看板 Hiking 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Gigi Wu: 'Bikini hiker' dies on solo Taiwan climb despite search efforts from BBS News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46955645#_=_ A Taiwanese hiker known for posting bikini clad photos from mountain summits has died after falling into a ravine during a solo trek. Gigi Wu managed to contact emergency services but bad weather delayed rescue operations, local media reports say. 一位以在峰頂拍攝穿著比基尼照片而為人知的登山者, 在獨自的徒步登山中因為墬落山溝而失去性命。 據當地媒體報導,Gigi Wu設法連繫緊急救援,但惡劣天氣推遲了救援行動 The 36-year-old is thought to have died of hypothermia. 被認為是失溫帶走了36歲的生命 She was a popular figure on social media and messages on her Facebook pages pay tribute to her as an inspirational hiker. 她已是社群網路上的熱門人物, 在她的臉書頁面上有著許多因她作為一位鼓舞人心的登山者而表達致敬的留言 Ms Wu was alone on a multi-day tour in Yushan National Park, home to Taiwan's highest peaks which reach almost 4,000 metres (13,000 ft), the reports say. 據報導,吳小姐在玉山國家公園進行了一個獨自多日的登山行程, 這裡有著高度接近4000公尺的台灣最高峰。 While she was famous for posting pictures of herself in bikinis from summits, she was an experienced hiker, appearing to use proper equipment and precautions during her expeditions. 雖然她因為自己的比基尼登頂照片而出名,但同時她也是一位經驗豐富的登山者, 在探險期間似乎也有使用了適當的設備與安全預防措施。 According to Taiwan News, bad weather had prevented a rescue helicopter from reaching her three times. A rescue mission was eventually sent out on foot. 根據台灣媒體報導,惡劣的天氣三次阻止了直升機救援任務, 最終派出了地面救援部隊。 Her body was found on Monday after temperatures had been around freezing point during the previous night, the Liberty Times cited rescue operators as saying. 自由時報報導,她的遺體在星期一被發現, 並且在前一晚溫度已經下降到了接近冰點。 On 24 December, she had already posted a picture of her legs badly bruised writing in the comment that she slipped from the path and easily could have fallen further. 12月24日,她在一張照片動態的留言裡, 張貼了一張她的腿因為失足而進一步滑落受傷的照片 In a 2018 interview cited in Focus Taiwan, she said she first had the idea of posting bikini photos after losing a bet with a friend. 而在Focus Taiwan 2018年的一次採訪中,她也提到,因為跟朋友打賭輸了, 才開始有了張貼比基尼照片的想法。 Her last Facebook post to her more than 18,000 followers is dated 18 January and shows the view from a mountain above the clouds. 她最後一篇在有著1萬8千名粉絲的臉書貼文,是1月18日在那雲層之上的山景。 More than 1,000 people have since commented. Many posts were following the dramatic rescue operation, when it was not clear whether she was still alive. Later comments express their condolences, applauding her for having been an inspiration to the hiking community. 她最後一篇在有著1萬8千名粉絲的臉書貼文,是1月18日在那雲層之上的山景。 在生死未卜、搜救行動還在進行的時候,這篇文章湧入了超過一千則的留言為她祈福, 而後來的評論,也表達了他們的哀悼。 One fan, Michelle Tang, wrote on Facebook: "Beautiful and brave little G… thank you for letting everyone see your beautiful scenic photos." 粉絲 Michelle Tang在臉書寫下: 「美麗且勇敢的 G哥,謝謝妳為所有人捎來那美妙的山林照片」 Another, Senzhong Shaoxian, wrote: "Gigi, thank you for filling us all with happiness - I wish you happy travels." Senzhong Shaoxian也寫下: 「G哥,謝謝妳為我們帶來的那些快樂,願妳旅途安詳愉快」 ---- 本文可無斷轉載 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hiking/M.1548176991.A.8B5.html
adansonia: wish you happy travels 01/23 01:16
gmoz: 相較台灣嗜血媒體,BBC為我們展現了什麼是中立報導。 01/23 01:18
chilahachila: 等等有個垃圾又會來留言了 01/23 01:21
sallytai: 我留言但我不是廢物Q 01/23 04:52
sallytai: 推BBC 01/23 04:52
jessica35354: 推 01/23 05:34
yueling98: 台灣的媒體,如果不下聳動的標題,如何騙點閱率 01/23 06:40
sunkiss5566: 這些文章看多了 有點心疼 01/23 07:00
oceanlove: R.I.P 01/23 07:08
dododoremi: 好的報導應該是這樣鼓舞人心才對 01/23 07:20
s813141: 我們的媒體只會找民俗專家表示 =_= 01/23 07:49
pc2990: BBC耶 01/23 07:55
有官方中文版囉,這是中文原文 https://goo.gl/FK33FC 內容敘述更詳細 ※ 編輯: gmoz (, 01/23/2019 08:48:38
blackbrid: 這才是新聞的本質,報導真相,而不是當製造業 01/23 08:56
LsVCheN: 這才有看的價值 01/23 09:03
deerdriver: 前面也有些報導還ok啊 而且英文也是用比基尼登山客 01/23 09:09
deerdriver: 有差這麼多嗎XD 01/23 09:09
jessica35354: 指的應該是請民俗專家講解、騷擾當事人鄰居那幾篇吧 01/23 09:13
dreaminc: 我以為會寫G BROTHER 01/23 09:48
deerdriver: 樓上這太台式英文 不合BBC的水準吧XD 01/23 09:52
gmoz: 是有幾篇報的中立 不過蠻多就是刻意重口味拉點閱率的QQ 01/23 10:10
PsMonkey: G-Brother 用台語去解讀實在不太好聽 Orz 01/23 10:21
kokunmai: 01/23 10:26
dreaminc: 以前政大也有位B BROTHER 還行啦 01/23 11:15
wu0h96: 推有素質的報導 01/23 14:56
blueberrytv: 台灣的不是新聞是八卦雜誌吧 01/23 19:01
Trippinglove: Time也報導了 https://i.imgur.com/gnEBQt6.jpg 01/23 19:29