 : ……… 11/11 21:49
bestteam : 放閃文 11/11 22:13
notsmall : 超閃 11/11 22:24
mike42 : QQ 11/11 23:06
Sunofgod : 論工時他可是每天超長工時耶 11/11 23:23
std92050 : ZZ 11/11 23:29
JohnnyWalker: 好閃Q__Q 11/11 23:47
jk842323 : 平衡 11/12 03:38
bbbyes123 : 版主快做事好嗎 單身狗怒噓Q____Q 11/12 06:07
f222051618 : 炫耀文 XD 11/12 09:55
ihavemoney : 翻譯給推 11/12 13:48
ck574b027 : 做一些一般人會做的事 Kappa 11/12 14:47
eric30215 : ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■電腦壞了? 11/12 16:05
waloloo : 資工博士又是老師QQ 11/12 18:45
eas06u4 : 噁心 11/12 19:47
nighthunt : 推翻譯 11/12 19:55
zaza1128 : 博士,太強了 11/12 20:02
annboy : 沒想到rania 這麼有料 11/12 21:48
steven851207: 羨慕推 11/13 01:37
Plasticine : 老婆等於經紀人 11/13 15:41
a8504265556 : 羨慕這種生活.... 11/13 17:50
kenny830724 : 都快閃瞎我的狗眼了 11/14 06:53