看板 Hip-Hop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
正如TMZ報導和司法部所證實的,Lil Wayne已對一項罪名成立,稱被定罪的重罪犯非法擁 有槍支彈藥罪名成立。最初的指控源於2019年12月的事件,在此事件中,當局在韋恩的私 人飛機抵達邁阿密-奧帕洛克航空行政機場時對其進行了搜查,發現韋恩的行李中攜帶 鍍金手槍 韋恩(Wayne)的宣判聽證會定於2020年1月28日進行。他認罪,最高可判處10年的 聯邦徒刑。 Pitchfork已與Lil Wayne的代表兼律師Howard Srebnick取得聯繫,以尋求評論和更多信息。 Lil Wayne has pled guilty to one count of illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon, as TMZ reports and the Department of Justice confirms. The original charge stemmed from a December 2019 incident,in which authorities searched Wayne’s private plane upon its arrival at Miami-Opa locka Executive Airport and discovered that he was transporting a gold- plated handgun in his luggage. Wayne’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for January 28, 2020. The charge he’ s pled guilty to carries a maximum federal prison sentence of 10 years Pitchfork has reached out to Lil Wayne’s representative and attorney Howard Srebnick for comment and more information. https://i.imgur.com/aI0lZI2.png
新聞來源:https://reurl.cc/Q3vMLb -- 我太聰明了,聰明到我遇到事情 第一個想法就是:知難而退 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hip-Hop/M.1607758155.A.C3F.html ※ 編輯: AC1246897 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2020 15:30:47
Linus0807: 慘啊拜託沒事 12/12 19:56
yes4568526: ?????真的假的 12/12 21:27
slimak: 他之前就被關過了 12/13 01:20
a879211997: 美國法老 12/13 03:44
akirachen100: 果然種族歧視是真的 12/13 10:13
akirachen100: 只敢抓lil wayne不去抓更離譜的Bruce wayne 12/13 10:13
f860506: 慘 12/13 13:06