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標題: Germany does not want to ban Huawei from 5G networks -minister ( 德部長:德國不想禁止華為參與5G網路 ) 新聞來源: (須有正確連結) Reuters https://goo.gl/9NM1tJ BERLIN, March 7 (Reuters) - Germany does not want to ban Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei Technologies from building its 5G networks, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said on Thursday, adding that Berlin would tighten security criteria for all vendors instead. ( 德國經濟部長Peter Altmaier週四表示,德國不希望禁止中國電信設備製造商華為公司 建設其5G網絡,並補充說柏林將收緊所有供應商的安全標準。) Asked on a ZDF television talk show if the government plans to bar Huawei from the upcoming 5G auction due to concerns over the global market leader’s ties to the Chinese government, Altmaier said: “No, we will not want to exclude any company.” (在德國電視二台(ZDF)的一檔節目上,當被問及政府是否擔憂華為與中國政府關係,因 而禁止華為參加即將到來的5G頻譜拍賣時,Altmaier說:“不,我們不想排除任何公司。 ”) But the government will change the law to ensure that all components used in the 5G networks will be secure and that there will be no violations against data protection rules, he added. (但他補充說,政府將修改法律,以確保5G網絡中使用的所有組件都是安全的,並且不會 違反數據保護規則。) Altmaier also said that the government would not use its increased veto powers to fend off foreign takeovers in this case because the construction of the 5G network was not an issue of a merger or an acquisition. (Altmaier還表示,在此案中,政府不會動用其否決權來阻止外資收購,因為5G網絡建設 並不是一個有關併購的問題。) Germany earlier on Thursday set tougher criteria for vendors supplying telecoms network equipment, stopping short of singling out China’s Huawei Technologies for special treatment and instead saying the same rules should apply to all vendors. (當天早些時候,德國對電信網絡設備供應商設定了更嚴格的標準,沒有將華為單獨列為 特殊對象,而是說同樣的規則應該適用於所有供應商。) The announcement follows months of debate over whether to side with the United States and some allies in barring Huawei from 5G networks due to security and espionage concerns. (此前由於安全和間諜問題,一直存在著爭論是否要與美國和盟友一起阻止華為進入5G網 絡。數個月後,德國做出這項聲明。) ※每日每人發文、上限量為十篇,超過會劣文請注意 ⊕標題選用"新聞",請確切在標題與新聞來源處填入,否則可無條件移除(本行可移除) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IA/M.1552027989.A.572.html