看板 Hip-Hop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
翻譯轉至blibli Palestine has been occupied for decades, 巴勒斯坦已被占領數十載, but our home for centuries. 但這是我們數世紀之久的家園, This land is generations of my familys memories, 這是我們家幾代的留下回憶的土地 to play and grow and nurture, the symbol of peace, 我們在這玩耍,在這長大,在這培育和平的象征(橄欖), the olive trees guaranteed that our people could eat 那些橄欖樹給我們帶來食物 Living with limitations, pushed down by the occupation. 生活在枷鎖中,被占領者推倒 Want to see the pain? 想看看這傷痛? Take a look at the peoples faces. 看看人們的臉就好 Imagine being kicked out of the only house you ever known, 想象一下被踢出你唯一的房屋 Were praying on our own, while they are preying on our homes. 我們在為自己祈禱,他們將我們的房屋推倒 Its not easy to book the sin to wars. 記錄戰爭的罪惡並不容易 Looking at my baby sister, is this something she deserves? 看著我的妹妹,她難道應當受此折磨? Growing up in a world where shes not treated the same. 生活在一個不被平等對待的世界里 Denied the right to live free, because of where she came. 被剝奪自由生活的權利,僅僅由於她出生的土地 They want to occupy this land, wont let them occupy my mind. 他們想占領這片土地,但他們無法掌控我的思想 I stay occupied aside, as I write about my life. 我將占領擱置一旁,寫下關於我人生的故事 Because my only mission, is to make people listen. 因為我唯一的任務,是讓世人聽聞 This ones for (我阿拉伯語水平有限沒聽懂), hoping they can make a difference. 這首歌獻給()希望他們能帶來改變 Cause the same thing happened in 48(第一次以阿戰爭), my grandparents got evicted and forced to go away, to the refugee camp. 48年時?生了同樣的事,我的祖父母被驅逐趕入,難民營中 But Gaza knows nothing has changed, they can never return, so this is where I am today. 加沙一切從未改變,他們也無法回來,而我則淪落到今天這步 Getting calls from cousins to see if I am alive. 接到堂兄弟的電話看看我是不是還活著 The (沒聽清)is not fireworks that are lighting the sky. 點亮天空的不是煙火 Were trying to celebrate al-Eid(這兩天正好穆斯林在過節)and keep the faith. 我們只想歡度節日,堅定我們的信仰 I guess you can see sound memories are made. 我想你能看到這里留下了怎樣的回憶 Palestine(其實是阿語的?音) 巴勒斯坦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hip-Hop/M.1621529439.A.1DC.html
OPPAISuki: 哀 戰爭的慘忍 希望台灣不要也成為戰場 但很難回頭了 05/21 01:20
OPPAISuki: DPP操作仇中 把台灣推向戰爭邊緣 遲早2岸也是要打仗的 05/21 01:22
Luvsic: 想侵略對方的可不是台灣 05/21 13:19