看板 Hornets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Charlotte Hornets rookie Frank Kaminsky picks up on NBA nuances 菜鳥球員Kaminsky瞭解了NBA跟大學籃球的差異了 http://tinyurl.com/nsym4m5 There’s an axiom in basketball that relates to the difference in duration between the college and NBA shot clocks. 關於大學籃球跟NBA的差異有句名言是這樣說的 It goes: The most selfish thing you can do in a college game is take the first open shot. And the most selfish thing you can do in an NBA game is not take that shot. 大學籃球: 最自私的行為, 就是第一次空檔機會就直接出手 NBA 籃球: 最自私的行為, 就是第一次空檔機會卻不出手 So when Charlotte Hornets rookie Frank Kaminsky made one of six attempts against the Chicago Bulls on Monday, coach Steve Clifford’s only reaction was keep letting it fly. 當上一場Kaminsky只有投6中1時, 教頭Clifford只淡淡的說沒關係 Clifford likes Kaminsky’s skill set, particularly his shooting range beyond the NBA 3-point line. So it’s highly unlikely you’ll hear Clifford admonish Kaminsky for shooting too much. 教頭喜歡Kaminsky的身手, 特別是他的三分能力, 所以你幾乎不會聽到Clifford抱怨卡明 司機出手太多次 He’s still adjusting from the 35-second shot clock he played under at Wisconsin, versus the 24-second NBA clock. 他還在適應從大學籃球每次35秒進攻時間到NBA的24秒 “’I think there are some things I may have passed up, but if you watched me in college, I always worked for the best shot possible,” Kaminsky said. “ Now in the NBA, when you’re open you’ve got to let it go. That’s an adjustment in itself. Those are things that will just have to come with the progression of time.” 他說:"我想有些東西是我或許得放棄的, 但若你有看我在大學的比賽, 你會發現我總是會 在最好的出手時機出手; 但在NBA, 只要一有空檔你就得立刻出手, 這是我需要做的調適 , 這些都是得隨著時間一起改進的東西 Re-evaluating when to shoot and when to pass is a classic rookie transition from college. 重新衡量什麼時候該出手 & 什麼時候該傳球, 是NBA菜鳥的大課題 “You can run through an entire set in college and still have extra time left over,” Kaminsky said. “In the NBA the ball doesn’t move from side-to-side as many times. It can’t (because of the shorter shot clock), so when you get a good shot you’ve got to let it go.” 他說:"大學籃球, 你可以完整的跑完整個戰術後還有足夠時間出手, 但NBA球不會流動那 麼多次也沒辦法這樣做, 所以在NBA當你一有出手機會你就得立刻出手才行 Kaminsky has logged 107 minutes over the Hornets’ 6-0 start this preseason. He hasn’t shot well overall (33.3 percent), but his 38.5 percent from 3-point range (5-of-13) is one of the reasons the Hornets selected him ninth overall in last June’s NBA draft. 黃蜂這次熱身賽的6場全勝中,Kaminsky總共打了107分鐘, 雖然命中率不太理想只有33.3% , 但他三分線上13中5的38.5%命中率則是黃蜂以第九順位選中他的原因 A 7-footer with that sort of shooting range forces opposing big men to stray from the lane defensively and will open space for center Al Jefferson to post up or guards to drive to the rim. 7尺高卻有著這樣射程的他, 會把對手的大個子吸引到外圍, 然後替Al創造出進攻空間 Kaminsky is transitioning from playing center at Wisconsin to playing power forward in the NBA. Clifford said Kaminsky has made significant progress in the last 1½ weeks with the nuances of the pro game. 同時Kaminsky也還處在從大學時打中鋒到現在轉為PF的調整過程, Cliff說他進步很快 “He’s really starting to get it,” Clifford said. “He played well (against the Bulls).He did a lot of the little things that he’s going to need to do to play consistently – like defensive rotations and his screening. It wasn’ t good in the first half and was good in the second half. Cliff說:"他真的掌握到要領了, 對公牛他打得很好也做了很多他那位置需要做的許多小 細節來讓他自己打得更穩定, 像是防守的輪轉 & 卡位, 雖然上半場不太好旦下半場就能 打得好了 “He has such a skill level that once he gets into the details, he’ll put so much pressure on the defense.” Kaminsky有著高水準的技巧, 只要許多小地方都能做到的話他在防守上會極其出色 And as far as shot selection? 至於出手選擇這點呢? “I think he gives up too many shots,” Clifford said. Cliff對此表示:"我認為他放過太多次出手機會了" Kaminsky appreciates he still has lots to learn. 當事人也認同他仍有許多需要學習的地方 “There are always things you’re naturally good at and other things you have to work on to become better at,” Kaminsky said. “Defensive rotations were one of those things – just picking up on the small things by watching Marvin (Williams) and Cody (Zeller).” 他說:"總有些事情是你自然就擅長的, 也總有些是得透過努力來讓自己更好的地方, 像是 防守的輪轉就是其中之一, 透過觀察Marvin Williams跟Cody Zeller的比賽我漸漸的瞭解 我該提升的是哪些了. -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hornets/M.1445408334.A.416.html
barbeilt: 啊....貼了才發現廿分鐘前大大也翻譯了...Orz 10/21 14:38
k5a: 感謝翻譯 雖然樓下有一篇了 10/21 14:38
djviva: 英雄所翻譯...略同? 哈哈哈 10/21 15:45
sasolala: 感謝分享 10/21 23:43
gn025: 仔細看他的腳步 真的有大前可以吃對方的能力 10/22 12:19